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doing it right

“The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.” -Eden Ahbez

Life has a fast pace – sometimes running in that dizzying manner and it’s all you can do to keep up. You’re chugging along, barely able to juggle the million things on your plate when something sudden happens and you let everything – including the plate – fall to the ground. And then you find yourself looking at the mess at your feet and those things that don’t really matter just fade away. What you’re left with is what matters.

Sometimes that something is the loss of a loved one, taken before anyone was ready. Maybe it’s facing your own mortality. For some it takes that kind of catastrophic life event before they realize what is truly important in life. And there are others who always know what their priorities are and live by them.

Last fall at BlogHer Food, Jennie and I were each tucked in our own hotel beds whispering stories into the drowsy darkness about the important people in our lives – both here and no longer here. Jennie’s words made me laugh and they made me cry, but they also instilled within me a deep respect for this no-nonsense, independent, loving, funny, and intelligent woman. She knew what mattered most in her life.

The food blogging community is reeling right now, because Jennie’s dear husband, Mikey, passed away suddenly and unexpectedly earlier this week. People are in shock and overcome with sadness. Like everyone else, when I learned of the news I held my beloved close to me and wept for my friend, for her Mikey, for their little girls, and for everyone who wasn’t expecting to be without him.

I know folks feel helplessness and despair. I’d like to point to Jennie as a shining beacon in this fog of sorrow, loss, and fear that has settled over so many. The way she talked about Mikey, the way they lived and loved their days together as a family, the time they set aside just for one another – this is love. This is living life. They made the moments count. They did it right.

I can’t think of a better way to honor Mikey than to live life and make it count. Let’s all do it right.

Edit: We can start with this group effort on Friday. Make a Creamy Peanut Butter Pie for Mikey. For Jennie.

15 nibbles at “doing it right”

  1. Averie @ Love Veggies and Yoga says:

    I am so very sorry for her loss. I saw this on someone’s twitter feed. My deepest sympathies.

  2. tami says:

    this is lovely, jen. xoxo

  3. Bev Weidner says:

    My heart breaks every time I think about her. Beautiful post.

  4. Winnie says:

    I love this so much. And you’re so right about Jennie and Mikey- they made it count. And did it right. Inspiring.

  5. Mrs Ergül says:

    I’m gonna do just what you said. there’s no better way…. xxoo

  6. Claudia says:

    Just what I needed to read today, and everyday. My deepest sympathies to Jennie and her family.

  7. Ellen says:

    Jen – thank you for posting this. I don’t know Jennie, but reading about her loss this week has been so sad. Made me want to make the peanut butter pie in honor of Mikey.

  8. Jenny says:


  9. Cynthe says:

    Exquisitely expressed, Jen ~ Shocking events like this sometimes strike me speechless with thoughts reeling. Appreciate you putting it such gentle, loving, truth-filled words.

  10. IlinaP says:

    Let’s do it right indeed.

    Jennifer and I shared a room at BlogHer, and we talked more than we slept.

  11. Margie says:

    May peace and comfort find the doorsteps of all that are grieving.

    Thank you for the reminder of what is truly important.

    Friday, peanut butter pie, it is.

  12. Jill says:

    Let’s do it right! Bless the family.

  13. angelitacarmelita says:

    I got on the “doin it right” train in January of this year and I intend to stay on it. Thank you for the reminder – for me and for everyone else about getting what’s important. We’ll all be thinking of Jenn during this time of sadness and I for one, will be having peanut butter pie this Friday. I went to her site and weep as I watched her handsome husband dance with her daughter. Much love to you and to Jenn and her family.

  14. Sil says:

    Friday peanut butter pie it is! And yes, every moment count. My thoughts to Jennifer and her family.

  15. jenyu says:

    Thanks and big hugs to all of you. xo

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