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wizard within wands

We had some of our favorite people on the planet over to our house for a nice meal and some catching up last month. There are those individuals with whom you can never have enough time to talk about everything on your minds, everything going on in your lives, all of the jokes and stories. Somehow in conversation, the topic of Harry Potter came up which led to the discovery that our friend makes wands.

Makes what?


lovely, elegant wands

M showed me her website, Wizard Within Wands, and I was hooked. I knew I wanted to order two for my nephew and niece. Heck, I wanted to order one for myself. I have enormous admiration for people who make things with their hands, make things from scratch. So I asked if I could come down to Boulder one day to see how she makes the wands and to maybe take some pictures.

variety of handles and wood

and you thought ollivander was a master wandmaker…

It all started because her daughter (an avid Harry Potter fan) wanted – nay, needed – a wand. And M thought, “Well how hard can that be to make?” The first one was hand-carved, hand-sanded, and a little warped. As anyone who takes a hobby to the next step knows, that was just the beginning. M learned from her early mistakes and she began to acquire more knowledge, skills, and yes – beautiful, gorgeous machining tools. [I’m quite in love with their workshop.] I watched, mesmerized by the fluid motion with which she shaped the wand on the lathe as she explained how careful she is about sourcing sustainable wood and following green practices.

wands on display

each comes in its own crushed velvet bag

These wands are a hit with the local elementary school crowd. Each one is a work of art. I stood there admiring the wands and their details – from the beautiful wood grain to the shaping to the designs on the base of some handles. M has always been creative, crafty, handy, and resourceful. She told me the more she delved into making the wands, the more she learned that you can make almost anything. I love that about her.

A wand is a great way to harnesses a child’s imagination and creativity – or perhaps set them free. If you are looking for a beautifully hand-crafted gift to ignite the imagination of your favorite wizard, fairy, or other wand-bearing person (because adults want them too!!), then have a gander at Wizard Within Wands, a local Boulder business.

discover your inner wizard

20 nibbles at “wizard within wands”

  1. LoveFeast Table says:

    I love that the more she delved the more she learned she could make anything!!

  2. Dragana says:

    Just beautiful! I want to be a child again and play with one of these!

  3. To Kiss the Cook says:

    This is absolutely fantastic. One step closer to Hogwarts and isn’t that the idea?

  4. Fran says:

    I’m trying to have some self control here. A wand is calling my name. What beautiful work, thanks for sharing.

  5. amy says:

    These are beautiful!! A must for any HP fan…and like Fran above, a wand is calling my name. :)

  6. My Kitchen in the Rockies says:

    Wow, they are beautiful. My daughter treasures her wands.

  7. Miriam/The Winter Guest says:

    Oh my, I want one for myself too! I won’t waste these beauties in my kids… ;-)

  8. sarah says:

    I freaking love this. Thanks so much for sharing! Yeah I think I need one for myself and my nieces and nephews.

  9. TheKitchenWitch says:

    Jen, Miss D and Miss M LOVE wands! I’m ordering them this week and stashing them for Christmas! Thanks for this!

  10. Sharlene says:

    Love it. Such a wonderful idea.

  11. Ruth Ann says:

    Magical! A very interesting and fun art form.
    M could also make smaller ones to make a handmade beautiful pen. What a cool and unique idea! Thanks for sharing.

  12. Woodstock says:

    Absolutely buying some and holding them until Christmas for my nieces/nephew…well, except the one *I* will be waving around my kitchen (sp. at my dirty pots & pans). :)

  13. barbara says:

    That’s so cool.I love them.

  14. Kath says:


  15. Mrs Ergül says:

    They are so gorgeous!!! I love most things hand-crafted! Yay to that! I have just begun taking my hobby to the next step to! It seems like M has done well!

  16. jenyu says:

    Thanks guys! I’m glad to see there are others out there as enthusiastic about this as I am! xo

  17. DarkEmeralds says:

    The photograph of the craftswoman’s hands at work is classically beautiful. Lovely story. Thank you.

  18. Stefanie says:

    hi – thanks for the link to this site, i just ordered one as a birthday gift today!

  19. Andy says:

    Does your friend still make/sell these wands? I’ve wanted one for ages, but see the website is no longer up.

  20. jenyu says:

    Andy – Hi, I don’t think she’s doing this anymore. Sorry!

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