baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

copyright jennifer yu © 2004-2023 all rights reserved: no photos or content may be reproduced without prior written consent

to the dogs

Recipe: espresso chocolate chip shortbread

What new views through the lens? I went leaf hunting today and found…

tall trees

leftover snow on the mountains

the big kahuna

The rest of the sampler from today’s jaunt is on the photo blog.

Right, so the title of today’s post should read “to the dogs(‘ sitters)”. Miss Kaweah is going to vacay at Camp Crazy this weekend. We decided that my working road trips are much happier and more sane for all involved if Kaweah goes to camp rather than sit in the back of the Subaru whining her brains out for hours on end. Every time I take Kaweah to Camp Crazy, I pay the bill and when I sign the receipt, I notice a line for tip. Do you tip your kennel? Considering what we pay for Camp Crazy (it’s *expensive*) I have a hard time squeezing more money out of my wallet. [Edit: I found this wallet years ago in some random department store. It was exactly what I wanted. I bought it. Since then I have had a number of girlfriends inform me – between giggles and guffaws – that I have a man’s wallet. What, I asked, is a woman’s wallet supposed to look like? Apparently, not like mine. Whatevs.]

espresso to batter

mini chocolate chips

Of course, I don’t want any hard feelings to be taken out on my girl. I doubt they would anyway because they love her there and she walks into the place with a “hey yo, my peeps…” Still, I figured bribery in the form of some caffeinated cookies is a sure fire plan if her sweet disposition doesn’t win them over.

everyone likes some dough

roll it out

I have made one hundred million billion of these cookies to date. Yes, check that quantity. It is totally accurate. I browse a lot of food blogs for inspiration, for ideas, but there are very few that provide recipes I want to try outright. One of those blogs is Smitten Kitchen. Yeah, I know – Deb inspires you too, eh? Fo shiz. I used to make several batches of cookies a week when I lived at sea-level. My co-workers and colleagues loved me… or maybe they just loved my cookies?! The GDC (Gross Domestic Cookies) level plummeted when I moved to our nose-bleed elevation because I wasn’t dealing well with the high-altitude baking scene. I’ve been slowly coming back to cookies because they make the best gifts to ship or hand over to a deserving individual. More than anything, I have discovered that shortbreads are pretty stable up here. Very nice.

measure the slices

slap it on a baking sheet and go

I made a double batch of these today. I make a double batch *every* time (that is how we got to the one hundred million billion) because people LOVE this cookie. Jeremy loves it. My neighbors love it. Astronomy graduate students love it. My buds around the country love it. MIL loves it. Our local ornery postal staff – they love it. Subaru service team. Love it. Surgeon, nurses, radiation techs, dude who draws my blood, oncologist… Love it. [My oncologist asked for the recipe!] Camp Crazy: they will love it. Oh yes, they will. And so will you. Go thank Deb. Everyone in Colorado and then some will be thanking her by year’s end.

this cookie will solve our energy crisis

Espresso Chocolate Chip Shortbread
[print recipe]
from Smitten Kitchen

*Note: I didn’t follow all of the instructions in Deb’s version because I am a lazy bum.

1 tbsp instant espresso powder (I like Medaglia D’Oro)
1 tbsp boiling water
8 oz. unsalted butter, room temperature
2/3 cup confectioners’ sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
2 cups all-purpose flour
4 oz. bittersweet chocolate, finely chopped OR 3/4 cup store-bought mini chocolate chips
confectioners’ sugar, for dusting (optional)

Dissolve espresso powder in boiling water. Set aside to cool to tepid. Beat butter and confectioners’ sugar together on medium speed for about 3 minutes, until the mixture is very smooth. Beat in vanilla and espresso, then reduce mixer speed to low and add flour, mixing only until it disappears into the dough. Don’t work the dough much once the flour is incorporated. Fold in the chopped chocolate or chips with a sturdy rubber spatula. Using the spatula, transfer dough to a gallon-size zip-loc bag. Put bag on a flat surface, leaving the top open, and roll the dough into a 9 x 10 1/2 inch rectangle that’s 1/4 inch thick. As you roll, turn the bag occasionally and lift the plastic from the dough so it doesn’t cause creases. When you get the right size and thickness, seal the bag, pressing out as much air as possible, and refrigerate the dough for at least 2 hours, or for up to 2 days. Preheat the oven to 325°F. Put the plastic bag on a cutting board and slit it open. Turn the firm dough out onto the board (discard the bag) and, using a ruler as a guide and a sharp knife, cut the dough into 1 1/2-inch squares. Transfer the squares to the baking sheets and carefully prick each one twice with a fork, gently pushing the tines through the cookies until they hit the sheet (okay, I didn’t poke the cookies and they’re fine). Bake for 18 to 20 minutes, rotating the sheets from top to bottom and front to back at the midway point (I didn’t do that either – I bake one sheet at a time). The shortbreads will be very pale–they shouldn’t take on much color. Transfer the cookies to a rack. If you’d like, dust the cookies with confectioners’ sugar while they are still hot. Cool the cookies to room temperature before serving. Makes about 3 dozen.

221 nibbles at “to the dogs”

  1. Grey Street Girl says:

    Those cookies look amazing….Sigh….I’m on a diet. I will have to make do with licking the screen.

    As for the tip, I’m surprised they do that. I take my dogs to a posh doggie spa that is uber expensive in Nashville, complete with an a la carte menu where you can get nightly tuck in treats and special nature walks. They don’t have a line for that on the credit card receipt. I would find that sort of weird – I mean, what do you tip on a $100/night kennel? 20%? Eek!

  2. Rosa says:

    Wow, those landscape pictues are stunning! I love the color of the trees…

    Those cookies are great! Really perfect looking!



  3. Manggy says:

    I’m not sure I’m the best person to answer this, but a woman’s wallet doesn’t fold bills in half, and usually has a snap. And pictures of all her friends and family up to her relatives’ friends. (Er… I’m plagiarizing from Seinfeld on that last one.) A man’s wallet is more compact, and therefore folds bills in half, because it goes in the back pocket, not a purse. And is usually black or brown. :)
    Okay, how can anyone not love the shortbread? It’s studded with chocolate chips all over! I’m sure they will have forgotten about the tip AND the bill after having a few of these ! ;)

  4. marion says:

    I can’t believe my eyes : rolling the dough in a plastic bag … What a fantastic idea !!!!! I used to roll it between 2 sheets of parchment paper but this is THE good way to get a square dough ! Fnatsatic ! Thank you Jen :)

  5. clumbsycookie says:

    Those are just great! I think I could actually eat just the dough raw!

  6. joanne at frutto della passione says:

    Yikes, this is a sign. I have been promising (and not delivering) choc. chip cookies to my boys for about a week. Now I have to do it AND use this recipe!

  7. knitopia says:

    Oh man, that ruler by the dough is giving me flashbacks to when I had to score fudge in a candy store so that it could be cut into quarter-pound slices on demand. I enjoyed it.

  8. veron says:

    These do look deliciously buttery and will definitely solve our energy crise.

  9. Erin says:

    These look so good! I love Deb’s recipes as well. Your cookies look just perfect!

  10. Chocolate Shavings says:

    Your shortbread looks delicious! I really love those tree pictures too!

  11. Maya says:

    I think I woman’s wallet has more space for credit cards ;)
    Great idea to roll the dough inside a huge ziplock bag. The peeps in my post office are gonna luv this!

  12. Margie says:

    Coffee, chocolate, is there more to Life? Oh yes! A doggie: :)

    Thanks for this recipe, Jen. This comes just in time for the teenager that will walk through the door this afternoon on a short respite from college. Chippers are her favorite sort. I did notice that you have put the dough into a bag to roll it. Pray, tell, is this a special bag or just a large zip-type? I must try this trick. Generally, I chill my dough and use a large scoop to round them. (I have a thing for ‘uniformity’).

    Got to go…must get to the photo blog. Oh, before I do though, I am in agreement: I DON’T appreciate folks tacking on a tip for a service that has already hijacked my wallet. I tend to do as you have done: Bake a treat and share. After all, sharing the ‘wealth’ is an existential element that obviously transcends the dated,’cash expected’, approach. Anyone can give money, but what about giving time, effort and art? And then, the satiated experience? Who is the real benefactor? Not withstanding, JUST LOOK AT THAT DOG! I rest my case. ;)

    Go easy on yourself about leaving Missy K. I leave Missy H. when we travel to LV. Daughters condo is itsy-bitsy and my granddaughter, Miss ‘Fluffy-butt’, can’t be bothered with the chase. ;)

    Chow down on a few of them thar cookies for me, will ya? I’m gonna have mine ready by 4:00.

  13. Bridget says:

    What is it about Deb that makes me want to make everything she blogs about? I’d forgotten about these cookies, but they look great.

  14. Margie says:

    FAUX PAS!!! Mi amiga! Had I simply read further, into the instructions, I would KNOW what type of bag. DOH!!!! DUH!!!

    …never mind…..


  15. Lan says:

    jen – these look fantastic. are you sure they’ll def. travel well. as in maybe internationally? i have a troop in Iraq i’d like to send cookies to but apparently there are quite severe weather issues (hot, cold, desert dry etc) so i want to make sure the cookies remain intact and taste fabu. thanks for sharing this, i’ve been on the hunt for the ultimate cookie recipe.

    also, a few of my friends who take their dogs to the kennel leave tip. but then again, they don’t bake awesome cookies so i think it all evens out.

  16. Mollie says:

    love love love! And as you already know, I adore Deb too. Deb filtered through you is pretty much my nirvana in a recipe these days. :) These will be made this weekend I predict.

    I do not tip our doggy daycare… I do however provide a crock pot of soup or pumpkin chocolate chip cookies from time to time. I think it’s a fair trade, and frankly, the staff seems to remember me a lot more for it! K loves going to daycare, if it’s for a day or a week. He starts to cry when we turn down the street, just in case I forgot that THIS is the street where we go and get to play with OTHER DOGS! LOTS of other dogs! PLEASE mom?!?

    And I carry a “man’s wallet” too, in my designer handbag, so people can suck on that! lol

  17. Anita says:

    Mmm, I want to be your neighbor Jen! And I love all the insights you’re giving about high-altitude baking.
    I think baked goods are a totally acceptable as a tip- even better, really, because cookies inspire the warm fuzzies (like you’ve noticed). I do it all the time! However, have you noticed (I’m sure you have with your million billion baked) that after a while people almost begin to *expect* cookies flowing from your kitchen regularly? Maybe we can revive the cookie barter system:)

  18. Amy (Sing for your supper) says:

    Oh my gosh…these are the best looking cookies I’ve seen in a long time! They’re gorgeous!!!

  19. Hillary says:

    Wow…so I totally made a chocolate chip cookie recipe from Smitten Kitchen too and mine did NOT turn out as good. Here are mine. Nice job, those do look money!

  20. Susy says:

    If a woman’s wallet doesn’t fold bills in half I must have a man’s Hello Kitty wallet – HM.

    Perhaps those cookies will be gracing my oven this evening, if I can finish my batch of pickled beets in time.

  21. Margie says:

    These are wunderfulllllllllllllllll! I have a mouth fullllllllllllllllllllllll of ’em right now. Wunderfulllllllllllllllllllll!
    I didn’t have a zipper bag, so made do with the Le C. dish. YUMMY. I tell ‘ya, these are sinful, proceed with caution. SK is on to a winner, furr shure. I had to bake mine a bit longer than the recipe said, but only cuz I was making do with the utensil at hand.

    (burp…’cuse me).

  22. deb says:

    Oh, hooray! I’m so flattered that you and the state of Colorado are enjoying them!

    Have you tried them yet with the toffee-chocolate variation I suggested? Ungh, chocolate-espresso-toffee… It is (almost) more awesome than I can bear.

  23. Asianmommy says:

    I love your 1st two shots–the colors are so vibrant. Amazing pictures!

  24. Lori says:

    I could look at your pics all day. If you saw my eyes while I was looking at them you would swear I was swooning. You have a great eye Jenyu! That shortbread, wow. Talk about combining the two best cookies in the world (well okay there is no molasses or ginger in there) but shortbread and chocolate chip collided to make a WOW cookie.

  25. Isa says:

    Yum, yum, yum! That looks delicious!
    Glad to know you can ommit certaint steps if you’re feeling lazy =)
    And as usual, amazing pics =D

  26. susieshomemade says:

    Great recipe! At first, I thought they were cookie dough squares. Very reminiscent of my cookie dough balls :-)

  27. Mikah says:

    oh man … chocolate and espresso … my husband’s gonna love me even more! i think i might even try it with the toffee. now if i can perfect this recipe by thanksgiving, i’ll be set for christmas =D

    btw … i absolutely LOVE your nature photos. can they be purchased (if yes, please shoot me an email)? have a wonderful weekend

  28. Ginny says:

    Amazing! Can’t wait to try them! :)

  29. Madam Chow says:

    Boy, those look good! And I’m a lazy bum, too, when it comes to following recipes! ;)

  30. Mrs Ergül says:

    I can goof a lot of those down! I’m drooling just by looking at those chocolate chips! Hope you’re doing fab! xxoo

  31. Cate says:

    THese look amazing and perfect. I can’t wait to try them!

  32. Graeme says:

    Coffee Shortbread is for losers. That could imply milk and water.
    Espresso Shortbread; that’s getting shit done!

    I love the shape too. Squares are dynamic, and fit for purpose, right?

  33. Chocolatey Links says:

    […] Espresso Chocolate Chip Shortbread at Use Real […]

  34. steph (whisk/spoon) says:

    happy belated birthday. you live in the most beautiful place on earth! my tummy just rumbled looking at those cookies…

  35. Melissa says:

    Love the photos. Love Deb. Love your writing, continually.

    And I totally have a man’s wallet. :P

  36. peabody says:

    Wow you measured and everything. You’re so good. I just hack it off where ever I feel like it. :)

  37. Susan says:

    Btw, happy belated! My 7 yr old is a Virgo too – must be why I like you so much :) Aside from your talent, wit, artistic eye, salivating recipes…? So far, there’s no commonality, except maybe the fiestyness but I can only hope she’ll develop some of your great (Virgo-esque or not) traits.

    I can’t wait to try the expresso chocolate chip recipe. I love chocolate and I love coffee so this is right up my alley.
    Q for you, is this pretty sweet or just mildly sweet? Wondering if I should modify the amount of sugar to adjust the sweetness. For example, I think the Nestle Tollhouse and Mrs. Field’s are too sweet for me.

  38. irisav says:

    The cookies look delicious.

    I’m curious about one thing though, I’ve recently started reading your blog and I’ve noticed you made a few references to high altitude baking. I was wondering- what is it that high altitude does to baking?


  39. jenyu says:

    GSG – I seem to encounter tip requests at just about every service these days… *sigh*

    Rosa – thanks!

    Mark – yeah, apparently that is the case. Mine is a man’s wallet, but I like the fact that it is compact! I think they liked the cookies… sometimes you just assume.

    Marion – not my idea! It came from Deb (and I guess that idea came from Dorie!)

    ClumbsyCookie – yeah, I know people who like to do that too :)

    Joanne – good luck and I hope they aren’t bouncing off the walls from the espresso!

    Knitopia – hee hee.

    Veron – :)

    Erin – thank you!

    Chocolate Shavings – thanks.

    Maya – ha ha, perhaps! Not my idea, but I love it too!

    Margie – ooh, I don’t eat these cookies. They make me hyper and I’m not a huge fan of sweets myself (just like making them). Yes, the ziploc is a standard gallon bag. Consider the cost of leaving Kaweah at Camp Crazy, I feel as if she’s getting the royal treatment.

    Bridget – they’re awesome. I think you’ll dig em.

    Lan – I think they will travel well if you don’t allow for any jiggle room in the package. If they shake about they will crumble to bits (ask me how I know this – driving four wheel drive dirt roads with some cookies in the back…) Thanks for the feedback on tipping at the kennel!

    Mollie – you’re a riot ;) Love K, he sounds so cute. Good thing he likes daycare. I know some pups who are frightened to death (obviously not labs…) At this point, it doesn’t matter that I carry a man’s wallet as my hair is so short I am constantly called “sir” in the fricking market.

    Anita – Oh, to have you as my neighbor would be delightful. We’d just sit around talking baking all the time! And I agree, it gets to be annoying when folks expect cookies regularly. Then I just want to smack some of the ingrates in the head ;)

    Amy – you’re so sweet to say!

    Hillary – oh, these aren’t chocolate chip cookies, they’re espresso chocolate chip shortbread. Very different. The shaping is everything in a shortbread. Not so for a drop cookie like choc. chip. Give these a try – they will turn out lovely, I promise!

    Susy – woohoo! Let’s start a man’s wallet club! mmm, pickled beets!

    Margie – glad you like em!

    Deb – I and the state of Colorado (whether they know it or not) LOVE YOU :) I will be trying the toffee variation once I am done shooting fall colors, traveling around the west to visit people, and get my skis tuned! xxoo

    Asianmommy – thanks!

    Lori – you’re very kind to say. This cookie rocks. I hope you give them a try!

    Isa – actually, I omitted those steps because I don’t read recipes thoroughly and still I managed not to screw these up :) good recipe!

    Susieshomemade – oooh!!!

    Mikah – you’ll get it down the first time, I swear! Yes, I’ll send you an email.

    Ginny – yay!

    Madam Chow – my kinda gal…

    Mrs. E – thanks hon!!

    Cate – they are really nice :)

    Graeme – you are so ridiculous! Imagine how much you’d get done if you ate a handful of these?

    Steph – you’re so sweet, thank you!

    Melissa – That makes FOUR of us babes who carry man wallets. We’re on to something! :) thanks!

    Peabody – with a hockey stick too, I bet!

    Susan – ah ha ha, I’m a Libra, hon :) But Jeremy is a Virgo and he’s GREAT! I am all for little girls who are fiesty and grab life by the hojos! This cookie is not terribly sweet, which might be why I like it more than most cookies. You will probably like it if the others are too sweet for you. Give it a try :)

  40. Ruthie says:

    I made these today to bribe my Relay for Life subcommittee chairs so that they’ll be good and dedicated and responsible this year. I think it worked. :D

  41. Kathy says:

    Hi Jen: I’ve been reading your blogs, baking the expresso choc. chip shortbreads (as well as sharing them w/neighbors and friends). I absolutely love how you capture nature through the lens. It’s beautiful!! When I’m feeling down, I log onto your site and stare at your photos. It makes me smile inside.
    Thank you.

  42. Patricia Scarpin says:

    You are not a lazy bum – you measure the bars with a ruler, for crying out loud. ;)
    These are amazing. And I don’t even like coffee. ;)

  43. Easier Than Falling Off a Log » Coffee-Chocolate Chip Shortbread says:

    […] later. The reason I don’t feel like I had any right to mess with it is that I got it from Use Real Butter, who, in turn, got it from Smitten Kitchen, who got it from Dorie Greenspan. Is a nobody allowed to […]

  44. jenyu says:

    Ruthie – w00t!

    Kathy – you’re so sweet. Thanks a lot and I’m really glad you enjoy the photos.

    Patricia – *blush* I am a lazy bum, but the OCD in me wins most of the time ;)

  45. Debbe says:

    I just tried these cookies today and they are amazing! I went on a hunch and made a double batch like you did and I don’t regret it! Except I didn’t measure mine properly so they ended up being not so square, but it didn’t matter it tasted amazing! Thanks!

  46. jenyu says:

    Debbe – terrific. These are a winner for sure. I love Deb for posting the recipe!

  47. Christine says:


    Am a new fan of your blog, you’ve got great photography skills and even better when taking photos of food! Just wanted to know in reading some of your older posts I came across this recipe you put up and decided to try them (since they’re going to solve the energy crisis!) It’s a pity I can’t count or measure properly. If you feel like a little chuckle, pls have a look at my latest post about your shortbread recipe. Damn these metric conversions!

    God bless and wish you a full recovery!

    Christine (Perth, western australia)

  48. jenyu says:

    Christine – thanks and welcome to URB. Glad you enjoy it here and hopefully you’ll find some of the info useful!

  49. I smell like coffee and biscuits | Bell’s Blog says:

    […] YUM (again!) I have no photos to show you… so you’ll just take my word for it or come here for the recipe! *deep breath… inhale hair* Posted in Food Related RSS 2.0 | Trackback | […]

  50. Hurst Beans says:

    These look INCREDIBLE!

    Can’t wait to make them!

  51. jenyu says:

    Hurst Beans – if you like coffee (or love coffee) these are *very* popular.

  52. Ginny says:

    I must try these cookies. Though, we’ll see how they turn out. You see, I grew up on the high plains of Wyoming. I learned to bake at about 6500 ft. Then, suddenly, I’m attending grad school at 2200 ft, and find that either I’m amazing baker whose cupcakes are amazingly light and fluffy and full of awesome. Or, I make cookies the way I have since I was little with a recipe I have memorized and they fail, because I forget I don’t need that extra flour, and they don’t have to be baked as long and all those other important details. I still have another year and a half to figure it all out.

  53. jenyu says:

    Ginny – These cookies are particularly well-behaved at elevation. Shortbreads in general tend to do fine for me without any altitude adjustments. Hopefully you’ll love them as much as everyone else :)

  54. msandreabakes says:

    Your pictures are beautiful; Rockies? I made these today and they are so darn good looking thanks to your method with the big zip-lock bag. They taste good too but I think next time I’ll go with regular butter or a dash of salt as I missed that element in them. Have you ever tried them with regular butter?

  55. jenyu says:

    msandreabakes – no, I only use unsalted butter, preferring to control my own addition of salt. you can just add salt if you like. yes, those pics are in the rockies :)

  56. Threepwood says:

    Wow, thanks for posting this recipe, I have a new addiction :-)
    I found your post through Food Gawker and I loved the way you described the shortbread so it was pretty much a must try. The results were fantastic, this is a real adult shortbread….loved it. Thanks again for posting.

  57. jenyu says:

    Threepwood – thanks! Glad you like the shortbreads. My recipients are gaga for it :)

  58. » Incidentals: says:

    […] recipe itself I actually didn’t love, but I think they were a wee underbaked.  Let’s get back to the […]

  59. Claudia says:

    I never comment on websites but I must now. Damn these are great! I made them exactly like you specified. They’re amazing! AMAZING! You’re a genius.

  60. jenyu says:

    Claudia – thanks! But they aren’t MY recipe :) Thank Martha :)

  61. erin says:

    Lovely lovely shortbread! I’d just throw in one tidbit–I found the dough very soft, even after chilling over night. It may have been the butter I used, but next time I think I may try the freezer, and cooking from frozen. Any thoughts?

  62. jenyu says:

    Erin – my only guess is that you might have been using margarine or something that isn’t solid when refrigerated?

  63. Grace says:

    Hey, Stumbled on this! I replaced the espresso with hot chocolate (we’re not coffee people) and used a lot more chocolate chips. The dough is chilling now. Thanks!

  64. jenyu says:

    Grace – hope it worked out!

  65. Meeta says:

    yum yum yum! i wanted manisha to adopt me but i see you are the one with the recipe – so forget her – CAN YOU ADOPT ME? (manisha i love you though)

  66. Zeer says:

    What happens if you leave out the espresso?

  67. Julia says:

    Love your site!

  68. jenyu says:

    Meeta – you are too cute ;)

    Zeer – then I guess it’s just a shortbread – I’d bump the vanilla up.

  69. Wendy says:

    Hi! Just wanted to let you know that I made this today and I halved the recipe – but DARN! I am regretting it now because they’re so bloody addictive. Thanks for sharing.

  70. Emmis farliga kex « Blog Archive « My favourite mistake. says:

    […] a Comment » Om ni vill vara ruskigt bra värdar och värdinnor kan ni ta er en titt här. Det magiska orden är espresso chocolate chip shortbread. […]

  71. Annie K says:

    Just made these. Doubled the recipe and am glad I did! The dough was yummy, and the baked cookies devine! I will definately make these again for gifties for my friends etc… THANKS!

  72. HomeCookingQueen says:

    Say… Would you sell prints of your photos?

  73. jenyu says:

    HomeCookingQueen – I do sell prints professionally. Will email.

  74. GUS says:

    Question, I messed these up some how, they were really dry, like I didn’t use enough butter but I know I did. I did mess up the chocolate, I am a space cadet and forgot to mix the chocolate chunks into the batter. So i decided to just kinda put them on top. Would that have made them dry, not having them in the batter? I will try this recipe again if that is the case. Maybe I am just looking for a more traditional gooey cookie and these aren’t them. Basically should I try again?

  75. GUS says:

    PS i’m a novice baker lol, if you couldn’t tell by me forgetting the chocolate!

  76. Jenni says:

    I work at a pet grooming salon – tips are customary for service above and beyond ‘the norm’ (whatever that is), however, there is no reason to leave a tip when dropping off your dog (that can always be given when you pick up your happy pup). And, most people I work with always appreciate the food angle, just try to make sure that there aren’t any dietary restrictions (allergies, vegetarians, vegans) so all can enjoy.

    AND the cookie bars look amazing! They may have to join my collection of ‘standards’ in my kitchen! Thanks!

  77. jenyu says:

    GUS – these are not chewy cookies, they are shortbreads which have a dry and brittle crumb.

  78. Thanksgiving’s givings. « The Modest Kitchen says:

    […] Jump to Comments This year I made Paula Dean’s Pumpkin Gooey Butter Cake and Espresso Chocolate Chip Shortbread. Both were […]

  79. Dee says:

    Could you bake these the exact same but without the espresso? Is there a substitute to just make them chocolate chip shortbreads??

    Thank you!

  80. jenyu says:

    Dee – I imagine you could up the amount of vanilla and probably add a pinch of salt, but I’ve never tried it.

  81. Leigh says:

    I am super jealous of your final product picture!
    Mine didn’t keep the lovely square shape that yours did, though. They circled themselves out so they were more like cookies than shortbread….possibly because I didn’t leave them in the fridge for quite two hours. I will try to resist the call of the cookie dough waiting to be eaten — I mean made — next time.

    But they were SUPER yummy. Especially warm with the melty chocolate.

    And they were pretty easy to make — drunk no less.

    Thanks for the instructions and the pretty pictures that lead me to your blog.

  82. gabyy says:

    i LOVE the way i could easily make these cookies–i didn’t even use a mixer! these cookies broke & cracked on me in the fridge though *sniffle sniffle* but ohh so yummy, they’re baking in the oven right now <3!

  83. links for sunday! « lovely entropy says:

    […] i don’t know why i’m on such a cookie craze…maybe it’s some kind of post-holiday thing.  regardless, here’s a recipe for perfect espresso chocolate chip cookies. […]

  84. Saskia says:

    These cookies totally rocked! In the Netherlands (where I’m from), we don’t traditionally have a cookie equivalent to the shortbread texture, so a recipe is hard to come by (and then you get the tiresome conversion to metric), but THIS!!! I made a batch last week and spread some love amongst my collegues and my husband’s, and now they are crying for more.
    Guess what’s in my fridge now, waiting to get chopped up… I added a little bit more sugar this time, so I can’t wait to taste the result.

    I love your photography as well. And the dog stories. I’m a sucker for animals…

    In short: thanks.

  85. Brattypants says:

    These cookies look incredible. What a great change to have them shaped like squares. Kind of puts a modern twist on them!

    Definitely a must try!

  86. claire says:

    Hi. I made these today. Saw you on FoodGawker. I will photograph them in the morning. They are yummy, quite buttery though, I wonder if I needed more flour. It’s always difficult translating cups to metric. They spread a little but are still nice and square. Even my 8 yr old who doesn’t like coffee likes them. He had them dunked in milk for supper. Hope the coffee doesn’t keep him awake! Thanks for sharing.

  87. Easter Goodies « Things We Make says:

    […] This Espresso and choc chip shortbread that I spotted on ‘Use Real Butter‘ via FoodGawker is delicious, the recipe for these is here: […]

  88. Hannah says:

    I’ve had this recipe on my to bake list for weeks. I’m trying to cut down on my coffee/caffeine consumption in general, so I altered these cookies. I cut out the espresso and added about two tsp of water, a pinch of salt, and an extra 1/2 tsp of vanilla. They came out flaky and very, very sweet. I’m thinking that I added too much vanilla.

    I’m definitely going to try the espresso variation in the future, especially because the cookies seem to demand that extra oompf. Thanks for sharing!

  89. Gretchen says:

    These are amazing and everyone I know simply loves them. I just make an extra strong batch of regular espresso and use that in place of the instant. This also allows for me to make decaf espresso so I can eat half the batch and not feel so jittery ;)

  90. Ory Owen says:

    These were absolutely delicious. Everyone I have given them to absolutely loves them. Coffee and espresso are good to begin with but this shortbread is on a level of its own! Excellent recipe!

  91. Jenn says:

    These look amazing. I cannot wait to try them!!! And your photos – oh my! Gorgeous!

  92. Tink says:

    I “stumbled” onto your page and am just enjoying it so much! The photos are just breathtaking. Where were they made?
    The shortbread cookies look amazing. The beautiful thing is I was trying to figure out what to make and send to my son and his fellow soldiers in Iraq.
    I’m going to make this recipe tomorrow, then make a big batch to send to Iraq :-)
    Thank you so much for sharing the recipes and the photos!

  93. Trevor says:

    #1. I love your URL… by far my favorite I’ve seen in the food blog world. Definitely my kitchen mission statement as well.

    #2. I am making these cookies tonight!


  94. Katie says:

    I made these today without the whole plastic bag refrigeration part and they turned out DELICIOUS – I love stumbling into great recipes!

  95. Enostavno kot keks | Kuhinja says:

    […] opombo, smem omeniti, da sem recept našel tukaj, od koder sem si tudi sposodil fotografijo od Jenifer yu. Mismas » « […]

  96. Michael says:

    These look delicious! But a note about espresso: to make an even better taste, add the espresso to warm milk rather than water. Espresso goes bad (all bitter…it’s supposed to be sweet, caramely, and *lightly* bitter) within 10 seconds unless added to warm-hot lactose. I would suggest skim milk, as it isn’t as thick as 2%. I gotta say, these look incredible!

  97. Dom says:

    You rock made these today – wife adores them- added some chopped walnuts to the mix also, just gives it another great texture.

    There are so many things I can do with this recipe thanks a bunch :)

    And you get a thumbs up on Stumble Upon from me. Great Stuff.

  98. Lyainna says:

    Has anyone ever tried these with wheat flour? I ask because I in the process of making them An discovered I was short on the flour.. So I substituted half the flour with wheat.. *crossing fingers that it works!!*

  99. Buffie says:

    Does anyone know if using whole wheat flour makes any kind of a difference?? If so, is there any type of changes you would make??

  100. jenyu says:

    Buffie – I have not, but I think some of my friends have tried it (,, maybe

  101. sweetsugarbelle says:

    On the to try list, this reciep would actually probably be PERFECT for decorating too, and way easier than cutting a ton of squares by hand. Bookmarked!

  102. Kulsum at JourneyKitchen says:

    I need to give this a try!

  103. Anamika says:

    Your description of this at foodgaker was so so tempting that I had to check it out. ANd I’m surely not dissapointed. Def going to give it a shot!!

  104. Nicole says:

    EVERYONE MUST MAKE THESE COOKIES! THey are so good. I made three batches this weekend. So easy and so delicious. THANK YOU!!!

  105. Erica says:

    WOW! these look absolutely delicious! If only I had chocolate chips :( I would be preheating my oven right now!

  106. Natalie says:

    I made these today and they were extremely hard and dry (way more than short bread normally is). So I figured I must have read your recipe wrong…but once looking over it again I saw nothing off. Then I went to the orginal smitten kitten recipe and saw it…she uses TWO 8oz sticks of butter which makes a world of difference. So if anyone else had issues with their cookies, don’t give up on tour recipe just throw some more butter in the bowl!

  107. jenyu says:

    Natalie – a stick of butter is 4 oz. I list 8 oz. which, if you do the math, equates to 2 sticks. Deb doesn’t use two 8 oz. sticks of butter, I assure you…

  108. Labor Day Party « bakecrafttalk says:

    […] From: Use Real Butter Espresso Chocolate Chip Cookies […]

  109. rumblerooooar says:

    I am so happy I found this recipe – I tried those cookies today and they actually ARE pretty heavenly. Although the dough was a bit too liquid (it wasn’t REALLY liquid, but, you know…), so instead of rolling them, I sort of blobbed them onto the baking sheet. Now they’re not square or anything, but they look just like ordinary cookies. Which is fine by me, because they’re delicious!!

    So thank you :)

    @ Natalie: I don’t know what you did wrong, but my cookies are wonderfully soft inside!

  110. jenyu says:

    rumblerooooar – huh, they shouldn’t be liquidy at all, it should be fairly firm dough. you’re using powdered sugar, not regular sugar, right? well, glad you like them either way :)

  111. rumblerooooar says:

    yeah well – I don’t know what I did wrong either!
    I did use powdered sugar!! But I also used real espresso and I might have been a bit too generous and added a bit too much – I hate measuring stuff.
    So I guess I do know what I did wrong after all… sorry for butchering your recipe :)

  112. Lindy@Itsy Bitsy Paper says:

    Hi! Your blog is fantastic and this recipe is to die for. I do a Cookie Time Tuesday every week on my blog and am always scouring the web for unique cookie recipes and Deb’s site is one of my favs to go to but I actually found this recipe from you before hitting her site (Thanks to Pinterest). I did add in Toffee Chips to mine and it really brought out the coffee flavoring. So delicious. I for sure have these cookies added to the “Gift” list because I am sure most people would really enjoy getting a box of these little slices of heaven.

    Thank you for sharing! I hope you will have a chance to stop by and check out Cookie Time Tuesday…

  113. Natalie says:

    Yeah sorry. I confused the ounces with the sticks. I redid the recipe with two sticks this time and it was much better. Sorry again, I misread.

  114. alyce@culinarythymes says:

    Wow. these look great! Beautiful pics too.

  115. Summer says:

    whe you say Astronomy grads love it I sure do hope so. I am making these for my astrophysics majoring boyfriend to ship… How long do the last when shipped?

  116. jenyu says:

    Summer – they should last at least a week in ziplocs.

  117. JERI COTA says:

    Just made these, easy to make, yummy to eat. will take to work tomorrow and get some opinions. Oh and I forgot to prick them, they seem to be ok.

  118. >Chocolate Chip Espresso Shortbread | Butter says:

    […] So when I stumbled upon (literally) this, I went straight into the kitchen and made […]

  119. 3-Oct-2011: Facebook and Chocolate Chip Deliciousness | My 9 to 5 says:

    […] think it is safe to say that the chocolate chip cookie is the king. Well, I found a chocolate chip SHORTBREAD cookie recipe that sounds divine. I’ve never tried making shortbread, so I’m looking […]

  120. » How To Make Espresso Chocolate Chip Shortbread Cookies says:

    […] found this for Espresso Chocolate Chip Shortbread on Food Gawker.  Under the photo was the description,  “These cookies are like money. They […]

  121. Chocolate Chip Shortbread and Free Time | NerdyBaker says:

    […] From use real butter […]

  122. Laura says:

    So…after stumbling upon this recipe a year ago, I finally made the cookies. They looked gorgeous, but I have to say…they were SO dry. I brought them to work with me and told everyone that they were definitely dipping cookies. A few gals had them with cappucinos and the rest, just an old fashioned milk and cookie combo. They are just perfect that way. I even made ice cream sandwiches with several of them. I think I may tweat this recipe with eggs and oil next time…I realize that they won’t be shortbread any longer, but for me the flavor was perfect while the texture…not for me. Still happy I tried them:)

  123. Lorraine says:

    Could you add chopped up pecan nuts to the mixture as well or would it change the texture?

  124. jenyu says:

    Laura – you may want to reduce the amount of flour you’re using? Shortbread cookies ARE dry, but they shouldn’t be that dry. Keep in mind that 2 cups are not the same the world over – flour density will determine if you are using more or less flour than I do, so I’d try scooping the flour, then shaking it back into the flour container and doing that a couple of times before scooping your flour to measure for the recipe.

    Lorraine – I don’t see why not! :)

  125. Dana says:

    I love shortbread but (sorry!) I don’t like the taste of coffee at all! Plus I don’t want my kids to eat anything caffinated! What changes would I need to make to substitute out the espresso? Add liquid ? What would I add?

  126. jenyu says:

    Dana – try subbing vanilla extract.

  127. Emma says:

    I found this recipe awhile back and planned to make it, but I misplaced it and only found it this past weekend. It was perfect timing because I had an office party to go to. This was so yummy! Gosh, I didn’t realize how much the espresso would add to the recipe but OMG, it made it taste bitter and sweet all at the time time. I was so proud taking these my office party – this recipe made me look really good! Try this please, you will not regret it!

  128. Terry Hargraves says:

    So, if the cookies are like money, how do they fold in half to fit in your men’s wallet? Love your style!

  129. Misty VanEpps says:

    Amazing, can’t wait to try.
    Your blog is a joy to read!

  130. Kum Cynthia says:

    omg!! this looks so delicious, and the recipe is so simple, not to mention the process looks encouraging. i have got to make some of these cookies!

  131. honeywhatscooking says:

    these look amazinggggggggggg.. never seen anything like them. can’t wait to make.

  132. Espresso Chocolate Chip Shortbread | Walsh Cooks says:

    […] come to love the surprises StumbleUpon has given me, and one was a link to Use Real Butter’s website and to the recipe Espresso Chocolate Chip Shortbread. Use Real Butter got the recipe from […]

  133. mary says:

    So glad I stumbled upon this with stumbled upon. I can’t wait to try these. They look delicious!!!

  134. John Valenty says:

    I love that they are square-shaped!

  135. Eva says:

    I messed it up!
    I soooo craved for these cookies, and something went wrong :(
    I am Dutch so I think I might have made a mistake during the translation :p
    I think I used everything right… but they melted!! :s
    Maybe I used the wrong butter?

    What kind of butter do you use??

  136. Eva says:

    Ow… I looked up what oz. stands for… and I was told (by someone on some forum on some site) that1 oz is 100 gram… so I used 800 grams of butter. Is that right??

  137. jenyu says:

    Eva – uh oh!! :( one ounce is 28 grams (approximately). That’s definitely what happened. I’m sure if you try again, you will love the cookies. xo

  138. Eva says:

    ROFL! I know! I figured out just after I posted it on here :p
    Stupid! So… I’m not really a kitchenqueen! Hahaha
    Anyway… i’ll definitely try them again! Cause it smelled pretty good!! :)
    I’m sure they will taste just as great!

  139. Welcome to Rufflelicious » Chocolate Chip Shortbread says:

    […] easy and mess-free to make, and have people morphing into cookie monsters all the way from use real butter to smitten kitchen. What can I say? Dorie Greenspan is a […]

  140. Xmas 2: Cranberry & pistachio shortbread | cakeophile says:

    […] to bake things involving red and green for Christmas? If so, tough. I did. For these I modified this recipe from the helpfully-titled Use Real Butter. I ditched the coffee and chocolate and added some lemon […]

  141. Nothing Quite Like It « heavenly elevenses says:

    […] delicious-looking “yummy stuff” is just too much for a girl to resist. Adding this site too for hysterically quirky writing – totally LOVIN it Oh, and Foodgawker is where I […]

  142. Mrs Wibbs says:

    Wow I LOVE this blog!!!!
    Following :)

    Oh, btw: does altitude (or lack thereof…) REALLY make a difference when you’re baking??!? I live by the sea. At slightly elevated sea-level. Eeeeeeek. Chemistry never was my strong point. Nor was geography. Bummer.

  143. Nothing Quite Like It « heavenly elevenses says:

    […] pictures of indecently delicious-looking yummy stuff is just too much for a girl to resist. Adding this site too for hysterically quirky writing – totally LOVIN it Oh, and Foodgawker is where I […]

  144. jenyu says:

    Mrs Wibbs – it depends on what you’re baking. Sometimes altitude has no effect, and sometimes it can be disastrous. It’s more an issue of physics than chemistry, but if you’re below 3000 ft. I wouldn’t even worry :)

  145. Kristen Cho says:

    This may be a dumb questions, but when you say dissolve the powder in boiling water…how much water should I boil?

  146. Sara says:

    hey, are we following the instructions on the instant espresso? i’ve technically never had instant espresso, so i’m not really sure how it works. how much liquid are we suppose to have after mixing the tablespoonful of the instant powder?

  147. jenyu says:

    kristen – the second ingredient listed is “1 tbsp boiling water”, so that is how much boiling water you should use. how much you boil, is entirely up to you. good luck!

    sara – yes. i don’t think you can substitute regular espresso since the instant espresso creates a concentrated liquid. you can find these in stores like whole foods, gourmet shops, even some regular grocers may carry instant espresso. i hope you find some!

  148. Carole says:

    These look very similar to a refrigerator shortbread cookie that my mom used to make (sans the espresso powder and confectioners sugar). I make a batch every Christmas, and they’re very handy to have in the freezer for slicing off a bit at a time. :-)

  149. Leslie says:

    I don’t drink espresso and I would like to give this to kids and neighbors who don’t drink coffee. Is there something I can use to substitute? Thank you.

  150. jenyu says:

    Leslie – you could try using vanilla extract (but probably 1 tsp or 2 at most is enough). That said, I don’t drink coffee or espresso either and neither do some of my friends, but we all love these cookies. So perhaps one day you might want to try the recipe as is. It’s quite lovely.

  151. hi says:

    I will try these!!!!!!!!!

  152. Joetechco says:

    I can’t wait to leave a comment. My batch is in the refrigerator right now waiting to be cut and baked.
    This is terribly easy; even for someone who has little baking skills.
    They are going to be ‘oh so good’ with the coffee heath bar ice cream I just made!!

  153. IHeartSpatulas says:

    Thank you, thank you, thank you! These are amazing.

  154. Aimee says:

    My roommate and I are going to try and make this recipe vegan! Wish us luck! Hopefully they’ll be just as good as the original!

  155. Victoria says:

    My batter is sitting in the fridge now. Waiting the long two hours before I can bake them (and taste them!) The recipe was really easy to follow and I had a great time making them. Thanks so much for posting this!

  156. Shalaka says:

    I just tried these because they looked so good and it turned out a dismal failure :(… I’ve done a fair amount of baking before but I’ve never done shortbread so I’m not sure where I went wrong. All I know is that by the time I mixed in the flour the dough was completely crumbly, and after I got it out of the freezer it was cracking and crumbling as I tried to cut it. Does this mean I didn’t add enough butter??

  157. jenyu says:

    Shalaka – it sounds like too little butter or too much flour. 8 ounces of butter is generally 2 sticks in the US (1 stick = 4 oz.). I should probably put weights in the recipe to avoid ambiguities.

  158. Shalaka says:

    Eeesh in Canada (well at least in Quebec) they don’t sell butter in sticks, only in bricks, but I dare say I should be able to make the conversion to grams. Does 1 cup of butter for ever 2 cups of flour sound about right?

  159. jenyu says:

    Shalaka – yes, 1 cup (8 oz.) butter for every 2 cups flour.

  160. Heather says:

    I found this via Pinterest and made these for a dinner party last night. I do a lot of baking, but I truly believe these are fool-proof. I had less than two hours to get them made before the party, so there was no way I could let the rolled dough chill for 2 hours. I rolled it out in the bag (didn’t have such great luck with that) and stuck the entire thing in the freezer for 30 min. or so. Of course, when I took it out and cut away the bag, I managed to drop the rolled dough on my counter and it broke into pieces. I pulled out some parchment paper and pieced it back together. I let it warm a bit and then rolled it between two pieces of parchment. It rolled back together relatively easily and I was able to cut it into squares and get them baked and cooled just in time for the party. It looked and tasted great and was a hit. Can’t imagine it could be much better, but I’m excited to try it again when I’ve really got the time to do it right. Thanks for sharing!

  161. Heather says:

    Oh- and I used Hershey’s Special Dark Chocolate chips and they were a perfect compliment to the espresso. :)

  162. Espresso Chocolate Chip Shortbread Cookies « Sweet Cuppicakes says:

    […] Chip Shortbread cookies and they are little squares of pure delight.  I got the recipe from Use Real Butter (who got it from Smitten […]

  163. Anna says:

    Would it work to use actual brewed espresso from a machine instead of the instant kind?

  164. jenyu says:

    Anna – The reason for the instant powder is because it is more concentrated than regular espresso brewed from a machine (1 tbsp of instant espresso powder in 1 tbsp of water is quite strong). So no, it would not be the same using regular espresso.

  165. Hisham Soliman says:


  166. Boo says:

    I have this shortbread in the oven now and i cannot wait to try it!

    I also wanted to say that I work at a dog daycare/boarding facility and while I’m not 100% on whether there is a tip added on to a boarding stay or if its optional(I’m pretty sure it’s not though at our kennel) EVERYONE who works there absolutely loves it when people bring goodies in with thier dogs. And although I can’t say this for everyone and for every place, but I don’t think anyone would take less care of your dog just for not tipping, I know everyone I work with loves dogs and it makes them happy to make the dogs happy. They know alot of dogs are sad to have to stay overnight in a strange place, while others are all for it, so we try our best to make things fun, safe, and comfortable. It’s great when you find a place that you trust and your dog seems to enjoy because you don’t have to worry about your pup during a trip or vacation! Thanks so much for posting the recipe!

  167. Shortbread Cookies 52 Ways | Food and Family says:

    […] Rum Raisin Shortbread (Martha Stewart) 48. White Chocolate Apricot Shortbread (La Fuji Mama) 49. Espresso Chocolate Chip Shortbread (Use Real Butter) 50. Chocolate Toffee Shortbread (Farmgirl Fare) 51. Sage and Apricot Shortbread (Cooking of Joy) […]

  168. Chocolate Chip Shortbread Cookies | foodtherapyfun says:

    […] of course I had to make these cookies! Man, I drive myself crazy sometimes. The problem is that they were GOOD. Like, really […]

  169. Amanda says:

    If I made a double brew of real espresso in a single tablespoon made from fresh ground espresso beans (double is intensely concentrated, honestly, can’t even smell the stuff without zinging) do you think that might work? It just has such an authentic taste compared to the instant stuff. (true coffee lover)

    Thanks :)

  170. jenyu says:

    Amanda – I don’t really know as I don’t drink coffee things. You can try it and see if it works?

  171. ArabianCoffees says:

    Wow these look terrific… I’m about to eat my screen! Going to try making these with our delicious Arabic coffee!

  172. mary says:

    These are/were DELICIOUS!!!! Saving my next cookie to savor with a nice cup of coffee after dinner :) I think next time, I may add some chopped macadamia nuts to send them over the top.
    These would make darling gifts, packaged up with 1 lb. of roasted coffee, to give to people during the holidays.

  173. Jon says:

    These were outstanding! You’ve created a monster! I made them last night and being the coffee/chocoholic that I am, don’t have many left today.

    I didn’t have instant espresso, so I used twice the instant coffee with 1 1/2 tbsp of boiling water. They came out really well. However, I agree with Amanda in the use of real coffee (not instant). From what she said, it sounds like it would work quite well. : ) I can’t wait to make another batch already!

  174. The Giant List of Cookie Recipes | The PinterTest Kitchen says:

    […] Espresso Chocolate Chip Shortbread […]

  175. Kelli C says:

    Yummy looking! Will definitely try this one out!

  176. susana david says:

    yummy yummyyyy,can.t wait to make them for my kids

  177. DAN says:

    Hi, the preheating temperature is 325ºF but is the baking temperature the same??


  178. jenyu says:

    Dan – yes! :)

  179. DAN says:

    yei! thanks for your fast response you’re awesome

  180. Erica says:

    I just made my first batch of these wonderful looking cookies, however I’ve never made shortbread before. So my question: “Is the batter supposed to taste good?” Cause mine did not, however I’m hoping they will taste different after baking.

  181. Justine says:

    OMG! i made these for my friends and I and as we ate them I needed to make a second batch they were so good. The plastic bag trick was unbelieveable!

  182. Nithya says:

    I think a little bit of salt is required to life up the flavour. Otherwise the shortbread was nothing special.

  183. jenyu says:

    Erica – I don’t know. I don’t eat cookie dough. Hope the cookies worked for ya.

  184. TicklemyToes says:

    I’m drooling! this is a brilliant idea.. imma try this.Thanks!

  185. peg leeco says:

    Just to say NO do not tip. And, Imma make these suckers real soon. I luvs Smitten too.

  186. Misa says:

    If I use pure espresso, should I use 2 tbsp of espresso liquid, or just the 1 tbsp?

  187. Sarah says:

    I’ve been to three grocery stores to find instant espresso powder and so far, no dice. I can buy it online, but imagine my disappointment at not being able to make these for DAYS now due to this dilemma. Where do you find your jar?

  188. jenyu says:

    Misa – I’d make the espresso extra song and probably use 2 tbsps.

    Sarah – I don’t know what to tell you. You may just have to order it. It used to be hard to find that espresso powder around here, but now it’s even in my local mountain grocery store.

  189. Rin says:

    The cookies look amazing!!! but any chance you know how to alter for a gluten free option? :D
    also the pictures are fantastic.

  190. jenyu says:

    Rin – sorry, I don’t. However, you might find someone who has done so if you google espresso chocolate chip shortbread cookies gluten-free?

  191. Chocolate Chip Shortbread Cookies | The Cake Merchant says:

    […] vanilla, flour, and mini chocolate chips. Mix it all together, and roll out the dough. I took Use Real Butter’s tip and used a freezer bag to roll it out, albeit not as neatly as she did. The I put the dough […]

  192. Vegan Chocolate Chip Shortbread Cookies | The Cake Merchant says:

    […] chip shortbread cookies vegan. I feel ever so slightly guilty that I adapted this recipe from Use Real Butter’s blog, and then didn’t use real butter, but I swear you’ll never know the […]

  193. Things to do on a rainy day | Caracaleo says:

    […] How about? Cranberry Rhubarb Cobbler Soft Garlic Knots Chai Latte Banana Muffins Stuffed Cheese Rolls Rainbow Cake in a Jar Espresso Chocolate Chip Shortbread […]

  194. Christina (Sisters Running the Kitchen) says:

    I made this recipe last night. It came out very good. I wasnt sure how I felt about it when it first came out of the oven but once it cooled/hardened over night and I had it with some tea today… I really enjoyed them. I would make two changes next time… I used 60% cocoa ghiardelli chocolate— it was a bit TOO bitter…next time I would use semisweet. Also the cookies need salt… I will add about a/14 tsp next time. Ithink with these changes next time they will turn out even better. Good recipe! I will be making a blog post soon!

  195. Louise says:

    Sometimes you just KNOW when recipe will be fantastic. This is one of those times! I am apt to pat the dough into a greased foil lined pan and cut them before they are baked-then break them apart on the ‘perforations’ while they are still warm.

  196. Amaranth says:

    Hmmmm… dough… shortbread… espresso….. together… Amazing!

  197. Chocolate Chip Espresso Shortbread | Butter Baking says:

    […] So when I stumbled upon (literally) this, I went straight into the kitchen and made […]

  198. Linda says:

    Yummy cookies! I’m thinking of trying them with chopped heath bars (like coffee heath bar ice cream).

  199. Jill says:

    I have these in the oven right now and ohhhhh my goodness, it smells amazing in here! Like someone took me to a roasty coffee shop and told me to sit and wait for a fresh baked cookie. :) How genius is rolling these things out IN THE BAG, people??? Just tasted my first one: AWESOME. I used salted butter and am glad I did. :) Great recipe, thank you!

  200. mjam crea / chocolade koekjes … | ~ * Spirituele zoektocht / Pagan Ouderschap * ~ says:

    […] Chocolate Chip Shortbread <- click here to make […]

  201. Double Funfetti Shortbread Cookies | The Cake Merchant says:

    […] Shortbread recipe adapted from Use Real Butter. […]

  202. Nichole Spencer says:

    Can these be made without the espresso? If so, do you just leave it out entirely or should I sub in something else.

  203. jenyu says:

    Nichole – I’m sure they can be. Perhaps substitute 1 tsp of vanilla extract for flavor? If the dough is too dry, add a teaspoon or two of water to help it along.

  204. wadehuntley says:

    they sound fantastic. cant wait to try this recipe

  205. becci says:

    Does anyone have the metric measurements for these?

    I know that European and American cup sizes differ (and I have no idea which my set are!) and it seems that every conversion site gives me a different value!

  206. JX says:

    found your link via Foodgawker and here’s a reader in Sweden who has found many conversion tables. It it terribly confusing. Would you be kind to add in some metric measurements too? I mean you do realize with foodgawker you attract readers globally :)

  207. Brown Sugar and Cinnamon Shortbread Cookies | The Cake Merchant says:

    […] about a week, or can be frozen. Shortbread recipe adapted from Taste of Home Rolling technique from Use Real Butter For tips on making better shortbread, check out this […]

  208. jenyu says:

    JX – ah yes. It’s possible to do a quick and easy conversion using Google! :)

  209. Weekend Recap & Espresso Chocolate Chip Shortbread Cookies says:

    […] Smitten Kitchen and Use Real Butter […]

  210. My Christmas cookie list | Linus and Lulu says:

    […] chocolate chip espresso shortbread […]

  211. Getting ready | Linus and Lulu says:

    […] my 4 cookie doughs:  sugar, ginger, chocolate chip shortbread, and […]

  212. Tessa says:

    I made these today and they are SO good. Melt in your mouth!! Thanks

  213. Nicole says:

    Thanks so much for this recipe. I’ve made it several times, and everyone loves it. I am a super lazy bum, so I prepare this dough as a slice-and-bake. I form it into a square log, refrigerate, and slice. So easy, and so delicious.

  214. Myra says:

    These are great. I used a cookie cutter and cut them into hearts and used them for a base for ice cream sandwiches. AWESOMENESS!!!

  215. Espresso Chocolate Chip Shortbread | My great WordPress blog says:

    […] don’t really add coffee to my favourite chocolate chip cookies though. But when I came across this recipe at the Use Real Butter blog, the gorgeous pictures stayed in my mind… until I finally made them a couple of days ago. […]

  216. Anna says:

    Those cookies look amazing.Some day I would love to make them but I’m not supposed to make any sweets for a couple months

  217. B-up Protein Bar Review + Spring + Must-Have Snickerdoodle Cookie Recipe! – The Daily Oats says:

    […] I made him this espresso chocolate chip shortbread recipe. They didn’t look too pretty since I don’t have a rolling pin but I think they turned […]

  218. Chocolate Chip Coffee Shortbread – Krissy's Creations says:

    […] all-time, or the all-time most popular on foodgawker.  And almost always, the number 1 are these Espresso Chocolate Chip Shortbread by Use Real Butter.  Finally after seeing these cookies sooo many times, I made […]

  219. Ariel Shalev says:

    I’ve been coming back to this recipe for years. I think this is hands down my favorite recipe

  220. Sue says:

    Can these be rolled into a tube shaped then chilled and then cut into round cookies?? Has anyone tried Thanks

  221. jenyu says:

    Sue – yes, you can roll them into any shape you like. They will spread a tiny bit, so the edges may not be sharp if you use intricate cookie cutters.

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