baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

copyright jennifer yu © 2004-2023 all rights reserved: no photos or content may be reproduced without prior written consent

i like

It’s NaBloWriMo day #8. Hell yeah.

There are so many things that have raced through my brain today – things I could rattle on about for pages. But I’ll spare you… tonight. urb isn’t the place where I dump The Heavy anyway. Only my closest of friends are forced to suffer my full on rants and observations on life. Be grateful for that.

So how’s the weather over there? Hot? Cooling down? Here’s what it’s doing over here:

mountain weather is not for the thin of skin

Loveland ski area opened the ski season on Wednesday and A-basin follows suit Friday. First in the nation. Reason #326 to move to Colorado: our ski season kicks yours in the ‘nads! But seriously, we aren’t going to ski this weekend. We may be ski whores, but no one in this house really wants to wait hours in the lift line to ski the White Strip O’ Death (the single run of mostly man-made snow).

Today’s (tonight’s?) post is just a list of some things I like. I won’t be offended if you nod off, because I’m kinda nodding off myself here… Don’t get excited or anything. This isn’t creativity. It’s more like desperation. That’s what NaBloWriMo will do to you.

I like laughing.

I like cuddling with Kaweah on a cold winter day.

I like feeding my favorite people.

I like honesty.

I like puppies, kittens, and little kids with chubby cheeks.

I like that my grandma kicks ass.

I like the hour before sunrise when the world is quiet and anticipation for the day makes me smile.

i like rich colors

I like acts of kindness.

I like to hold my mother’s hand.

I like the damp smell of the spring melt in alpine forests.

I like sincere people.

I like my doctors, nurses, techs, and PTs who cared for me last year.

I like to walk with Jeremy into the wilderness.

I like creative people who use their powers to help others.

i like trees

I like science.

I like to be inspired.

I like to hug hello.

I like not caring what others think.

I like compassion.

I like night fishing for striped bass at 2 am with my dad.

I like to work hard.

I like waking up and remembering that my sister was in my dream.

I love this life I live.

22 nibbles at “i like”

  1. Ronine says:

    How beautiful – both words and photos!

  2. Marija says:

    And I really like to read your posts! :)

  3. emhuze says:

    I like reading about the life you love.

  4. Cate says:

    I love this post :)

  5. Debbie says:

    Beautiful pictures. I love just the splash of color. You caused a lump in my throat when you wrote the line about your sister.

  6. Amy says:

    And i like you ;) I have been reading your blog for 3 years now & it never fails to make my day. So thank you!

  7. Selina says:

    I love how amazingly beautiful, inside and out, your blog is. Thank you for sharing! ps. no nodding off! :)

  8. jennywenny says:


  9. TheKitchenWitch says:

    That’s a lotta love out there. Thanks for sharing it with us. xoxo

  10. Hailey says:

    It’s amazing what a little desperation will bring about — that was lovely. You have an enviable life, Jen, it’s remarkable to be a ‘part’ of it through your blog. xoH

  11. Kathy says:

    I think this is a great post!!!

  12. Sil says:

    Lovely post, Jen. Thanks for sharing it with us. A big hug.
    PS: The weather over here is nice. Springtime is all around here in Bs As. The air start to smell like jasmine.

  13. KatieC says:

    I like this post!

  14. Estie says:

    Wow-such a beautiful post Jen!

  15. shauna says:

    I like you.

    so very much.

    (and this list could be mine. and I would love to be in the rotation of people who hear your heavy rants. any time.)

  16. Kristin says:

    wiping tears

  17. Kitt says:

    I like you!

  18. Donna says:

    I like that you inspire me.

  19. Y says:

    I like your NaBloWriMo posts :)

  20. Mrs Ergül says:

    I like you!

  21. jenyu says:

    Aww, I love you guys!! xxoo

  22. Margie says:

    I like discovering a blog and a blogger that inspires me.


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