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archive for fruit

everybody gets a redo

Sunday, October 26th, 2008

Recipe: apple tartlets

I typically encounter few problems when cooking or baking things that I eventually post on Use Real Butter. There may be some recipes that I merely feel “meh” about and hold off posting those for times when I’m out of posting material. And then there are times, like this past week, when I try a recipe and it didn’t come out as I had hoped. This actually happened with TWO such recipes and the end results are kind of important to me (okay, okay, I AM OCD). I even told Tartelette I wasn’t sure I wanted to bother redoing them this weekend. But redo them I did… and with the proper results. That makes me feel better.

Most of today was spent working on a rather odd project that I’m pretty sure not a one of you has ever embarked on making before. More on that tomorrow. I’m quite jazzed about it.

The other day I had a few Granny Smith apples lying about with no designated purpose. I didn’t think too much about them until I was working out and the thought of caramelized apples bounced into my head. I tossed about the idea of a deconstructed apple crisp, but I’m not as keen on deconstruction as say… reconstruction. If you will recall the apple cranberry crisp from not to long ago, I went for the same theme, but different presentation.

the oatmeal streusel topping pressed into tartlet pans

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love it

Wednesday, October 22nd, 2008

Recipe: cranberry sorbet

damn straight i did!

Have you ever begun a recipe with moderate to low expectations only to be completely dazzled by the result? One night while I was falling asleep, an idea popped into my brain and I said aloud, “cranberry sorbet” to no one in particular. I have about a 70% chance of remembering my thoughts the following morning.


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apple of my eye

Thursday, October 16th, 2008

Recipe: apple cranberry crisp

I’m still mulling over the giveaway, as in, I’m not sure what to give away… so while I’m figuring out What and How, just keep your pants on.

Recently I found myself in a food funk. Not only did I not feel like cooking much of anything, I also didn’t have a moment to sit down and *think* about what I might make. That is the OCD’s nightmare, to drive down the canyon and get to the store only to panic because I don’t have a menu planned out for the week. I don’t allow myself to wander the grocery store without a grocery list because I just know a lot of food is going to be wasted. That or my shopping cart will be full of junk food and nothing for dinner.

granny smiths

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