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archive for May 2009


Monday, May 4th, 2009

Recipe: roasted pepper, prosciutto, and goat cheese tart

Flowers are blooming down in Boulder. That is typical for this time of year. The tulips are on grand display on Pearl Street right now. So many colors and varieties. I went back to catch some in the rain Sunday evening.

but how do they keep the deer away?

love this purple

The tulips are no surprise. I’ll tell you what was a surprise… last Tuesday, Jeremy and I took Kaweah on a walk and scoped for flowers. None. Still early. On Saturday, we did the same walk in the rain and found the first pasque flowers emerging from the pine litter. They always bloom first up here, and they are a curious flower – short, low to the ground, but the flower itself is quite large and pretty neat. Thus we begin the start of the wildflower season!

a few days old, tops

**Jump for more butter**

this day in may

Friday, May 1st, 2009

The first of May is such a happy day. It ushers in a good mood. People make plans. Plants are having sex (hence all of the flowers). Hummingbirds appear around our house. The first of every month, Jeremy tells me he’s glad he met me. Well, he tells me that all the time, but it’s always special.

the world opens up

Anyone who has followed use real butter for more than a year might recall that today is the anniversary of my sister’s unexpected passing. It’s been five years and I still miss her. She was my best friend. That makes May 1 sort of bittersweet.

kris and my nephew (photo by elena yang)

My last words to Kris were, “I love you too.” That is how we always ended a conversation. Always. I suggest you let the people dear to you know that you love them. Today. Perhaps now if you’re so inclined. If you can tell them every day, that is even better. xxoo