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archive for May 2005

what’s your beef

Wednesday, May 11th, 2005

what’s your beef?
People’s eyes usually glaze over at the mention of filet mignon, that small end of the tenderloin. It is by far the most tender cut for dry heat cooking. It is lean and has a satisfying flavor. Chateaubriand comes from the larger portion of the tenderloin and is a popular and romantic dish for two complimented by a good bernaise sauce. Rib eye (Delmonico) is another desirable cut as the meat is marbled with fat to give fabulous flavor right off the grill. My personal favorite, is the flank steak. Not as tender as filet and lacking the melt-in-your-mouth of rib eye, flank steak offers the most flavor bang for your leaness buck. Tonight Jeremy grilled a marinated flank steak for dinner.

and then we paired it with those roasted vegetables…

Ever have one of those days when you remember what you are having for dinner that night and that is all you can think about for the next 4 hours? That’s what happened to me today. Ever reach the point where there are so many things going on in your life and in others’ lives that it becomes overwhelming and you suddenly stop giving a shit? That’s what happened to me today too. Ever feel like you are ready to walk away and flip everyone the bird? Me too. woot!

welcome hot dinner

Monday, May 9th, 2005

It is freezing in our house tonight! Jeremy just got some clothes out of the dryer and draped a toasty towel on my head – feels great. For dinner we had chinese hot pot. Why not? A hot dinner is always welcome on a cool damp evening like this one.

purple haze

Sunday, May 8th, 2005

This afternoon I managed to get a lot of cooking done for the week. The best part was roasting up vegetables. Note for cooks: Although frozen brussels sprouts may be substituted for fresh, the final product is inferior and the high water content impedes the roasting process. I used the color trio of potatoes from Trader Joes which includes purple!

roughage – it’s good for you

beautiful and delicious