baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

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archive for chinese

bee there or be square

Saturday, April 11th, 2009

Recipe: chinese eggrolls

I had to wake up at 4 am yesterday because I needed to drink four more glasses of stuff before a medical procedure at 8 am. Okay, but here is the upside to rising that early…

moonset over the continental divide

We had a dusting of snow overnight and the whole world was awash with the glow of the full moon as she descended behind the mountains. Now you know why pre-dawn is my favorite time of day!

use real butter is in maintenance mode this morning, which should be completely transparent to you. If you don’t run normal backups, it might be a good time to start!

Today, I’m guest blogging over at Rasa Malaysia, which is one of my main sources for seriously ass-kicking Chinese and other Asian recipes. Bee has mouth-watering recipes and gorgeous photos to match them. To say it is an honor to guest post for her is an understatement. If you have never visited Rasa Malaysia before, you are in for a serious treat. Please hop on over, say hi, and get hungry! I made some egg rolls for ya.

chinese egg rolls (wrapped in spring roll wrappers)

sweet eggrolls with sweet red bean paste

winter 2.0 (lots of pics)

Saturday, April 4th, 2009

Recipe: spicy chinese cucumber salad

First: I was asked to link to April Food Day. Even though I believe the day is over (I got a late notice and it was supposed to be April 1) you can still donate for a good cause – to feed the hungry. Hop on over, won’t you?

We got some snow on April Fool’s Day. No joke! At least it wasn’t a joke for us, we were thrilled. More snow more snow! Technically, you CAN ski all year in Colorado – just that things can get a little lean in August and September when you are limited to the glaciers (and the glaciers here aren’t terribly big).

we like accumulation

kaweah looks sugar-dusted

Then it got warm, but just in time as I hosted a stitch-n-bitch for a really fun group of intelligent, friendly, and chill ladies. Kitt was a sweetheart and brought me a *still warm* freshly baked loaf of bread (and it’s delicious – I had some tonight with dinner). Nichole introduced us to an Aussie ginger beer which her husband is fanatical over (and now, so are we!). Foodies rock. The stitch-n-bitch was an excuse to cook authentic Chinese food for some of my favorite people as well as introduce them to one another.


**Jump for more butter**

twinkie or an egg

Friday, March 13th, 2009

Recipe: soy sauce eggs

I have always had this thing for the number 13 – I like it (in part because it is a prime number). And Friday the 13th is even better because I love Fridays. But the best thing about Friday the 13th? I always get an email from my friend, Jack. He usually tells me he misses me and Jeremy or that he hopes to see us next time we’re in So Cal. And then he ends with JASON JASON JASON KILL KILL KILL! This has been going on for over 16 years. I got one of his emails this morning right before we left the house. A great start to a fantastic day.

powder + bumps + breckenridge = sweetness

It really feels like spring skiing, which I’m not all that thrilled about because it gets so darn hot. However, the fresh powder overnight and the bluebird conditions today are pretty hard to beat. Breck was surprisingly unbusy and we hit freshies all morning. By afternoon, the powder became heavy, the runs were getting tracked up, I was sweating like a pig, and my quads were on fire.

totally worth the pain

jeremy hunts for pockets of powder

**Jump for more butter**