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an even dozen

Recipe: grilled prosciutto-wrapped shrimp

Jeremy turned to me yesterday and said in a surprised tone, “We’re married!” He still can’t get believe we are married, but we are. Twelve years as of yesterday (Sunday). I think I finally got used to it about two years ago, but I don’t think of us as married so much as a really good team. We didn’t do anything special to celebrate. We didn’t need to. Every day is a good day.

enjoying the little things in life

Last Thursday night we went into Denver to see Andrew Bird at the Ogden Theater. Andrew Bird… Andrew Bird… He makes me swoon. Heck, he makes Jeremy swoon. One of our favorite artists and it is quite the experience to see him perform live – 20 feet from us! What a treat. Then we went to Breckenridge on Saturday to ski up the bumps.

and it was good

But the weather continues with this crazy warm trend. January and February were warmer than average and our heating bill is down compared to last year (of course last year this time I was freezing my ass off because I was bald and sick). The deck door has been open a lot in the afternoons to let the hot air out, and you know who is loving all of that sunshine…

inside or outside, inside or outside?

I’ve been doing a little menu planning of late, although it’s tough when you have a smattering of guests who have allergies to gluten, dairy, poultry, eggs, and soy. As a rule of thumb, I will cater a menu to guests with legitimate allergies. I am amazed that despite all of the food allergies, not a one is vegetarian nor has cultural or religious dietary restrictions. It’s actually an interesting exercise to come up with a menu that can be both delicious and not send anyone into anaphylactic shock.

pink shrimp – they’re pink when raw

While searching my recipes, I noticed one was missing from the blog archives that I had shot a few months ago… A simple crowd-pleaser for any party, this is a double-offender for anyone who eats kosher: prosciutto-wrapped shrimp.

gluten-, dairy-, poultry-, egg-, soy-free

I used to serve this by boiling peeled shrimp, then wrapping each shrimp in a strip of prosciutto. That is certainly good stuff. You can marinate, season, dip as you like, but if the shrimp is sweet and the prosciutto proper (Parma, the region Jeremy’s advisor is from and he swears theirs is the best prosciutto – he swears it), then the combination is pretty invincible. That is, unless you want to grill it.


Something about the grill makes everything feel like a party. Or maybe I just like fire. The great thing about having this recipe in your appetizer arsenal is that it is quick and easy once you have the hang of shelling and de-veining shrimp and each one is a nice little bite for a guest. Of course, I usually get so excited about grilling food that I forget to soak my skewers.

fire good

Unlike some foods, these babies grill up in no time. Shrimp cooks quickly and so you shouldn’t walk away unless you want to serve rubbery, overcooked shrimp (particularly if you are the type who cannot stay on task). Give it a couple of minutes a side (or less) and you are good to go, rock star!

another good team

Grilled Prosciutto-wrapped Shrimp
[print recipe]

24 medium shrimp, peeled and de-veined
6 thin slices prosciutto

If using bamboo skewers, soak them in water for 30 minutes. Slice the prosciutto lengthwise into four strips per slice to get 24 strips in total. Pat the shrimp dry and wrap a strip of prosciutto around the midsection of a shrimp. Secure (skewer) with a bamboo or metal skewer. Repeat for all of the shrimp. Grill over high heat for 1-2 minutes per side (watch for doneness). Serve. [Note: I can see a nice drizzle of slightly sweetened balsamic reduction with this too.]

50 nibbles at “an even dozen”

  1. Lisa says:

    Congratulations to you and Jeremy!! The grilled shrimp looks beautiful, delicious and it is great for party. I definitely will try it next time when I host my next wine & dine group in April. Thanks for the inspiration.

  2. Foodess says:

    I love how something as simple as proscuitto-wrapped shrimp can be so delicious. Proscuitto-wrapped anything, really.

  3. barbara says:

    Happy anniversary to you and Jeremy. We got married on 29th Feb so we only get an anniversary every 4 years.

  4. sara says:

    Mmmmmmmm, this looks SO good! Gorgeous photos. :)

  5. peabody says:

    Yes, food allergies are fun…I know I am allergic to far to much. :( But I can eat everything on that stick. ;)

  6. Rosa says:

    Happy belated anniversary! Time passes so fast…

    That’s a great shrimp recipe! I love that idea!



  7. Patricia Scarpin says:

    Happy anniversary, darling!

    I found it so cool to read that it took quite a while to get used to the whole “being married” thing – I feel the same way (4 years, Joao and I) and knew no one who felt it too. Sometimes it’s like I’ve been with him my whole life, you know? And I hardly remember the wedding and all those details. The images of our daily life (and the trips we too together) are the ones that are on my mind constantly.

    Speaking of my hubby, he’s crazy for shrimp, Jen. I’m sure he would enjoy these so much!

  8. Christine says:

    Congratulations to you both! This is such a simple and great finger food idea! Am a great fan of your blog!


  9. Caitlin says:

    Happy anniversary! Things like that make me glad I’m not allergic to anything – ultimate omnivore with an incredibly sweet tooth, that’s me!

  10. Collette says:

    Congratulations! (It took me at least a year before I could say that Joe was my husband. It’s been 16 now. I’m pretty used to it!) The shrimp look wonderful–I’d love to have a grill but they really frown on putting them on the fire escapes.

  11. Kristin says:

    Happy anniversary!

  12. Fiona says:

    For a long time after Charles and I married, we’d turn to each other and snicker. “Dude,” he’d say, “you’re married.” “Dude! I know!”


    Meanwhile: that shrimp is ridiculous. Honestly, if anyone wants to give up their share based on Kosher dietary concerns, I’ll take theirs. And anyone else’s. They look scrumptious.

  13. Margie says:

    I’ll be right over for breakfast…..

    Shrimp, glorious shrimp; mainstain of the gods, ‘No?’

    Well the goddess in me says that they should be elected immediately.


    P.S. Miss K., girl u b funny, just like my little Miss H.!

  14. Phoo-D says:

    Congratulations! Looks like a wonderful weekend. I’ve made bacon wrapped shrimp before with success but I like the idea of using prosciutto even better. Next time we will go that direction!

  15. Kathy says:

    It’s wonderful to be a team w/your Hubby! Overall, it is such a peaceful existence. I love the picture of your pooch; he’s very handsome!

  16. Laurel says:

    Congratulations. Isn’t love wonderful? 21 years for me in April and it’s still like day one. Lucky us.
    I also am allergic to everything on that list of yours and the reason we aren’t Vegan is that meat, unless it’s full of additives won’t kill us but the rest will. This may sound odd but I’ve recently figured out that if I take Vegan recipes and replace the tofu (soy, gag) with meat life is a whole lot easier. So, help us out here and share the rest of the food you had at that party. I’m always looking for great tasting, safe food. Thanks.

  17. patsyk says:

    I love simple yet incredibly delicious appy’s like this one. I’m marking it so I won’t forget about it when grilling season finally arrives here.

  18. Diane says:

    Try adding a large, fresh basil leaf before wrapping them in the prosciutto next time; it adds a nice spicy sweetness!

  19. manisha says:

    Happy Anniv to you and Jeremy!

    70s again today and tomorrow but we’re cooped up inside because of a nasty flu-like virus. I might sneak out for a bike ride. If everyone were well, I would probably grill some shrimp, too. These look so yummy!

  20. Irene says:

    Prosciutto di Parma is indeed the best! I had a case a few years ago representing a dairy company from Parma and we got to try all sorts of products from that wonderful (gastronomically and otherwise) city. Yum, the meats and cheeses are amazing!

  21. Culinarywannabe says:

    Congratulations on your anniversary! What a nice way to celebrate. I’m jealous of your sunny weather!

  22. Stefanie says:

    hi – those look so good! my cousin has severe food allergies and cooking for him makes me a nervous wreck. i always send him a list of ingredients for review prior to that day and then can’t change a thing. i don’t want to be the one who kills him! btw – love your blog! thanks!

  23. Debbie says:

    The shrimp look delicious. Your blog is always a joy to read!!!

  24. Jess says:

    You had me at Andrew Bird. “Spare-Ohs” is my most-played song, and I wake up its bird-like whistle every morning! I’m totally envious, since I missed him in Vancouver this summer (I chose Radiohead instead. Worth it.)

    …And then the shrimp!

  25. heather says:

    Congratulations on 12 – next year, a baker’s dozen! Something sweet and fresh from the oven then?



  26. helen says:

    That is very, very sweet. It is a happy life when everyday is a good day.

    A friend makes a similar dish and finishes it with pesto. Delicious!

  27. SallyBR says:

    Congratulations on your 12 years! I am right behind, will celebrate our 9th on Sat….

    I might even make this as an appetizer for the two of us, seems perfect!

  28. Holly says:

    Happy Anniversary to you both! Those shrimp look great and I have to agree – grilling makes anything feel like a party!

  29. Eat. Travel. Eat! says:

    Happy anniversary! The shrimp recipe looks delicious and simple with only 2 ingredients! I rarely see pink shrimp raw, and your photo let me see it in detail! Thanks!

  30. Jie says:

    the first picture makes me want to have a dog……deeply……i feel so warm when i see it.
    the combination looks yummy. i have never seen a pink shrimp before. how do they taste like? any difference from the regular ones?

  31. Jie says:

    by the way, happy anniversary~~!!

  32. cindy says:

    the love nerd in me loves when you describe your relatationship…so cute.
    going to an andrew bird show is pretty much one of the most perfect dates/things to do ever, kudos to you both…definitely a swoon-worthy guy. he is awesome, in fact my roomate/bro-in-law-to-be and i were discussing his amazingness only yesterday. so jealous that you saw him so recently.

  33. Y says:

    Shrimp grilled with proscuitto sounds like an absolute winner to me.
    As for Andrew Bird. I love Andrew Bird! Hope to see him perform one day.

    Happy belated Anniversary :)

  34. Mrs Ergül says:

    12 years! A mighty long time by today’s standards! You are right, when Every day is a good day, but celebrate only on one specific day?! You two are a model couple! I look up to you both!

    Indeed, grilling feels like a party! Yesterday evening, I was just telling my sister we ought to have a bbq with the family soon! I’m gonna whip out the chicken kebab recipe I stole from your site!

  35. White On Rice Couple says:

    Congratulations, you two love birds. Thinking of the two of you together just makes me happy. Did Kaweah ever figure out if inside or outside was better? Silly puppies. The bratties here at home do the same. Love the prosciutto shrimp, too. But not as much as we love you guys. Congrats again. Todd.

  36. Asianmommy says:

    Happy Anniversary! Your shrimp looks delish!

  37. Aran says:

    it’s funny because i have friends who are coming from colorado soon who are also on a gluten, dairy and soy free diet. will have to try something like this!

  38. jen! says:

    it’s so awesome to find out that one of my favorite food bloggers also shares a love of andrew bird! what a brilliant man– who could help but to fall in love? glad you got to catch him; tickets sold out for my city’s venue in a flash and i missed out!

  39. Tartelette says:

    Easy and delicious! Would make anybody happy at a party!

  40. cindy says:

    Yep, you’re married. Glad he noticed.

    I make something like this too, except maybe not any more. Sophie just announced to me “Daddy and I just found out where you hide the prosciutto! In the rafters of the refrigerator!!” My fun’s obviously over.

  41. Manggy says:

    Happy anniversary Jeremy and Jen! (Jenremy? Jerrifer? Lol) I wish you health and prosperity together for many more decades to come :)
    I have to say I’m a bit of a brat when it comes to preparing menus. I don’t like being restricted! I probably can accommodate them but I won’t enjoy it. I have a whole bunch of food allergies (notably chicken and seafood) but the reaction is negligible to mild so I just enjoy whatever I want. Life is too short! (My stern eye is of course only on people with imagined/made-up allergies.) At least my friends know that if they refuse something at my table, they’ll be missing out heaps ;) Okay, I am SUCH a brat :P I am allergic to shrimp but I know you get it fresh AND it’s just too good to pass up (one of my favorite “meats”), so feel free to feed me as much as you want, heh heh :)

  42. gaga says:

    I usually wrap mine in bacon, but prosciutto looks good too!

  43. Edie says:

    We have a variation on this dish in our house. We utilize bacon and baste with our favorite BBQ sauce. This looks delish too and feel that prosciutto is a milder flavor. You can have a salad to start and add some garlic mashed potatoes on the side. It’s a meal in itself.

  44. jenyu says:

    Lisa – thanks mom :)

    Foodess – yup, prosciutto is about as magical as bacon in my book.

    Barbara – how cute! Now which one of you chose the 29th? :)

    Sara – thanks!

    Peabody – ha ha!

    Rosa – thank you, dear!

    Patricia – aw, thanks. I think because we were never intent on getting married, it winds up not being part of our identity or not a very prominent aspect of our relationship. Odd, I know :) I have to agree that the day to day is really so wonderful!

    Christine – thank you :)

    Caitlin – thanks! I think you are my ideal party guest, hon.

    Collette – oh, I remember living in an apartment where they forbade grills on the balconies. Everyone still had them ;) But a fire escape, that’s a little different :(

    Kristin – thanks.

    Fiona – ha ha, we were equally amused! Pork and shrimp as soooo good. Imagine my despair when I want to take my kosher pals to dim sum!

    Margie – oh, she just likes to be a free girl :)

    Phoo-D – yay!

    Kathy – thanks, she’s a pretty girl (also very simple in the brain department).

    Laurel – congrats on 21 years. Let’s hope for many more. Yes, the menu is up.

    Patsyk – ha ha, I grill year-round here (even in the snow) as long as the winds aren’t too high!

    Diane – hmmm, do you grill it too?

    Manisha – thanks! Oh dear, I hope you guys are better now. Poor thing. Cook up some of that wonderful food of yours and I’m sure D and M will be better in no time!

    Irene – oh man, twist my armmmmmm! That’s a nice intersection of work and food!

    Culinarywannabe – thank you :)

    Stefanie – thank you!

    Debbie – thanks :)

    Jess – ahhh, an Andrew Bird fan! He is *incredible*. hee hee.

    Heather – oh, perhaps? That will be fun to ponder!

    Helen – pesto is a great addition. I also love anything garlicky. So many possibilities – as long as the shrimp and pork are there :)

    SallyBR – oh, congrats to you!

    Holly – doesn’t it though? :) thanks!

    ETE – yes, these are pink shrimp from the Gulf of Mexico. My Whole Foods carries it often – nice and sweet!

    Jie – they taste wonderful! Sweet and fresh is how I always get them from my fish mongers. Not too different from the other shrimp. These are wild caught though. I tend to like those more than farmed. Thanks!

    Cindy – aww thanks! That concert was amazing. Andrew Bird is phenomenally talented. and cute :)

    Y – Oh yes, definitely go see him live. It is such a treat, he is so very brilliant.

    Mrs. E – you’re such a sweetie. Thanks. You didn’t steal the recipe, consider that I *gave* it to you! xxoo

    WoRC – Kaweah was first inside, then outside, then eventually inside where dinner was being prepared :) Thanks hon, we HEART you guys mucho mas mejor!

    Asianmommy – thanks!

    Aran – OMG, do you mean you’re having my friends over to your house? :) ha ha. There are so many of those in Boulder…

    Jen! – oh yay! Another Jen who loves Andrew Bird! Good taste, woman. His concert did sell out, but not super fast. Still, I was a happy camper :)

    Tartelette – I love the easy and delish recipes!

    Cindy – ha ha, how funny. I can’t imagine anyone NOT knowing where everything is in the fridge ;)

    Mark – thank you sweetie! I try to be accommodating, but usually if a guest makes a pill of themselves then I make a mental note to never invite them to my house again. Sort of my policy on people. If you establish yourself as a jerkwad, then you are moved to the Shit List for permanent, yar.

    Gaga – I am an equal opportunity cured-pork lover :)

    Edie – absolutely. Sounds great.

  45. Melissa says:

    Yeah rock star. Sorry I’m a bit late, but congratulations to you and Jeremy. I love the everyday togetherness the best and sometimes it really does sneak up on ya. :)

  46. jenyu says:

    Melissa – thanks hon! I think it’s a sign that things are Good :) xxoo

  47. Mollie says:

    Yeah, I’m behind, but these look amazing… and I agree about Parma… and I’m Italian by marriage :)

    I love you and J… I so agree that a true partnership is what it’s all about…

  48. jenyu says:

    Mollie – thanks sweetie. You are on the money, hon.

  49. Teri Eddy says:

    Perfect idea for lunch! Thank you!

  50. jenyu says:

    Teri – mmmm, nice lunch plans!

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