baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

copyright jennifer yu © 2004-2023 all rights reserved: no photos or content may be reproduced without prior written consent

prep and larp

Tomorrow’s the fourth of July and that means barbecue installment #4: pork ribs. These are the meaty St. Louis style cut of ribs. I know everyone is all agog about baby back ribs, but honestly, it’s a sack of bones with not so much meat. I don’t relish the idea of cooking something for 10+ hours that has such a low yield of consumable material.

rub and rest for 12 hours or more

into a slow oven for the night

Tonight we had larp (or larb), which we haven’t cooked in a long time. We were first introduced to this when Wayne and Pailin came to visit us in Pasadena. They took us to one of their old favorite haunts in LA that serves seriously authentic and delicious Thai food. I trust them because Pailin is Thai, owned two Thai restaurants in San Francisco, and is a freaking amazing cook. I think Thai cuisine is one of my favorites because it has such a full array of flavors.

fresh and fragrant ingredients for larp

when the meat is done, toss in onions, cilantro, and ground peanuts

serve with rice, cabbage leaves, and basil

an explosion of flavors in every bite

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