baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

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back in town for happy

[Note: This originally posted last night except my server had some personal issues to sort out and things went awry for several hours. Server is feeling better this morning.]

It’s Bastille Day! What better way to celebrate the day than in the company of my favorite French person, Marianne. Actually, Bastille Day slipped our minds and we weren’t reminded of it until we walked into Brasserie 1010 this afternoon for Happy Hour. A live (non-French) band was playing (loudly) and there were red, white, and blue balloons everywhere. A crêpes station was set up outside and all of the waitresses were dressed in highly suggestive French(?) outfits.

Marianne is in between trips to Greenland (for work) and Beth has been in and out of town all summer. This past weekend kicked off our summer travel as well, so we thought it best to get together before everyone scattered off in all directions. The Bra, as I call it, had a special Bastille Day Happy Hour menu with several delicious temptations. We indulged. We were happier for it too.

i started off with a passion fruit and gin

I’m not a big boozer to begin with and I was off booze altogether for many months during my treatment. Today however, I could not resist something with passion fruit juice. Woooo! Went straight to my head initially. I let Jeremy finish it off for me. Jeremy continued his track record of ordering girl booze and got the Normandy Dream (all fruity boozies in a martini glass). I liked my passion gin better.

grilled artichoke

escargots with mushrooms in wine sauce

cubano slider – phenomenal

house-style mussels topped with frites

In addition to all of the goodies above, we ordered a few savory crêpes: smoked salmon, ham and gruyère, and duck with goat cheese. Each one was delicious. The place was packed and the mood very festive. I even got to playing around with the new macro. Fast glass in a restaurant sends shivers down me spine – in the good way!

mocha mousse bombe

cusses fluently in french

look who ordered the same drink as i did!

I think we’re spoiled. I never did much of anything with Happy Hour until I came to Boulder, only to discover that their happy hours are big on the food as well as the booze. Of course, I usually base my choice on who offers up the best noshing fare because the company I bring is always top notch :)

16 nibbles at “back in town for happy”

  1. Rosa says:

    All that food looks yummy! A great way to celebrate!



  2. Lan says:

    the mocha mousse bombe looks fab! the happy hour joints i frequent do NOT have such awesome food fare. i’m jealous. but that’s ok, like you, the company is always great so it makes up for it.

    wonderful pix, as always.

  3. Ann says:

    Wonderful-looking food… and such lovely photos!

  4. Mollie says:

    Oh that looks like heaven! Beautiful nibbles and gin… my kind of happy!

  5. Patricia Scarpin says:

    What a wonderful way of spending time with friends.

  6. manggy says:

    Heyyyy!!! Let’s not do drink segregation… One world, Jen, one world… :P (Sincerely, uh, Lightweight Who Has Never Found Anything Without Fruit Juice In It Interesting.) Go Jeremy!
    It took me a while to figure out those were thick slices of baguettes on top of the snails. If they’re not, I guess I should be turning in my food-know-it-all card! I <3 the dessert most of all– could you expect any less? :)

  7. Cheryl says:

    God, I love randomly coming across blogs like yours in my haphazard clicking around. Your photos are absolutely stunning. Every time I lament the quality of photos on food blogs I come across a site like yours that literally takes my breath away. Nice.

  8. Anita says:

    Sounds like you had a great Bastille Day! Everything looks so yummy! (although I wish there was a pic of you with your passion gin:) )

  9. Mrs Ergul says:

    I’m real glad to see you back as bubbly as ever! And here I am looking forward to your daily posts again! Love the photos too, it’s quite a different feel from the past few posts! You’re damn cool ;)

  10. SweetBird says:

    I’m absolutely jealous of Happy Hour in Colorado now. I swear, whenever I’m lucky to find a HH here in CA it looks like someone threw the leftovers from last night’s dinner rush on a plate and served it. Those small plates look divine!

  11. Tony says:

    the passion fruit drink sounds so yummy. i had one similar at this sushi restaurant in georgetown (i loved the drink… i loved the sushi… the combination, not so much). i think the food you guys selected pairs a lot better : ) i particularly like the sound of that grilled artichoke

  12. Christine Tham says:

    Pse look after your health and do not drink alcohol at this present moment. You should watch out for your diet.

  13. Cheryl says:

    The food looks amazing and your photography is the best I have seen! Awesome!

  14. bee says:

    girl, your pics are really something else. i’m a gin gal all the way through. when i meet you, i’ll gladly drink one on your behalf as well.

  15. Mary Coleman says:

    I’m all about that artichoke. That looks absolutely fabulous.

  16. jenyu says:

    Rosa – it sure was!! :)

    Lan – i know, i have never happened upon a happy hour food scene quite like Boulder’s. Fun, isn’t it? But the company far outweighs the food (I think… hee hee).

    Ann – thanks!

    Mollie – yes, nibbles and gin – that is a great way to phrase it!

    Patricia – absolutely :)

    Mark – har har! we just like to poke fun at him for his girl-booze obsession. i myself, prefer girl booze (although i don’t booze often). oh yeah, sorry i didn’t point out the baguette slices – they too were delish :)

    Cheryl – awww, thanks. that’s really sweet of you!

    Anita – hee hee! well, that’s the problem when you are the photographer – you’re never in the pictures. actually, jeremy cannot focus a camera to save his life and with the new lens, i don’t really want him touching the camera. :)

    Mrs. E – pshaw! Silly girl. Not cool, just dorky enough to photograph everything I see ;) I’m always happy to see your spunky comments too.

    SweetBird – I seem to recall that memory of CA HH too… all the more reason to visit Boulder, Colorado :)

    Tony – oooh, good to know! I wouldn’t have thought of the pairing of sushi and passionfruit, but now I shall resist any temptation. Thanks for the tip, dear.

    Christine – WTF? And your medical credentials are…? I didn’t think so.

    Cheryl – thank you!

    Bee – w00t! I love a good G&T. We’ll do that when we meet, love. :)

    Mary – that artichoke was spankin’! No one touched it for a while (we were pigging out on everything else), but I started to tuck into it because it was CALLING to me :)

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