baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

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bee there or be square

Recipe: chinese eggrolls

I had to wake up at 4 am yesterday because I needed to drink four more glasses of stuff before a medical procedure at 8 am. Okay, but here is the upside to rising that early…

moonset over the continental divide

We had a dusting of snow overnight and the whole world was awash with the glow of the full moon as she descended behind the mountains. Now you know why pre-dawn is my favorite time of day!

use real butter is in maintenance mode this morning, which should be completely transparent to you. If you don’t run normal backups, it might be a good time to start!

Today, I’m guest blogging over at Rasa Malaysia, which is one of my main sources for seriously ass-kicking Chinese and other Asian recipes. Bee has mouth-watering recipes and gorgeous photos to match them. To say it is an honor to guest post for her is an understatement. If you have never visited Rasa Malaysia before, you are in for a serious treat. Please hop on over, say hi, and get hungry! I made some egg rolls for ya.

chinese egg rolls (wrapped in spring roll wrappers)

sweet eggrolls with sweet red bean paste

26 nibbles at “bee there or be square”

  1. charlane says:

    yum….and the moonset is just gorgeous.

  2. Allen says:

    Ahh, you’ve lured me in with those sweet red bean egg rolls. They look awesome!

  3. Caitlin says:

    Oh, what a beautiful shot of the moon! And I’m intrigued by the red bean egg rolls – I’m there!

  4. Manisha says:

    I thought you had caught the bee bug like some others in the area :-D

  5. dawn says:

    you are lucky to have such spectacular views outside. When I’m up that early, I love stillness, the dead-quiet that surrounds you as if you’re the only one left on the planet. Love that and long for it at times.

  6. Melissa says:

    Bee’s site is well known for a reason. Hopping over there right now. Thanks for the moon photo, BEAUTIFUL!!

  7. Rosa says:

    That first picture is tantilizingly beautiful!

    nice egg rolls! I love that sweet version!



  8. Phoo-D says:

    Wow. You can see that from your house? What an incredible view! I think I would start getting up at 4am for no reason if that was the result. Absolutely beautiful. The spring rolls look very tempting. I will pop on over and check out the recipe!

  9. heather says:

    that moonscape is breathtaking!



  10. Tartelette says:

    That first picture is beyond beautiful. Freaky talented my dear!
    Great post at Bee’s place!

  11. Mrs Ergül says:

    I’m hoping over right now! (I hope the medical prodecure went well! hugs!!)

  12. audra says:

    oh Jen, that first photo is breathtaking. I have a thing for the full moon, I don’t know why. It makes me miss living in Colorado HARD, as many of your photos do. I hope you are as proud of that shot as we are impressed. =)

    And the egg rolls….. *drool* I think no other words are needed. It’s always very upsetting to me when people think that the egg rolls that come with crappy Chinese takeout are actually.. real food…

  13. Jenny says:

    Beautiful picture — I love Bee’s site – I’ve ordered several molds from her – she is so sweet and very fair.

  14. Tracy says:

    I am very rarely up at 4 a.m. but thanks for reminding me of how lovely the pre dawn time of day is. I used to work late nights and was always out and about at that time. Miss it a little bit. I shall have to console myself with egg rolls.

  15. rachel says:

    That picture is BEAUTIFUL.

  16. Asianmommy says:

    What an amazing moonset picture! I love it.

  17. minh says:

    what an amazing sight to see! i’m in no way a morning person but maybe one day i’ll put the grouchiness aside to witness it

  18. Hannah says:

    Wow, those sweet rolls look like perfection. I love adzuki bean desserts!

  19. Graeme says:

    Moonset over the Continental divide…as you do. Totally normal.
    Amazing, Jen.

    Great stuff – I love Red Bean paste.

  20. jenyu says:

    Charlane – thank you :)

    Allen – glad to find someone else who likes sweet red bean paste! One of my childhood faves :)

    Caitlin – ;)

    Manisha – ha ha, nope. You and Kitt would be the first to know if I had. I don’t think bees fare too well up here!

    Dawn – it looks like you are appropriately named then! I like that time of day too. Very peaceful (unless the dog is puking).

    Melissa – you’re welcome, love.

    Rosa – thanks! The sweet version turned out better than I had anticipated.

    Phoo-D – thank you :)

    Heather – happy you like it!

    Tartelette – ha ha… probably getting up when you were just getting to bed ;)

    Mrs. E – yes it was fine, thank you, sweetie.

    Audra – awww, well I think I’d be more proud if I had been more awake (and less shivery). Me too – I hate what westernized Chinese take out has done to people’s images of Chinese food.

    Jenny – Bee is a sweetheart!

    Tracy – hee hee. There there, have TWO eggrolls :)

    Rachel – thanks! The real thing was even more spectacular *sigh*

    Asianmommy – thank you :)

    Minh – ha ha, I give in to the grouchiness too sometimes.

    Hannah – mmm, these are really simple and if you like red bean then you’ll probably like these!

    Graeme – you’re a sweetie! Thanks :)

  21. Mollie says:

    Nom nom nom!

    I saw moon set on that same day, and tho it was from my train platform, it was still pretty amazing. :)

  22. lk says:

    What an excellent and breathtaking shot! I dun think the scenario will be the same at 4am here. You are so lucky! Your egg rolls remind me of my hometown fried spring rolls. Looks so delicious!

  23. jenyu says:

    Mollie – we saw the same mooon! :)

    Ik – thanks!

  24. Duyen Le says:

    I am a student from Dobie High School. I am working on a project that must be complete.
    I was just wondering if I could use the picture of the egg rolls from your website for my project.
    I will give 100% credit for you guys. Please email me back.
    Thank You so much.
    Duyen Le

  25. Kirsa says:

    could I just enquire where the recipe for this has gone ? it seems to have vanished ! O_o

  26. jenyu says:

    Kirsa – if you read the post, you’d see that it was a guest post elsewhere and that I linked to it.

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