All photos (unless otherwise credited) are copyright Jennifer Yu. My work is protected under the DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) of 1998.
If you are a commercial entity desiring to use my photos, you need to obtain a licensing agreement from me. Please email me for pricing information:
If you are interested in using any of my photos (on use real butter or any other site of mine), please obtain my written permission first.
I am generally very pleasant about allowing non-profit use of my work, but you do need to have my written consent.
A note about the content… There comes a point when you realize the necessity of spelling things out because some people are just really really obtuse. My content is protected under copyright. The recipes, if cited, obviously belong to someone else and are NOT under my copyright. In fact, recipes (a list of ingredients) can’t be copyrighted and I’m perfectly cool with sharing my own recipes as long as you are cool about citing me. Easy peasy.