baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

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archive for February 2006

moth to the flame

Monday, February 13th, 2006

I made dessert for tomorrow night, partly because I wanted to treat Jeremy to something chocolaty, and partly because I wanted to torch something.

they shouldn’t sell these to just anybody…

chocolate espresso crème brûlée, ready for a hot water bath

Imagine my annoyance when I went to Whole Foods tonight only to find that they sell Valrhona in milk, not semi or bittersweet. Luckily, I have a large stash of callebaut, el ray, ghirardelli, and paris swiss flyer. I was debating between a chocolate flan and the chocolate espresso crème brûlées until I realized only one of them required the torch.

good for you greens

Sunday, February 12th, 2006

love those greens – chinese stir fried broccoli

zolo grill

Saturday, February 11th, 2006

This morning before we set off to ski, I made myself eat something. I usually dislike eating in the morning, and I’m typically not a huge fan of breakfast foods. But the last time I was in the grocery store, I decided it was high time I got more calcium and fruit. This idea was spurred by Nicole’s magical smoothie recipe which includes, of all things, two scoops of vanilla ice cream – no wonder it’s so magical! I opted for a slightly healthier version.

fat free vanilla yogurt, blueberries, strawberry naked juice, and a banana

quick to drink, energy, healthy raw foods

On a spur of the moment decision tonight, we went into town for dinner because I was craving a buffalo burger. That’s all I could think of, so we went to Zolo Grill. I’m not sure if it’s skiing or being out in the cold that works up the appetite (or both!), but there you have it. I brought my camera in case I wanted to review Zolo, even though there are about five other places I’d prefer to review instead. I just wasn’t in the mood for anything but my buffalo burger. I went ahead reviewed it, although it’s not in the same league as the first three. Jeremy said once I determined to review it, my facial expression became serious and I was thoughtfully tasting each dish. Hey – I take food seriously.

zolo grill

**Jump for more butter**