baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

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p-funk is playin’ at tartelette’s

Recipe: almond blancmange

Just a few observations and tidbits tonight and then I’m going to send you all off to Tartelette’s place, okay?

So Bridget had asked me about the difference between tempered chocolate and untempered chocolate and if I could show a picture. Why yes indeedy, I can – because I had a lot of out-of-temper chocolates from yesterday’s post.

guess which one is out of temper?

I don’t give untempered confections to people. I just can’t. Jeremy can nosh on them, fine. But when I give handmade goodies to people, I pick the best for them – best looking, best tasting, best made. Standards. It’s good to have some.

What else… Ah, my dear mother went and bought me several bags of those luscious little Silver Dollar Biscuits from the bakery in Gloucester. They arrived this week for my analysis (read: consumption). So now you good people – especially all of you experienced bakers – can lay your eyes upon these nuggets of goodness and tell me what you think is involved. Clearly, these are not buttermilk biscuits and forget about the layers. But I can’t tell if they are yeast-based or not (hard to detect it in the flavor too). Have a looksee:

little, golden, not that tall

top view

virginia ham is drawn to the biscuit like magnetic poles are draw to each other

See all of the holes? Makes me think yeast. Is there a way to do that without yeast? Lay your expertise on me.

I had a phenomenal day of skiing today. My legs are sore and that is GOOD. Breakthrough a-ha moments, lots of fun, decent snow, and terrific tele babes.

discussing goals

And lastly, I guest blogged over at Tartelette’s. Our best girl is working like mad on her book and so I am honored and tickled to help out with the blogging. If you haven’t discovered her blog, then get ye over there now (and my question to you is this: where the hell have you been?)

blancmange deliciousness

27 nibbles at “p-funk is playin’ at tartelette’s”

  1. Mrs Ergül says:

    What a delicious-looking dessert! I love berries!

    That biscuit is interesting…. The little air bubbles do sway me towards thinking it is a yeasty thingy too! but there might very well be something that can do the same as yeast. I’m not an expert so I can’t help there and I’m sorry!

  2. Micha says:

    Maybe soda? I’ve a recipe for English crumpets, where you start out with a yeast dough and than add soda water. When you fry them (yes, frying!), they become very fluffy and airy. Maybe it’s the same procedure here.
    Without yeast, what about Irish Soda Bread? But that is made with buttermilk. Now I am really confused!

  3. Rosa says:

    I saw that dessert on Tartelette’s site! Wonderful!



  4. Hande says:

    Wholes but no yeast taste? How about sourdough?

  5. Debbie says:

    I live in northern Virginina and seeing those biscuits makes me want to drive to Gloucester to get some!!! Enjoy!

  6. Culinarywannabe says:

    Loved your post on the Blancmange. Beautiful looking, I can only imagine how rich and creamy it is!

  7. Bridget says:

    Thanks so much for the photo! I’ve never bothered to temper chocolate, but now I’m curious. Hopefully the process will go more smoothly (ha ha) for me since I’m at sea level.

  8. Tartelette says:

    Thank you so much for guest posting…I know I have said it like a trillion times already but you are my rock star. There, I have said it one more time!!
    Rolls: maybe yeast, a mean asmidget but def. a good dose of fat…amd wow! How many did she send?!!

  9. Margie says:

    Jenzie, I came and had a ‘look-see’ and I am not sure. I do different types of biscuits, each has its own characteristics; my all butter are superior to the ‘white-stuff-in-a-can’, but only because its a personal preference. Also, some bakes yield an item that is worthy of use beyond that, ‘hot-on-your-plate’ kind, while others are dreamy after they have had a nice cool rest period. I’m no master, but I know where a few can be found via an NPR set that took place recently. Peter Reinhart was in the house, and along with a VP from Bojangles Restaurants, and a lovely bio-chemist (I forgot her name…and Mr. V.P.’s…Darn-it and dang me!), they talk the talk of all things, “Biscuits”. Fascinating dialog. (A notation is written on Peter’s typepad page). In a free moment (I know you have SO MANY of those), you may want to listen. It’s got a scientific edge that explores the chemistry of this beauty.

    Enjoy! …. and now, I must run to see Tartlette.

  10. peabody says:

    I will have to ask my Southern MIL about the biscuits.
    My poor husband always gets stuck eating the ugly stuff too. :) I just can’t give out something that I don’t feel is up to par!

  11. Lisa says:

    Could they be angel biscuits? They are a very southern bread item…yeasted biscuits. They were a staple at all the pot luck dinners of my growing up years in Georgia. Good luck on your search.

  12. Cate says:

    I’m with Lisa — those look like angel biscuits to me too. Do a google image search for angel biscuits and you’ll see!

  13. Vittoria says:

    I saw your piece at Tartelette’s. A not on blanched almonds: finely ground blanched almonds measure 3oz to the cup, so perhaps that’s what was *meant* in the recipe you saw. I’m absolutely going to have to try it. :)

  14. Melissa says:

    I’m headed over – those little biscuits remind me of Australian Toaster Muffins which I can no longer find….I would love some!

  15. Lori says:

    I am guessing yeast too. Maybe just one quick rise. I dunno. I will be glad to hear a good answer because those look like they are worth making.

  16. Andrea says:

    Oooh, those look like a buttery version of my grandmother’s buns…I know some have said a quick rise, but I’m thinking a cool (i.e. refrigerator) slow rise to get nice little bubbles and a fine crumb. Not sure how the fridge rise would work for a butter dough…I tried it once and got a pretty dense dough. These look amazing (but then again so does everything on your site!). By the way, love the blog, and I really enjoy reading your posts. And when I’m stuck for cooking inspiration, your site is the first one I turn too! My husband loves your carne adovada (which was the first recipe I tried from your blog).

  17. debbe says:

    Speaking of questions, how do you manage to take your camera with you while you’re skiing? Where do you put it? Aren’t you afraid of it getting wet? (Or getting snow on it?) I must know!

  18. Irene says:

    Definitely looks like yeast to me! It looks like the kind of yeasty dough Russians use for the little meat or cabbage pies.

  19. Cynthia says:

    I am with Lisa and Cate. Angel Biscuits as many different recipes as there are bakers.

  20. Sarah says:

    They look rather like a traditional beaten biscuit. The bubbles are kind of like compressed blisters that develop from a sustained period of beating the heck out of the dough with either a machine or a metal mallet. Or they could be a yeast biscuit that was subjected to the same “beating.”

  21. Abby says:

    The crumb is tight like yeast, but I wouldn’t know. I may be Southern, but every attempt at biscuits that I’ve made has failed. Horribly.

    And his Virginia ham what we call country ham down here? (As in salt-cured?)

  22. amelia says:

    Totally looks like yeast to me. Not just because of the holes [many things cause holes], its the bread-y look of the biscuits. As far as I know, only yeast gives that kind of look, because of the gluten.

  23. Mollie says:


  24. Lauren says:

    Bravo! These look incredible. They are making me drool for summer… bring on the berries.

  25. jenyu says:

    Mrs E – No, I think you’re right – it probably requires yeast.

    Micha – oh, it’s not quite like crumpets though… I too am confused.

    Rosa – thanks!

    Hande – okay, it’s probably more yeasty than sourdough-y.

    Debbie – :)

    Culinarywannabe – thank you!

    Bridget – I am thinking that elevation has little bearing on tempering.

    Tartelette – anytime, love! yes, I think yeast and most likely lots of fat ;) She sent me three bags (with 24 little ones in each bag).

    Margie – well, I think I’ve ruled out Reinhart’s recipe because these are not layered. I’m still looking. Maybe it is angel biscuits as so many have noted.

    Peabody – ugly tastes good too :)

    Lisa – you may be on to something there!

    Cate – I have a recipe to try, once I get some time. Thanks!

    Vittoria – Oh, I’ll bet you are right. Good thinking!

    Melissa – hrm, Aussie Toaster Muffins? Sounds good…

    Lori – yes, I am hoping to find a solution soon :)

    Andrea – wow, that’s a great tip. I have an angel biscuit recipe that requires putting the dough in the fridge! Thank you for the additional info, so helpful!

    Debbe – I carry my little camera (the D70) with me in a camelback pack. It won’t get wet in winter b/c it’s too dry/cold, but it might get crushed if I take a dive. So far, I’ve rolled over it about 6 times and it hasn’t broken the camera or me…

    Irene – mmmm, cabbage pies!

    Cynthia – thanks!

    Sarah – I also have a recipe for beaten biscuits to try – hopefully when I get a free moment!

    Abby – yes yes! Virginia ham is definitely salt-cured and my MIL calls it country ham :)

    Amelia – good point!

    Mollie – well, come on over! hurry! :)

    Lauren – :)

  26. Lara says:

    where is the recipe?


  27. jenyu says:

    Lara – if you read the post through, you’ll see I was guest posting over at Tartelette’s blog and the recipe is there (please follow the link in the post).

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