baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

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the best stuff comes from hearts and hands

Thursday, November 29th, 2007

I’m wiped out today. Just a lot going on lately. But recently I have been getting some wonderful packages in the mail from friends. I have to post some of them here because they’re lovely and special. Homemade/handmade gifts are truly delightful as are the people who made them. I’m lucky to have such a jolly and creative lot for friends. They royally kick ass.

pomegranate syrup, jelly, mulberry jelly, and scuppernong jelly

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food in ski resort towns

Saturday, September 29th, 2007

…sucks unless you pay out the nose (and then it’s still not worth what you paid).

We are in a ski resort town tonight. I dragged Jeremy and dog out for the weekend to shoot the fall colors. It’s beautiful out here. There is nothing to report food-wise other than I cannot wait to get home to a decently prepared meal again.

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it’s good now

Friday, August 3rd, 2007

I felt like total crap this morning. Allergies strike again. I gave my health care provider a call and they put me on the line with a pharmacist who rattled off a list of 6 over the counter meds I could try to relieve my symptoms. I love that woman!

Down in Boulder I met with Beth and Nicole for lunch at Il Pastaio which was awesome. The food was great and we caught each other up before Beth had to get back to work – her last full day before going part-time.

beth and nic humor me before tucking into lunch

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