A beloved Emile Henry baking dish cracked a few nights back. So I called reliable and overpriced Williams-Sonoma and asked what my options were. She said if I had my receipt, I could get a full refund. It’s a good thing I’m so OCD – I not only had a record of EVERY purchase made since 1997, but I also have every receipt in chronological order since 1997 too. I found it in late 2000. I got my refund, and instead of purchasing yet another (that’s the second that has cracked on me) I opted for something that doesn’t crack:
a digital scale

Of course, the first thing Jeremy did in the store was determine the scale’s statistical uncertainty. He told me he was unable to determine the systematic uncertainties in the store – not enough time. He also tested it’s calibration and gave me the thumbs up. On the way home…
jeremy: what are you going to use the scale for?
me: things that are difficult to measure, like grated cheese or shredded chocolate.
jeremy: oooh, that sounds delicious. i’m all for it. it measures in grams or that other funny unit.
me: what?
jeremy: ounces.
me: yes, with the gram measure, i can make those fancy european recipes.
jeremy: mmmm, european…