We’re watching the movie Sideways right now. The kids are asleep and I missed the first 30 minutes screwing around in the office. The food looks amazing, the wine looks incredible, the characters are hilarious and I have no idea what is going on.
We got our inspection report last night – the house passed! So now we schedule the structural engineer and there are a few things about the inspection that need to be resolved. I spoke to one structural engineer on Friday and learned a lot about local issues for building, codes, issues with new construction, etc. It was great because of my background in engineering and geology, we had an awesome conversation. Yay for my random choices in education! Who would have thought that they would ever be so useful?

Today we did more kids’ stuff including t-ball with Ben, making cookies with Ben, and getting Emily to do the “hand grab”. The “hand grab” is a Chinese tradition for one-year olds where you set out a bunch of objects and let the baby crawl to them and grab from the lot. It’s really just for fun, but it’s supposed to indicate something about what the child likes or will do in life. When Ben turned one, he picked the calculator. Emily chose from peanuts (I don’t know what it is supposed to mean), a book, candy, a palm pilot, pencil, toy, thermometer, and a card.

The card had a big check in it. So Emily is gonna be Miss Money Bags. She is so cute. It is very obvious that Emily and Ben have different styles to life. I love them both for their own ways. Ben and Emily both look so much like Kris when she was young. Mom thinks Emily acts the way I did when I was little. Kids add a lot more entropy to your life, however. I think it is difficult in part because you go into a situation that was created by someone else and you are merely passing through as a visitor. Tomorrow is home again, back to my state of flux, but the state of flux I chose and the state of flux I know.