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potato galette

Recipe: potato galette

I had always considered galettes to be of the sweet persuasion. Being a person who prefers to eat savory food over sweets any day, I was pretty excited when I found a recipe for potato galette in an issue of Fine Cooking five years ago. I pulled that out recently and gave it another try. Last time I made the galette, I had not yet begun my affair with the Yukon gold potato. It is my favorite. It tastes even better if you can get your grubby little hands on some organic Yukon golds. The flavor is nutty, rich, and slightly sweet to my taste buds. It’s a great all around potato and excellent for roasting. Obviously, I wanted to try it in this galette.

slice the potatoes thin

mix with olive oil, herbs, and sautéed shallots

I ran into the same problem I encountered the last time I made this dish. The potatoes are undercooked ever so slightly. I honestly think it wouldn’t hurt to parboil these babies before baking because the potatoes should be tender and not the slightest bit firm. I ended up using a flower-shaped pan with removable bottom because my 9-inch tart pan is too shallow.

after layering with cheeses and salt

out of the oven

More Gruyère couldn’t hurt either, at least so you have enough to top the galette because the crispy baked cheese is an added bonus. I wouldn’t mind a sprinkling of fresh parsley or chives on top either. A great side dish.

beautiful layers of potato goodness

Yukon Gold Gruyère Galette
[print recipe]
from Fine Cooking #53

1/4 cup shallots, finely chopped
3 tbsps extra virgin olive oil
1 lb. Yukon gold potatoes, unpeeled and scrubbed
1 tsp fresh thyme, lightly chopped
kosher salt
1/2 cup Parmigiano Reggiano, finely grated
1 cup Gruyère cheese, finely grated

Combine shallots and olive oil in small saucepan and bring to simmer over medium heat. Reduce to low simmer and cook until shallots are softened, but not browned (about 2 minutes). Remove from heat and let cool completely. Heat oven to 400°F. Grease bottom and inside edge of 7 1/2-inch tart pan with removable bottom. Place pan on a rimmed baking sheet lined with foil. Slice potatoes as thinly as possible (about 1/16 inch). Discard the ends. Put potato slices in a mixing bowl with shallots, olive oil, and herbs. Toss to thoroughly coat potatoes. Layer bottom of pan with slices, overlapping slightly. Start from the outside edge and move inward until bottom is covered with one layer of potatoes. Sprinkle about 1/8 teaspoon of salt and then 1/4 of the cheeses. Repeat. Top the last layer of potatoes with more salt and any remaining cheese. Bake until top is a reddish golden brown and potatoes are tender in all places – about 45-50 minutes. Let cool for 10-15 minutes. Run a pairing knife around the edges to loosen and carefully remove the tart ring. Slide a thin spatula under the galette and move it to a cutting board.

[Edit: My potatoes always come out undercooked and too firm when I follow these instructions. I parboil the sliced potatoes for about 10 minutes and drain them. Then I toss the potatoes with everything the way the recipe says to and follow the instructions, except I bake the galette for about 35 minutes at 400°F. It comes out perfectly.]

15 nibbles at “potato galette”

  1. Denise Reynolds, Luxury Lifestyle Writer says:

    This looks fabulous! Can’t wait to try it. Have you tried making it in advance and then recrisping?

    Where did you find that adorable tart pan?

  2. jenyu says:

    Denise – I haven’t tried it, but I am guessing recrisping would work fine. I bought the pan from Williams-Sonoma about ten years ago :)

  3. Mrs Ergul says:

    I love potatoes and I’m keeping this recipe!

  4. jenyu says:

    Mrs E – you’ll like this one a lot – just be sure to parboil first.

  5. Carmen says:

    thanks for sharing this – i’m trying this tonight!

  6. jenyu says:

    Carmen – hope you liked it. I think parboil makes it much better!

  7. Rupa says:

    ooh… I tried this last night, and it was VERY yummy ! Thanks for sharing sooo much.

    — Rupa (Sydney)

  8. jenyu says:

    Rupa – so glad it worked for you. It’s delicious, isn’t it? :)

  9. Brian says:

    I made this tonight – although I had to sub in “swiss” for the Gruyere (…..small town grocery store)…. but it still worked beautifully. Had it paired with grilled beef tenderloin and tomatos stuffed with sauted mushrooms and chevre with a Californian Syrah. Wonderful flavours. Thank you!

  10. Susan says:

    This is a great recipe. I parboiled as you advised….good advice! Don’t leave out the gruyere…so delicious. I used the food processor to slice potatoes as I don’t own a mandoline and my knife skills aren’t that well…skillful.
    Thanks for sharing. Love consulting your blog often.
    PS your tip about the Cheese shop in Wmsbg. VA was spot on. We were there on the fourth. I also made your fiff on their spread…which is quite good.

  11. Susan says:

    Opps tha’d be riff not fiff….typing skills need work too!

  12. Randall says:

    I agree with the parboil. Try this: simmer in milk with many many many thin slices of garlic. If a few slices of the cooked garlic get in your final product, you’ll love it. Taste your potato slices often to pull them while they are firm.

  13. Arianne says:

    I don’t believe my tart pan has a removable bottom (which is ridiculous). Do you have another pan suggestion, perchance?

  14. jenyu says:

    Arianne – you could try a springform pan?

  15. Rita says:

    You can use a sauté pan, then turn it out on a board

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