baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

copyright jennifer yu © 2004-2023 all rights reserved: no photos or content may be reproduced without prior written consent

time to give(away)

Recipe: green chile hush puppies

It’s been quite a production these many days, cranking out cookies and confections for distribution. I’m nearly done and boy am I happy about that! The baking sheets and cooling racks are in heavy rotation and I won’t divulge the pounds of butter, sugar, eggs, flour, and chocolate I’ve plowed through in the past week. Thankfully, they’ve begun marching out of the house and into the hands of happy recipients.

chocolate chip cookies cooling


these went out tuesday afternoon

Tuesday was Kaweah’s birthday, but we had so much going on in Boulder that we didn’t get a chance to celebrate properly. So what better excuse than to host a giveaway in the pup’s honor? After all, she IS the official random number generator of this blog.

and official plush toy disembowler

It just so happens that my mentor, renowned landscape and nature photographer Michael Frye, has published his first ebook: Light and Land: Landscapes in the Digital Darkroom. In the book, Michael walks the reader through his digital post processing workflow in great detail on five of his stunning images. Michael uses Adobe Lightroom for his post proc, but the methods presented are applicable to any image processing software.

Now I’m sure some people are thinking that they don’t need a nature photography book because they shoot something other than nature. I cannot emphasize enough how much nature photography has influenced and improved my food photography, event photography, and well… photography in general. I can pretty much guarantee that Michael will teach you something you don’t know that will change the way you think about making a photograph. I spent one day with the gentleman in Yosemite and within the first hour he was challenging me to push my boundaries. Michael is an ideal instructor – methodical and clear, he never holds back from sharing his expertise, motivations, and inspirations.

So to celebrate the launch of Michael’s first ebook – I’m giving away three copies of Light and Land: Landscapes in the Digital Darkroom! The cool thing is this: even if you don’t win, it’s a mere $5 to purchase a copy of your own. Additionally, Michael has graciously agreed to provide a signed copy of his third book Digital Landscape Photography: In the Footsteps of Ansel Adams and the Great Masters to give away as well. Another gem of a book that I highly recommend.

FOUR BOOKS means FOUR WINNERS and here’s how you can enter:

Answer this question in the comments of this post: What special place would you most like to photograph?
2) One comment per person, please.
3) Comments will close Sunday, December 19th at NOON (MST).
4) Giveaway is open to everyone. All four prizes ship worldwide.
5) Winners will be selected at random by Kaweah and announced Monday, December 20th, 2010.

Full disclosure: Michael Frye Photography is providing use real butter with three copies of Light and Land and one copy of Digital Landscape Photography for the giveaway.

On to the recipe. You know how I moon over Hatch green chiles and hoard them when the harvest rolls around in late summer/early fall? This past summer we hit pay dirt and I bought many pounds of fresh Hatch chiles to roast and freeze myself. Well, when my in-laws were visiting in November, they brought us a cooler full of frozen roasted Hatch green chiles they had picked up for us around the harvest. Wow! But now I must inform you that my dear aunt ALSO purchased several gazillion pounds of roasted Hatch green chiles for us which are still residing in her freezer in New Mexico. That’s a lot of green chiles…

so let’s make hush puppies

mix up the dry ingredients

Well, it isn’t like we don’t know how to use up the chiles, but with such a surplus I am more inclined to experiment with new recipes. A long time ago when the Hatch green chile supply in my freezer was dwindling, I came across a recipe for green chile hush puppies. And I lost it. Can’t remember where I saw it even after hunting through every cookbook on my shelves. Luckily, the title tells you pretty much everything you need to know unlike “snickerdoodles”.

use buttermilk instead of milk

stir in the green chiles

You *can* use canned green chiles, just be warned that the flavor (if you can call it flavor) is very different from that of fresh or frozen roasted Hatch green chiles. At this time of year you will only find frozen green chiles. If you must have some now, I believe there are places online you can order them frozen and have them shipped to you. Just do a search on “green chiles new mexico”.

roll dough into balls

deep fry in oil

The hush puppies fry for a few minutes and then they are done. I usually fry a test particle to golden brown and then cut it open to make sure the dough is cooked through. Mine took about 3-4 minutes to achieve the golden outer crust. When they were cooked, I scooped them out and set them on a bunch of paper towels.

drain on paper towels

butter melts on a piping hot hush puppy

What can I say? It’s a hush puppy with green chiles. But anyone with a lick of sense will tell you that corn and green chiles were destined for one another. These are oddly satisfying sweet or savory. Jeremy prefers them plain or with butter. I like mine with honey. We both like them with a side of beer-battered fish tacos!

the hush puppies are best when still hot

Green Chile Hush Puppies
[print recipe]
slightly modified from here

2 cups yellow corn meal
1 cup flour
1 tbsp sugar (optional – but I like sweet cornbread)
3/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp black pepper, freshly ground
1 tsp baking powder
2/3 tsp baking soda
2 eggs
1 cup buttermilk
1 oz. bacon grease (I used vegetable oil because I’m chicken)
1 cup roasted green chiles, peeled, seeded, and diced
vegetable oil for deep frying

Combine the corn meal, flour, sugar, salt, black pepper, baking powder, and baking soda in a bowl until well-blended. Add the eggs, buttermilk, and oil (or bacon grease) and stir until just moistened. Stir in the green chiles. Roll or pinch balls of dough off (about golf ball size). Heat 3 inches of oil in a medium saucepan over medium-high heat until the oil temperature registers 350°F. Drop a tiny piece of dough into the oil and if it sizzles immediately, it’s ready. Fry a few hush puppies at a time, but don’t crowd the pan or the temperature will drop too much. When they turn golden on the outside (a few minutes like 3-4) remove the hush puppies from the oil and let drain on paper towels. Consume while hot and serve with butter and/or honey. Makes about 4 dozen (I made a half recipe, so yielded 2 dozen).

128 nibbles at “time to give(away)”

  1. Jason says:

    I would just like to get decent photographs of nature at my own house. I figure once I get good enough to do that getting good shots at special places will just be a matter of travel itineraries. That first step is a real doozy though.

  2. Eva says:

    I am just starting my photography adventure, and I would love to take good photos of the southern island of New Zealand. I have some from my p&s but they are very amateur!

  3. heather says:

    I would love to photograph my fiancee’s grandmother’s farm. Such simple beauty. Plus it would be a great gift to him and his family.



  4. Erin says:

    OMG Jen. I was just drooling about hush puppies the other day, missing my Southern roots. And with hatch chiles? It’s like a sign. We are so on the same wavelength. :)

    And my answer is Cuba, I really want to photograph Old Havana.

  5. tanya says:

    I would love to photograph Paris, or Point Reyes, or just my sister’s backyard with her gorgeous kids running around.

  6. Xiaolu @ 6 Bittersweets says:

    Looks absolutely amazing. Hushpuppies are one of the few fried foods I love love!

  7. Michelle in Chicago says:

    I’d photograph Panama. Because I grew up there and I miss it. Especially now in the dearth of a Chicago winter…

  8. Monique says:

    I am a mountain type of girl and living in Washington state (West/wet side) there are plenty of places to go and enjoy and photograph. But a few years back I took a road trip to the Arizona/New Mexico area and would love to go back and visit again capturing the desert views on film (as it were).

  9. AnnaT says:

    I am from the Philippines who now resides in Minnesota. I would love to photograph the beautiful beaches of the Philippines and the fall and winter landscapes of Minnesota.

  10. Michelle says:

    I would love to get into to the mountians, the local mountains, all of the Cascades and capture their beauty.

  11. Nan@tastingoutloud says:

    Cuba! Always wanted to visit Cuba and shoot like crazy!

    Your gift bags look great btw. Happy Holidays!

  12. Rosa says:

    Those Hush Puppies must taste wonderful!

    Great giveaways! I’d love to photograph the Fjords in Norway or the Rockies in USA/Canada.



  13. Samantha says:

    I’d really like to get better at photographing people in informal, low-light settings. But really, who wouldn’t want to take such gorgeous nature pictures.

    The fish taco and hush puppie dinner looks like a perfect one for some time in January when winter is threatening to overwhelm. Thanks for the recipe!

  14. Phoo-D says:

    I would love to capture photographs of the Dakota skies. There is a vast silence to the skies that creates a beauty not unlike the ocean or mountains. Artist Keith Jacobshagen captures these skies beautiful with paint and I would like to do it with film.

  15. Valerie says:

    I would love to go back to New Zealand with a good camera and photograph some of the beautiful places I visited. The camera I had there was just OK and I still got some glorious shots.

  16. Thilwen says:

    My boyfriend is rather fond of photography, this would make an extra special gift for him! And I would most certainly make him photograph the forests around my parents’ house next autumn – they are so colourful! Please say “Happy Birthday” to Kaweah from me and my two miniature schnauzers :-)

  17. Carol N says:

    Since the question is “what special place”- I’d have to answer: the world around me at the moment.

    Living in rural Kansas, there is much to appreciate and much to document.
    Being a new Grandma, my little gal will open my eyes to much more of the beauty from a different perspective.
    I’m anticipating a trip to Morocco in the spring to accompany my daughter and son-in-law as they organize a hand drumming opportunity.

    The subject matter is all around us, at home and on the road-the joy and challenge is to capture the moment. THEN to get it off the camera!!

    I’d love to have guidance in improving my images!

    Inspired to pull out some Hatch peppers today, too!!! I’ve never used them (always canned to date) so Looking forward to a great learning curve, today!!

    Thanks, Jen!

  18. Debra says:

    Australia is the place I would most like to photograph, not one specific area, all over.

  19. Brett says:

    I would like to photograph all of my family and friends having an outdoor get together in northern california.

  20. Courtney says:

    I would love to photograph the wilderness in Idaho – my home state. I live in Chicago now and while I love it, I miss home, especially at this time of year. Trudging through dirty snow on my way to work doesn’t inspire the same awe as the snow-capped mountains at home.

  21. Jason Janelle says:

    There are so many amazing places and things I would like the opportunity to photograph.

    If we are talking abandoned places the most amazing one I can think of is Pripyat, Ukraine. Pripyat was the town near Chernobyl and from what I have read if you take the appropriate precautions and are careful about where you go and what you touch this is absolutely possible. Recent reports even say that there are tours of the town.

    I used to want to travel the world photographing animals but the more I see that the more I want to photograph the animals in my back yard. It seems that as travel around the world became less complicated that less and less people photograph here in the states. Maybe that’s just me and what I read / watch.

    Jen, the food looks amazing and I especially love the first shot of the ingredients.

  22. kathy says:

    I would love to photograph the beautiful Arizona scenery. I am visiting my brother in February, and this would be a wonderful learning lesson for me.
    Thanks to you and Michael for your generosity.

  23. Paula says:

    I would love to photograph Paris … Thanks for the great phood/fotography! And thank you for the giveaway! Happy Holidays!

  24. Kelly says:

    Yosemite is my absolute favorite, nothing compares in my mind. I will say though, the yellow mustard in the vinyards around spring time is stunning, that would be my second pick.

  25. Jess says:

    I think I would really like to photograph Banff National Park. Not only do I love the mountains but it seems like such an amazing and under-appreciated place!

  26. Laura B. says:

    I would love to photograph the giant sequoias in Sequoia Natl Park. This is my favorite national park and no matter how hard I try to capture the sheer size of these amazing living creatures, they never turn out as impressive as in person. If I was able to capture even a small percentage of their greatness in a photograph, I would consider myself accomplished.

    P.S. Thanks for the hush puppy recipe! I think I’ve found what I’m going to use the final batch of my Hatch’s for!

  27. Kelly says:

    I have been trying to improve my photography this year – and even took a couple classes. I would love to go back now and photograph Banff again. I only had a cheap digital camera back then – and even so got some wonderful photographs. It is a lovely place to visit! I also want to photograph the people in my life.

    I certainly enjoy your photographs and wonder how you get some of those shots!

  28. Le Boudoir Gourmand says:

    I’d like to photograph New York and it’s incredible architecture, never been there yet but hoping to visit it soon. Or some amazing landscapes like you do so beautifully ! Melody

  29. Sharla says:

    I would most love to photograph lightning in different locations around the US. I have an addiction to lightning photography, and have many lightning shots from areas around my locale but I’d love to have the freedom to travel and shoot.

    Gonna have to try your hushpups and ever since you schooled me on Hatch chiles, I’ve got some roasted and sitting in my freezer now and have been loving the convenience of having them to take out two to three at a time and use in my recipes. Love your blog & I check it daily!

  30. Elizabeth says:

    I would most like to photograph my kids in Spain. Went there a few years ago and would love to show them the place.

    P.S. How do I get on your cookie list?

  31. Musetica says:

    First of all Thank you for having a giveaway and sharing these books with four of us, your readers.
    Second, I would most like to photograph my homeland so that i could share with everyoane the beauty of a country very little known. It still amazes me, every time I go back, how beauty and riches coexists with poor and dirty…those would be pictures with very high “contrast” :)

  32. andrea says:

    I’ve always wanted to photograph Bhutan. I really hope we are able to get there some day!

    Thanks for hosting this giveaway.

  33. Anna says:

    I would love to photograph Angel Falls in Venezuela. For one, it’d mean an exotic getaway and it would be absolutely amazing to try and capture the world’s tallest waterfall.

  34. Barbara says:

    We don’t gave anything like Hush Puppies. Here hush puppies are shoes.

    I’d like to photograph the Australian outback.

  35. Rosie says:

    I would love to photograph anywhere in the Arctic! THanks for running this givewaway!

  36. Kat says:

    I would most like to photograph the Taj Mahal.

  37. Kate says:

    *sigh*I would like to go back to Italy’s Lago Maggiore…I was around it when I traveled for business but never had the time for taking pictures.
    Is Kaweah daring you to mess with her toys? (I love the look she is giving you.) Those hush puppies look very tempting, and with just under a hundred pounds of magic peppers have you tried them with the sweet onion dip yet? no-I-haven’t-gotten-tired-of-making-it-on-weekends-yet-I-use-it-to-top-baked-potatoes-and-baked-sweet-potatoes.

  38. Megan says:

    I’d like to photograph the south island of New Zealand… I know that’s a big area to cover, but I really really want to visit and see the amazing scenery (and LotR sites!)!

  39. Lisa@The Cutting Edge of Ordinary says:

    OMG I could name a hundred, but my top one…Yellowstone!

  40. jess says:

    I’d like to photograph northern Iceland. Hopefully I’ll get to do that this summer!

  41. Kristi says:

    My home state – Colorado! <3

  42. Judy says:

    Green chile hush puppies sound wonderful. But then, anything with green chiles does. My German Shepherd’s favorite toy is a totally disemboweled penguin. I haven’t the heart to toss it, even though only a limp carcass remains.

    Some day I would love to photograph an erupting volcano.

  43. Phyllis Ringstad says:

    Many years ago, our family spent all our vacation time in Yachats, Oregon. The dense fragrant pine forest and the cool salt smell of the ocean is something I’ll never forget. That would be my choice. It would be lovely to capture that feeling in photographs.

  44. Christy says:

    I’m a follower of Michael’s blog as well and I was just eyeing that e-book yesterday! Would love to have the chance to read it!

    The place I want to photograph most? Alaska and the remote parts of Canada. So that means most of Canada!! :)

  45. Andi says:

    The hush puppies look delicious!

    I would love to go visit the country/beach side of France. I’ve seen pictures and would love to be able to shoot my own.

  46. Debbie says:

    I love your site! This is the first time I’ve really ever commented on a blog. :) I’d love to be able to photograph Puerto Rico. Thanks for the great contest!

  47. Charlene says:

    I would love to photograph the drive up to Milford Sound in New Zealand. I hiked amazing trails but just wasn’t able to capture the epicness!

  48. Bridget says:

    Dave is worried we’re going to run out of our chile supply before next fall, but I think we’re on track. Fortunately, if we do run out, we can get frozen chiles here. Dave puts it on everything – pizza, sandwiches, pasta, etc. There’s a local restaurant in town who serves amazing green chile cheese grits, so I definitely agree with the chile-corn combo.

    I actually asked for a landscape photography book for Christmas; in fact, I would have asked for Frye’s, but I think it was out of stock when I checked amazon, and I didn’t realize it would be in stock again so soon! Oops.

    My parents have a cabin in Vallecito, CO that seems similar to your house. I took my camera, a wide-angle lens, and a tripod there last summer to get some great photos of the area, and…struggled. I don’t think I have the knack for landscape photography yet. That’s why I need a book.

  49. audra says:

    colorado and hawai’i– my two favorite places! it’s not that i hate new jersey, or even dislike it that strongly. i grew up here, so it’s home. i just love hawai’i and the rockies MORE. thanks for the contest!

  50. Kellen says:

    Iceland is my #1 pick right now… It seems so familiar, yet foreign, and the landscapes are incredible.
    The hush puppies look terrific with the roasted chiles… yum

  51. ursula says:

    There are so many places to choose from…. I’m thinking maybe Cartagena, from our sailboat, in the morning or evening light. Or Patagonia…. Or…..

  52. Debbie says:

    I would love to photograph the town where my grandparents were born in Italy. All the old buildings and churches. So beautiful!

  53. Nancy says:

    Mmmm, I can almost smell those hushpuppies.

    I would like to photograph the mountains here in Colorado. Some of your shots are just breathtaking!

  54. Kadee Barrett says:

    I would love to photograph my new city, San Francisco. Urban settings, old Victorians, parks, ocean… so much variety!

  55. burkie says:

    snickerdoodles & hush puppies shown in the same post! now that’s my idea of heaven :)

  56. Francine says:

    The Masai tribe in Kenya…

  57. Jen says:

    I would love to get some great photographs of the creek and cliffs behind my parents’ home. Then I could put together some great gifts for them to use around the house!

  58. Lisa says:

    Bryce Canyon would be amazing. Love your posts. They’re the highlight of my workday!

  59. Julia says:

    Yosemite in the fall. :)

  60. Mel says:

    I would love to photograph Angkor Wat during sunrise.

  61. Andrea says:

    Now that I have a decent camera, I’d love to go back to Bali and photograph the terraced rice fields.

  62. MiaMia says:

    Beautiful sky of Boulder, CO! It never fails to amaze me.

  63. Malori says:

    I would love to photograph (no, Really photograph) the stunning sunsets at my cottage in northern Ontario. All the pictures I have just don’t do it justice and it’s shame because my fondest memories are of campfires at sunset with gooey roasted marshmallows.

  64. Meg says:

    I would love to photograph a sushi in Japan!!

  65. Kelly says:

    Taupo, New Zealand. Very cool natural hot springs.

  66. Deb in Indiana says:

    The lovely lake I grew up by.

  67. sarah a. says:

    Mount Rainier! I love this mountain, it’s so gorgeous.

  68. LimeCake says:

    Honestly? My grandma’s kitchen. So many memories and moments I want to cherish forever.

  69. teacherlady says:

    Love anything Mexican!
    Your doggie is so beautiful! Every house should have one!

  70. Ayala says:

    Well, it’s not a place but i would love to see and take pictures of the polar aurora….oh…how i wish…:)

  71. gena says:

    i’d love to take photos at aokigahara forest at the base of mount fuji in japan. it just seems like a really beautiful, yet sad place to visit and photograph.

  72. Margaret O'Farrell says:

    I would love to take really good photographs of the view across the valley from our home here in North Tipperary (Ireland)…. the one’s I’ve taken so far just don’t do it justice!

  73. Andrea says:

    I’d love to learn to take better pictures of the land around where we live on the South coast of England. To one side of the house is the sea with a pebble beach leading to a rugged cliff and on the other is the most ‘English’ of landscapes with miles of unspoilt green salt marsh pastures full of grazing sheep.

  74. Maria Serge says:

    I would like to take photographs of Homer, Alaska where my sister-in-law lives. She has a view of three glaciers, Kachemak bay and the volcano Mt. Redoubt from her front yard.

  75. Gretchen says:


  76. Chris says:

    The river,clouds,snow/rain squalls and grasses of the upper Madison Valley,Montana around 3 Dollar Bridge. A place near and dear to me.

  77. PatriciaD in Indiana says:

    I would lOVE to photograph the Oregon Coast. It captured my heart 18 years ago and I have never been able to go back.

  78. Richard says:

    I would like to photograph the castle ruins scattered around the Czech Republic.

  79. Carla says:

    The woods of Oregon.

  80. Brandi says:

    I would love to photograph all of our majestic national parks. We went to Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons last summer (and we go to the Great Smoky National Park and the Blue Ridge Parkway several times a year). Next year we are on for Alaska, including Denali, and the Rocky Mountains National Parks. I could really, really use some good tips!

  81. Christine says:

    I would love to photograph Alaska.That would be a dream come true.

    Many years back, we visited Yosemite and the pictures of Michael brought back many fond memories = ) His photos are awesome !!! Makes me drool that I want to go back there again !

    Thank you for the giveaway = )

    A very Blessed & Merry Christmas to you & Family

  82. Nicole says:

    I would love to photograph snow. we don’t have that here. I like snow in any setting covering the mountains, trees and etc.

  83. Kirsa says:

    wow ! those hushpuppies seem absolutely delicious with the fish tacos ! (even thought I never have eaten any of these two dishes) they look fabulous !

    I would like to photograph the cantons de l’est, in quebec. it’s getting closer to the appalaches (chain of mountains) and I get the impression that the second you walk away from a village there, nature sneaks up on you. You have lots and lots of land with sparse houses, or nothing at all, just plain nature (but can we call nature plain ? don’t think so), but you are only 1 hour away from Montreal. I love the valley-ish aspect of the place, with the hills, some mountains, waterfalls, rocks… so beautiful.

  84. Maxine Reisenleiter says:

    I’m not the photographer in our family–my husband is, but I tag along quite often when he’s working. I’d love to win one of these books as a gift for him. Thanks for having a give away–even if I don’t win, it’s fun to participate.

  85. David W. Mayer says:

    I would most like to spend a week photographing Pt. Lobos Marine Reserve near Carmel, CA to catch the morning light, foggy days, ocean sunsets, and sunlit wave forms. Quite a number of years ago, when shooting film, I saw the detailed dark form of a sea otter floating right in the middle of a translucent blue-green wave curl, backlight with bright sunlight. A one-in-a-million shot, but my slower Pentax film camera could not capture the exact moment when the otter was frozen mid-curl. I would like to try to get that shot again!

    Dave Mayer

  86. Valerie says:

    I would love to visit and photograph the sites of Holland!

  87. Tobie says:

    I love to photography my local environment. I live near Pt Reyes and love to photograph there but I also like my street and my neighborhood.

  88. Rachel says:

    I would photograph the home of my ancestors, Ireland. I imagine any bit of Ireland would be fabulous to photograph…

  89. Joan says:

    I would like to photograph the Ancient Bristlecone Pine in the White Mountains of California or anywhere in the sierras. I would also love to share this with my son. He and I hike and his photos are way better then mine.

  90. Emily says:

    I traveled to Ireland last fall and ended up on the Ring of Kerry on a particularly dreary, foggy day. I’d love to be able to go back and photograph that area, then travel up to Northern Ireland for even more beautiful photo ops.

  91. MegsP says:

    The Baths on Virgin Gorda. When I get there someday!

  92. Faith @ She Kneads says:

    “What special place would you most like to photograph?”

    I would like to go to Armenia (I am half Armenian and have never been there) and photograph the rural villages and dusty streets and the light of the sun as it sets on Mt. Ararat. That would be a dream come true. ♥

  93. Linda B. says:

    I’d like to photograph Cambodia and Vietnam, particularly Angkor Wat.

  94. Amanda says:

    I would love to go to France and photograph the countryside. I’ve never been but the pictures I’ve seen are beautiful.

  95. Kathy P says:

    I would love to photograph castles and glens in Scotland! Never been there and would love to go sometime!

  96. Valérie says:

    These are making my mouth water! Yum!

    I would like to photograph my mother’s country, Vietnam.

  97. sheauen says:

    thats hushpuppies look amazing!

    i would like to photograph coastline…any coastline, pacific northwest, the florida coast, phuket, the riveria…maine, vancouver…

  98. Maya says:

    I love portrait photography. But as for location, it’s got to be Vietnam.

  99. Amy says:


  100. Anna says:

    I’d love to photograph Tanzania- the savannahs of Africa are stunning and stark and yet so full of life. Of course, I have only a few pictures from my trip there that do not remotely do it justice!

    I can’t wait to make these- what a great idea!

  101. Pauline says:

    I’d love to photograph the beautiful beaches of Torres Island in Vanuatu.

  102. Melanie T says:

    I have never traveled. I love to photograph anything that has trees. Also, mountains. We are short of mountains here in Wisconsin. Thanks for the chance.

  103. Julie (Bananas for Bourbon) says:

    Mendocino! It’s beautiful there.

  104. Brendan says:

    I would love travel to Yosemite with just my backpack, tent, and camera and photograph areas off the beaten path.

  105. Catharine says:

    I would love to photograph nature. Anything completely natural is beautiful.

  106. Sherry says:

    Though I generally only take pictures of food, I would love a chance to go back to China and photograph the place where my parents grew up… Apparently they’ve redeveloped parts of it (other parts are protected) so it’s a mix of the old and new. Sounds like an awesome picture, if only to show my parents how things have changed and how they hadn’t.

  107. Kristen says:

    So many places I’d love to photograph! I think right now though, I’d most like to photograph Crater Lake in Oregon. It’s in my home state, where I got engaged and the views are absolutely breathtaking!

  108. Leah says:

    Oh wow. I will definitely be justifying that dish at some point, though I’m in love with the insanely spicy Thai chiles. I’d love to spend time taking pictures in the Oregon wilderness; there is so much to see I would never get through it all.

  109. Margie says:

    Miss K., Miss K., pick me, pick me! …..

    I’d love to photograph the Grand Canyon. I am spellbound by her beauty.

  110. Tammy says:

    I would love to photograph the outdoor ice skating rink in Coronado, CA. I have such fond (and warm) childhood memories there.

  111. marla {family fresh cooking} says:

    I am f—ing starving right now & those hush puppies are killing me. Dang girl…
    Great giveaway & thanks for reminding us that we can learn from all disciplines of photography. These e-books sound great, sign me up!
    Trying to figure out what up with the fire & snow photo – really cool.
    Where would I most like to visit & photograph? Tibet.

  112. momgateway says:

    The Aurora Borealis has always fascinated me. It’s one phenomenon I’d like to see for myself and capture in a photo.

  113. Ginger G says:

    … special place I would love to photograph – the moors in England. I watched a Ruth Rendl mystery last night and the rugged rock formations, mountains and vegetation, as well as the storms suddenly appearing in the distance are so awesome and inspiring.

    I have been looking at the Michael Frye blog the past few weeks and the pictures of Yosemite are breathtaking.

  114. Jen Merschel says:

    I would love to be able to photograph and capture the magnificent hike my husband and took at Cloud’s Rest in Yosemite.

  115. Janet says:

    Wild Basin in Rocky Mountain National Park — my favorite local hike, gorgeous in all seasons. I especially love the running water and the healing landscape where there once was a wildfire.

    I have so much to learn about photography…

  116. redraven says:

    I would love to photograph my family, and myself rafting down the Colorado River, and I would love to photograph this, and our dearly beloved Grand Canyon. I have health problems and this stops me from doing a lot of great adventures. Merry and happy, blessings to all.

  117. Amy says:

    The Texas Hill Country! It’s my new home, and I love it. While I miss the mountains of Utah, there is something special about a field full of blue bonnets in the summer.

  118. debbie says:

    What special place would you most like to photograph?
    … The mountains with think pine and a fast running creek in background…

  119. farmerpam says:

    Lavender fields.

  120. Barb Gornick says:

    Your photography is gorgeous and your recipes are awesome! I found you by googling Knorrs Spinach Dip Recipe. I LOVE your blog and have passed your site on to others who enjoy the same things you do!
    I would love your chocolate chip cookie recipe. Is it on your site? I will navigate to try to find it.
    I would love to have gorgeous photos of Alaska!!! I need to give my card making a break and take up photography. Last time I had a good lesson was over 30 years ago! Just a beautiful and happy blog. I could stay here all day and read!

  121. Libby K. says:

    I would love to photograph northern Maine.

  122. Diana Banana says:

    it seems as though most people would like to photograph nature, but i prefer the very angular palimpsests of man-made landscapes, urban environments. my favorite photographs that i’ve taken are through alleyways with fire escapes. oddly enough, i’d love to photograph the slums of india. there’s something about the nature of humans demanding to survive against all that is imposed upon them from birth that i find fascinating.

    i love edward burtynsky’s photos of mass factories in china. he’s also taken some amazing photos of nickel mines in the states, really gross in that the vivid colors are lakes and streams of toxic pollutants, but again, fascinating.

  123. sunny says:

    place to photograph? my kitchen, duh.
    wait, just kidding! actually, i can’t bring myself to photograph anything that i find truly stunning. this is probably because i am an amateur photographer (or whatever level is below amateur!), and my photograph always has a diminished effect compared to the experience itself.

  124. Debbie Cunningham says:

    I would love to photograph Palau. I’d just love to see it!!

  125. julieako says:

    The East Coast- old buildings, beautiful land.

  126. Lana says:

    My father recently sold our chalet in Serbia, because he could not keep up with the resort taxes and constantly accumulating fees. His heart has been broken since then. We spent summers there, picking wild blueberries and strawberries, and winters skiing. I would love to go back and photograph the Mountain Kopaonik in all its glory.

  127. Chiot's Run says:

    Hush puppies, I’ll take those cookies instead. I’d love to photograph Colombia, the land of my birth.

  128. jenyu says:

    Thanks to all who entered the giveaway. Entries are now closed. We’ll announce the winners on Monday. xo

    Barb Gornick – the chocolate chip cookie recipe is on the blog:

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