baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

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this is the last time

Recipe: eggplant fries

Someday I will sit down to post when I don’t have a million other things going on. I don’t know when that will be. I do know that this will be the last post in 2010 I write the night before I have to catch a flight. Let me tell you, I am quite happy about that. I’ve been home for three days frantically trying to get things done before I head off into the yonder including a thorough round of spring cleaning which is merely 6 months late (or early if you want to be generous). Colorado still hasn’t decided if it is summer or autumn. And now with the time change, the dog is petitioning for dinner at 5pm.

looking east as the clouds pass overhead

So I’ll dispense with any further chit chat and get to brass tacks. When I was in Seattle this past September, my good friends took me to Poppy for dinner. There I had the most delightful eggplant fries and made a mental note to try it at home.

eggplant, herbs, seasonings, and flour

put the seasonings in with the flour

It’s a relatively basic concept to chop up the vegetable in question and deep fry it. Everything tastes good this way, right? Knowing my deep frying prowess, the potential for screwing it up was high. I checked the interwebs for reference and found a lovely recipe at The Hungry Mouse which guided me through not having to think about what goes in the seasoned flour.

mixing the seasoned flour

peel the eggplants

The prep is dangerous, as in dangerously simple and fast. Simple + fast + fried can only lead to trouble. I didn’t have cute, tender, sweet baby eggplants available, so I had to use the standard grocery store eggplant (my personal favorite is the Japanese eggplant – slender and not too seedy). They work perfectly fine. Peel, slice, and toss the eggplants. It takes about 10 minutes tops including a break to give the dog a little biscuit.

slice into 3/4-inch thick sticks

coat in seasoned flour

When I deep fry food these days, I use a thermometer. It helps me monitor how much the temperature fluctuates and explains a lot of the disasters I’ve experienced in the past. I kept my oil around 350 – 360°F and the eggplant fries browned up in a minute or two. You could drain them on paper towels, but I find that always makes whatever I’m frying soggy. I prefer to let them drain on a cooling rack.

fry in hot oil

drain on cooling rack

Work in small batches unless you can keep the fries warm in the oven without going soggy. The fries (like all fries) are best when hot and crispy. Sprinkle a little salt and a touch of honey and enjoy.

drizzle with honey

Eggplant Fries
[print recipe]
from The Hungry Mouse

3/4 cup flour
2 tsps garlic powder
1 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp fresh parsley, minced
1 tbsp kosher salt
1/2 tsp black pepper, fresh ground
oil for frying
3 baby eggplants or 2 medium eggplants
salt for seasoning

In a shallow bowl, combine the flour, garlic powder, dried oregano, parsley, salt, and pepper until thoroughly mixed. In a heavy-bottom medium saucepan, heat at least two inches of oil to about 350F. Peel the eggplants and slice into 3/4-inch thick fingers. Toss the eggplant slices a few at a time in the seasoned flour until well coated. When the oil is ready, drop a few sticks of eggplant into the oil – they should begin sizzling immediately. Be sure not to overcrowd the pan or have the oil temperature drop too much. When they begin to brown (about a minute) flip them over and cook for another 30 seconds to a minute. Remove the eggplant fries from the oil and let drain on a cooling rack. Serve hot with a shake of salt and a drizzle of honey. A great snacking appetizer for 4 people.

76 nibbles at “this is the last time”

  1. Nisrine@Dinners & Dreams says:

    They look just like good ole potato fries. Can’t beat that! I must try these.

  2. Sharlene says:

    These look wonderful! My thermometer is really the only thing keeping me from burning down my kitchen. Can’t deep fry without it!

  3. sale e pepe says:

    What a great idea to put honey on fries!!! These look so good I’m going to try them out tomorrow!

  4. My Kitchen in the Rockies says:

    What a wonderful idea. I am sure they taste amazing.

  5. Stephane says:

    Oh, good gravy! These look wonderful!!!

  6. Kath says:

    Oh yum!! Yum Yum Yum!

    Travel safe & happy, Sweetie! xo

  7. Wei-Wei says:

    That sounds amazing! I’ve never heard of putting honey on fries before, but I think I’ll try that next time with a bit of taro. Mmm.

  8. Nancy says:

    Thank you so much for all the time you have put into your blog, I will miss your posts greatly and eagerly await your return. Have safe and wonderful travels!

  9. Serene says:

    Okay, those look delightful. Have a safe flight!

  10. Karen from Globetrotter Diaries says:

    Wow fried eggplant– I’ve never had them– but they look good! Thanks for the recipe!

  11. swan says:

    i will miss your posts as much as your friend nancy. whatever you’re doing for the remainder of the year, i wish you well. i’ll just have to go into your archives and deal until next year.

    take care, my friend (that i’ve never met)–


  12. Melanie says:

    Oh my goodness – do you mean that I have to survive the WHOLE rest of the year without another post? My very best wishes to you and yours in your travels. You will have to let us know what happens to the pup when you are off yondering. Happy holidays in advance! Take care.

  13. Hannah @ Bake Five says:

    I usually hate eggplant, but I’m not so sure if I’d hate them as much once I sink my teeth into one of these! cos they look so delicious!

  14. Nan@tastingoutloud says:

    These look great and take me way, way (way) back to when I was in high school. We made eggplant fries and it was a much more elaborate affair. Double dipped in flour then egg wash, then breadcrumbs (seasoned). Fried and viola, crispy golden deliciousness. I think the cocktail sauce we whipped up to accompany really sold me. I recall making them for my family (always wanted to share my culinary successes back then). They were a hit – even for the resident eggplant hater — my dad. I’m going to give this simpler version a whirl.

    Hope things slow down for you a bit!

  15. JehanP says:

    I am a huge fan of eggplant and I’m always looking for new ways to cook it so the family will eat it. This is a great, new way, a must try…thanks.

  16. Jenny says:

    Oh Man!! We were having sweet potato fries yesterday and my son loved them – and I said I would make carrot fries next time – and he was all excited. Eggplant fries are in our future.

  17. Skye says:

    Okay, I’m definitely hungry now. While I can’t see myself making these on my horrible student-accommodation electric stove, I badly want to eat them. I can imagine they’ve made it to the UK yet, though.

    Your photography goes from strength to strength – the “drizzle with honey” shot is spectacular.

  18. Lisa says:

    These eggplant fries look delicious. I definitely will try them soon. In the past I deep fried Japanese eggplants and then added mixed sauce to added flavor to it. They were delicious too but in different way.

  19. Rich says:

    That’s a great idea, and they look delicious! I honestly would never have thought of eggplant fries. But the photos are fantastic, and now I might just have to go make some …

  20. My Little Expat Kitchen says:

    Even though I cook aubergine quite often I’ve never made fries out of them. Great idea!

  21. Nik says:

    Very interesting recipe, look great!

  22. Sil says:

    Jen, what a great way to eat eggplant. I’ll try this for sure. I’m used to make eggplants like nan@tastingoutloud said (but I add tomato sauce and cheese and then to the oven till the cheese melts… yummy!)
    Thank you for taking time to share with us.

  23. tobias cooks! says:

    this is truly unusual. I just wrote it down. thanks for the idea.

  24. Tarable says:

    I can’t wait to have my husband try this recipe! (How’s that for delegating?)

    Also, I love the henna on your hands in the shot of you peeling the eggplants. Sweet detail…

  25. Nicole says:

    Hey! Crazy. Andrew and I just went to Poppy last week for my bday. I was going to tell you how good the eggplant fries were :)

  26. Pauline says:

    Looks yummy!!! Can’t wait to try them out. :-) Best wishes for your travel, and I am really looking forward to your next blog.

  27. Faith says:

    I just have to say, you have one of the most beautiful blogs I have ever seen. Your photography is absolutely stunning!!! I love your blog! Thanks so much for posting!

  28. Valérie says:

    Sounds like a great dish!

  29. Sherry says:

    I’ve never actually had normal eggplants before, only the Asian ones. Would those work for this recipe as well?

  30. schlachtplatte says:

    Spring cleaning in autumn, I sooo am into that concept!

  31. farmerpam says:

    The last post in 2010? Really? Hope you have an awesome adventure. :)

  32. ShawnsPlate says:

    These look so good that I’ll be thinking about them until I make them!

  33. Pretty. Good. Food. says:

    Oh man oh man does this sound delicious!!! I wish I wasn’t literally making eggplant parm as we speak! Next eggplant I buy is devoted to this recipe :)! Yum

  34. mark mc says:

    Wow! never seen anything like this before, I always thought sweet potato fries were amazing. Next time I bust out the deep fryer, I am making these. Thanks.

  35. Charli says:

    Those look so good! I keep looking for new ways to use up lots of eggplant.

  36. jenyu says:

    Thanks everyone, but I’m not going anywhere and my posts are not ending here! Just meant that it was my last post the night before a trip (which I’ve been doing a lot of lately).

    Sil – just give one a try with a dip of honey, it’s soooo good! :)

    Tara – thanks!! :) xoxo

    Nicole – cool, and happy belated birthday, hon! (P.S. if you were on Facebook, I’d not have forgotten your bday)

    Sherry – yes! In fact, I’d prefer to use the Asian eggplants over the normal ones b/c they are less seedy.

  37. Fries….because it’s Friday. Get it? | allison lehman : show + tell says:

    […] Eggplant Fries with a Drizzle of Honey, Cinnamon/Nutmeg Sweet Potato Fries, and Black Pepper and Lime […]

  38. Hettar7 says:

    You had me until the very end. All I have to say is … Honey, you’re Crazy! But I’m diggin the unsticky coated eggplant fries.

  39. jenyu says:

    Hettar7 – I thought the same thing, but it’s actually amazing with the honey.

  40. cannonw1 says:

    looks great. here in the charleston,sc we add cornmeal to the dredge. goes great with a good old fashioned fish fry, served with hominy grits and fresh sliced tomatoes.

  41. Courtney @ Cooking Up A Family says:

    okay i must try thee!!

  42. Organization in new ways — AB Home Interiors says:

    […] use real butter, courtesy of the Hungry Mouse, the perfect appetizer for an afternoon of family chit chat and […]

  43. Grilled Potato Wedges Recipe: Simple, Low Fat Grilled French Fries — Family Fresh Cooking says:

    […] Eggplant Fries Use Real Butter […]

  44. Sweet Potato or Russet French Fries for Alexia Foods Fry Challenge — Family Fresh Cooking says:

    […] Eggplant Fries Use Real Butter […]

  45. Pinteresting Recipes to Try « Domestiquette | …to nest, cook, sew, craft & live says:

    […] Use Real Butter […]

  46. Berenjenas fritas con un toque de miel | LATINO LIVING – Decoración Estilo Hogar says:

    […] (imágenes y recetas de Use Real Butter) […]

  47. Coffee Break- Friday + Movies « A Cup of Mo says:

    […] some eggplant fries and homemade pretzels wrapped around kosher hotdogs with hot and sweet […]

  48. Pinterest Picks | Frugal Fun - Crafts for Kids - Dollar Store Mom says:

    […] a batch of these eggplant fries and call it a salad. I won’t tell anyone. Recipe via Use Real Butter (a super great […]

  49. Summer Stars Veggie Feature: Eggplant | Lizard's Hollow says:

    […] Eggplant Fries Spicy Schezewan Eggplant […]

  50. Averie @ Love Veggies and Yoga says:

    Hi Jen!
    I just saw these on Pinterest and re-pinned them.

    Hope you’re doing well.. I think about my awesome time with you in Boulder so often :)

  51. gloria says:

    love eggplant, but can’t get anyone else to eat it, but I bet I do now, thanks for sharing

  52. Jordan Foutz says:

    I have been looking for a good excuse to find a small fryer, and I think I’ve found one!

  53. Melinda de los Santos says:

    You’re blog is eye-pleasing, fun and informative!

    As for butter, that’s what I always use–mostly because it’s not hydrogenated. And you can’t beat the flavor (try getting away making a batch of Mrs. Field’s cookies with a substitute, and you’ll get arrested!)

    As for the eggplant fries, you could seriously have an eggplant fries booth at any mall (how about the 5 biggest malls in the world?) and it would be an overnight success! This is the first time I’ve heard of ‘eggplant fries’; it’s kind of a novelty.

    Anyway, I’ve seen it written somewhere that eggplant has little in the way of nutrients–but that’s far from the truth. What it’s actually little in is calories!

  54. Hema says:

    These were amazing!!! The only issue was that they were too oily so next time I think I’ll try baking them. =]

  55. “All You Need Is Love…” | So That Happened says:

    […] recipes David used for our delicious Valentine’s meal can be found here, here, and here. He just “winged” the roasted vegetables based on other times […]

  56. Hollie Mason says:

    absolutely delicious! I used whole wheat flour and they were addicting!

  57. Zenee Miller says:

    Thanks for this wonderful idea for eggplant! I will be trying this soon!

  58. Eggplant Fries (with Honey) | HomeGrown Organics: Gainesville says:

    […] has a recipe for Eggplant Fries. It sounds (and looks) intriguing to me, so I thought I would […]

  59. Chim says:

    Made these yesterday for a playdate. DELISH. Great with and without the honey. My hubby asked that I try baking them next time (WHOO, he wants me to make them again!) but I don’t know that they will taste as good…

  60. Christine says:

    I love the taste! However, mine did not come out very crispy, kind of soaked up the oil and were mushy, what did i do wrong? should i have based the in milk (or almond milk, i prefer this), then coated them in the flour mixture, then fried?

  61. jenyu says:

    Christine – hmmm, it’s hard to tell what you may have done wrong if I don’t know what you actually did. However, I think if the oil isn’t hot enough, they will go mushy.

  62. Felia says:

    I have never thought about this way using an eggplant. And with the honey… nice idea, thank you!

  63. Sandra says:

    I had to laugh when I saw these. My mother was doing these 45 years ago in an effort to get my brother to eat vegetables. I loved them as I loved all vegetables and just thought my brother was stupid for not knowing what they were! Of course she was hiding meat in things for me to get me to eat. Still don’t trust gravy…..

  64. Weight Loss: 2nd Go! | Nicole Michelles says:

    […] Eggplant Fries […]

  65. Saturday Six #46 - Misadventures with Andi says:

    […] because of a food photo on Pinterest, and now I am hooked. The photo was from her post on “eggplant fries.” You have to look at the last photo on the post to understand why, those fries will haunt […]

  66. friday night links. | says:

    […] eggplant fries recipe. yum. […]

  67. Spiced Lentil Veggie Burgers | Portland Maine | Cat Snack Fever says:

    […] burgers to see if that helps at all! We had eggplant fries on the side, from a recipe taken from use real butter (they were […]

  68. Eggplant Fries | says:

    […] Eggplant Recipe This entry was posted in FOOD on May 10, 2013 by admin. […]

  69. Eggplant Fries | The Adapted Life says:

    […] from this […]

  70. Gettin’ Chippy With It (Kale, Apple, Sweet Potato, And Plantain Chips) | Crunchy Hot Mama says:

    […] pinned a bunch on my Pinterest board: I found recipes for carrot, zucchini, yellow squash, eggplant, and beet chips.  Seriously, what can’t you chipify?  No excuses people on ditching the […]

  71. Eggplant Fries with Honey and Sea Salt | bowties and baubles says:

    […] Parmesan for dinner. Then, when I remembered a recipe I found on Pinterest, Use Real Butter’s Eggplant Fries with Honey and Sea Salt, I decided I had to finally try […]

  72. Eggplant Fries | Perpetually Hungry says:

    […] and fresh garlic. And to top it off, a drizzle of honey, that I came across when looking up to see others’ versions of eggplant fries. Brilliant! Just the right amount of salty and sweet. Don’t be […]

  73. Recipe: Eggplant Fries | the thyme line says:

    […] pinned this recipe for Eggplant Fries several months ago on Pinterest and decided to make them last night. They were amazing. If you love […]

  74. Natalia says:

    DEFINITELY going to have to try these on my Greek food blog! The eggplant and honey are super Greek and these look a lot healthy than regular fries (and therefore more Meditarranean diet friendly!!

  75. Eggplant Fries | Dinner. Breakfast. Lunch. Drinks. Yes, drinks. says:

    […] Purple eggplant shaped link […]

  76. Lori Zappala says:

    When I saw this pic, I was in disbelief that it was eggplant. THey looked like potato fries. Then I saw who posted it and knew it must be! These are awesome.

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