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you so mighty

Chapter 2: After our weekend of wining and dining, Jeremy and I drove to Yosemite National Park for a quick 3-day backpack to Cloud’s Rest – the best 360° view of the park I have ever seen. I’ll be back with a proper post shortly.

nevada fall in the distance

half dome

cloud’s rest benchmark


resident marmot of cloud’s rest

in camp

on nevada fall

lupine (grape soda?)

drive-by shooting of el capitan

half dome silhouette pre-dawn

16 nibbles at “you so mighty”

  1. merry jennifer says:

    Your tag “very cool” — very accurate. Lovely photos of a stunning place. I’m so looking forward to introducing my children to the park in June.

  2. Theresa says:

    Gorgeous photos Jen! Looks like you guys had a fantastic trip. I’m “collecting” national parks and Yosemite & Yellowstone are at the top of my list to see.

  3. Emmy says:

    So. Gorgeous. Love that chubby marmot, too! I haven’t been to Yosemite since I was little, maybe a road trip is in order?

  4. Pure Klass says:

    Such beautiful pictures! Yosemite (and the surrounding area) is, quite literally, my favorite place in the world. I always enjoy seeing love for the park.

  5. Katrina @ Warm Vanilla Sugar says:

    I am sooooo jealous!! These photos are amazing!

  6. kls says:

    I love it there. This makes me want to experience the backcountry even more!

  7. Memoria says:

    El Capitán :). I love going to Yosemite. Lovely photos!

  8. Ginger G says:

    … love Yosemite – visited there several years ago and loved it!

  9. Barbara says:

    It looks stunning Jen. A nice follow up to the vineyards of Napa.

  10. Nan says:

    Beautiful! – we are so lucky to have a park system that protects these treasures from development — so far anyway…

  11. sweetmaddy says:

    I hiked Cloud’s Rest 2 summers ago and I have been dreaming of going back ever since!! I’m so jealous! :)

  12. Jill says:

    You just keep amazing me! What a fun trip.

  13. jess says:

    Love doesn’t seem quite adequate :) Looks spectacular!

  14. itchbay says:

    So beautiful. Yosemite is my most favorite place on the earth. We’ve got two tentative trips planned for this year. I can hardly wait.

  15. Alice Allen says:

    I would love to see Yosemite also….have been thinking about a trip….any suggestions about where to stay that isn’t real costly? Which side of the park? Thinking about flying into Fresno and renting a car. Or fly into Reno, stay a couple of days at lake Tahoe and then drive to Yosemite and fly home from Fresno.

  16. jenyu says:

    merry jennifer – oh, I hope you guys have a wonderful time! It can get VERY crowded as everyone loves Yosemite, but hopefully you will avoid crowds and enjoy seeing the majesty of it all. xo

    Theresa – they’re both great parks, but they get ridiculously busy in summer. I think many of the other parks are also worth seeing (Sequoia/Kings Canyon, Lassen, Crater Lake, Rainier, Grand Canyon, etc.)

    Emmy – that chubby marmot did NOT want to pose ;)

    Pure Klass – it is a stunning place. Not my favorite, but certainly ranks up there in the top 20!

    Katrina – thanks hon! xo

    kls – the backcountry is very nice and there are fewer people, which makes it NICER :)

    Memoria – it’s El Capitan on the NPS website. If you have an issue, please take it up with the Department of the Interior.

    Ginger G – I love it too.

    Barbara – very different, but definitely more my speed xo

    Nan – I love our parks <3

    sweetmaddy - did you hike from the valley or from Tenaya Lake?

    Jill - thank you!

    jess - :)

    itchbay - have a wonderful time!

    Alice - I suggest going to the park website and checking their lodging options to see what suits your budget and required amenities best. As for which side, they are very different. Best to get a book or go online to read up about which one you prefer. Good luck.

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