baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

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archive for chinese

chinese? i cook chinese!

Thursday, July 13th, 2006

conversation earlier in the week

me: i’ve signed up to bring dinner over on thursday. what sort of food do you guys like?
neighbor: oh, we’ll eat anything, thanks a lot.
me: how about the kids?
neighbor: yeah, they’ll eat anything. they’re not picky. but [chuckling] we’ve definitely had enough pasta to last us a long time.
me: you don’t have a preference for ANYTHING?
neighbor: [to daughter] honey, what do you like for dinner?
brita: [on the swing] i like chinese food!
neighbor: [turning to me] really, we’ll eat anything.
brita: oooooh – and i love rice! yum yum yum yummmmmm.
neighbor: please don’t go to any trouble.

**Jump for more butter**

good visit

Wednesday, July 5th, 2006

My grandma is definitely improving each day and my mom also seems to be more relaxed and generally happier. I always discover a little more about my grandma each time I see her. She told me if she could be half as carefree and dim witted as some folks, she could live a fairly blissful life. But we both laughed – because neither of us are like that. We like to worry about our little details and be in control and be that much more annoyed with things. I like that she recognizes this in both of us and laughs about it.

good genes

**Jump for more butter**

food for the bereft, food for healing

Wednesday, June 28th, 2006

I met Linnea’s mother today when we took the roast beef, mashers, and potstickers over. She gave me a hug. That poor woman. It’s one thing to lose your child, but to see her die so violently before your eyes and be helpless to do anything – I would imagine it is a mother’s worst nightmare. We’ve offered up our guest floor to anyone who needs it, so I think they’ll be sending some folks over tomorrow. I like the way our guest room and bath are on a completely separate floor. Gives us all privacy and allows them to go in and out as they need. I’ve signed up to cook a few meals for Marcus and the kids over the next months.

rolling the dumpling skins

**Jump for more butter**