baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

copyright jennifer yu © 2004-2023 all rights reserved: no photos or content may be reproduced without prior written consent

pit stop

Recipe: chocolate chip peanut butter cookies

Last week on my way to the airport, I read that Breckenridge had received 16 inches of snow the night before. I felt a pang in my heart as we flew over the snowy Rocky Mountains. But you know what? All of that melted away when I arrived in Seattle. I spent two days visiting with beloved friends, dining at great restaurants, seeing the city and its surrounds. Seattle is one of those places I could spend a lifetime and never get enough of it. But wait! There was more… The whole reason for my trip was a gathering of all the Nintendo Ambassadors to celebrate the launch of the Nintendo 3DS. My reaction and the reaction of all the other ambassadors was simply, “WOW!”

rebekah and erini check out the nintendo 3ds for the first time

at nintendo headquarters

lots of game play, lots of photos taken

in 2d mode

We spent the bulk of Friday learning about and experiencing different capabilities of the new Nintendo 3DS at Nintendo headquarters in Redmond, Washington. Nintendo were gracious hosts giving us a tour of their gorgeous building (sorry, no pics allowed) and access to their employees’ store.

rebekah really getting into it!

jean kicks some virtual butt playing streetfighter 2

president and coo of nintendo of america welcomes the group

discussing research on 3d viewing

After a full day at Nintendo headquarters, we spent the evening in downtown Seattle at various restaurants. I happened to wind up at Black Bottle in the private room with my fellow food blog pal Marisa and my local blog chica Aimee and new friend, Jean. A parade of small plates marched onto our tables, one after another. Broccoli fries (a favorite), hanger steak, ceviche, fried olives (another favorite), sausage pizza… It was dark. Really dark. But look at what I managed to capture for you!

caprese salad on a stick

bean and mushroom salad (winner!)

roe vs. egg

I met a lot of wonderful new people on this trip. Sometimes I think my life is pretty full and I couldn’t possibly cram another friend in… but then there are folks like Michelle, Ilina, Doniree, Victoria, M, and others who make you wonder how it is you could go on in life WITHOUT their smiling faces, witty conversation, and sweet hugs. This Nintendo trip was bursting at the seams with all manner of goodness.

the finest company (left to right): ilina, maggie, jean, marisa

chocolate cake with gelato inside

lemon cheesecake with lavender

co-owner paul chats with us about our visit to seattle

And at the end of the day, I had my own little Nintendo 3DS to take home and share with Jeremy. Thanks for an incredible experience, Nintendo. Also a huge thanks to Justine and team for their flawless execution of the entire event! [Full Disclosure: All travel, lodging, meals, and the Nintendo 3DS were provided courtesy of Nintendo.]

So now you know where I was last week and why! I’m leaving again in less than 12 hours and my shooting partner suggested I could bring that little Nintendo 3DS for him to *ahem* check out for safety and such… Right. Since I barely have time to unpack and repack my bags, there isn’t a lot of cooking or baking going on in the House of Butter. Luckily for Present Me, Past Me anticipated this stretch of kitchen inactivity and so we have some cookies today. Grab a glass of milk… It’s okay – I’ll wait here for you.

start with butter and sugars

plop goes the egg

Peanut butter and chocolate are friends, right? I quite love peanut butter cookies although I’m not such a fan of chocolate chips (I eat around them and give the chocolate parts of the cookie to Jeremy). Jeremy is the opposite. He loves the chocolate and usually will politely decline a peanut butter cookie. So why not combine both into a cookie that meets us halfway?

creamy peanut butter

mix in the flour

I used a standard peanut butter cookie recipe from Martha Stewart’s Cookies and essentially replaced the chopped peanuts with chocolate chips. I used mini chocolate chips, but after trying these cookies I think standard chips or chocolate chunks might have proved better. What I failed to recognize was that peanut butter cookies by default have a different cookie texture than chocolate chip cookies and so I found them to be a bit on the dry side even when I baked them to a chewier consistency.

mix in the chips

drop dough onto the baking sheet

Martha’s instructions called for making bigger cookies, but big cookies don’t do well here because I like to give cookies away (and I don’t have bags big enough for giant cookies). Jeremy actually ate some despite his avoision of peanut butter. I suppose that’s the power of chocolate. Me? I still prefer a peanut butter cookie straight up, but this will appeal to those choco-fiends in your life.

baked and cooling

makes for a happy break in the day

Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Cookies
[print recipe]
modified from Martha Stewart’s Cookies

1 1/4 cups (190g) flour
3/4 tsp baking soda
1 cup (225g) butter
1/2 cup (125g) sugar
1/2 cup (140g) light brown sugar
1 egg
1/2 tsp vanilla (oh heck, why not 1 tsp)
1/2 tsp salt (instead of salted peanuts)
1 cup (275g) creamy peanut butter
1 cup mini chocolate chips (I actually think regular chocolate chips might have been better)

Preheat oven to 350°F. Whisk the flour and baking soda together in a bowl. [I don’t actually do this because I’m a bum and I hate making an extra dirty dish.] Set aside. Cream the butter and sugars together. Beat in the egg, vanilla, and salt. Add the peanut butter and mix until incorporated. Add the dry ingredients (here is where I just add the flour and baking soda – plop) and beat until just combined. Mix in the chocolate chips. Place tablespoon-scoops of cookie dough on parchment-lined baking sheets, about 2-inches apart. Bake for 13 minutes or until golden on the edges. Remove from oven and cool on racks. Makes 4 dozen.

25 nibbles at “pit stop”

  1. Sherry says:

    I think my brother would have gladly sold a body part to have been at that Nintendo event… And I desperately want to taste that roe vs. egg dish!

  2. barbara says:

    Chris has just been here for lunch. He had his new Nintendo with him. It is amazing I agree.

  3. LimeCake says:

    These have gotta be one of my favourite cookies of all time! You’re right – I like PB cookies without add-ins, too, but I certainly won’t turn these down!

  4. Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga) says:

    Jen your cookies look great!

    caprese salad on a stick = wow! That just speaks to me. I want it!

    And the gelato choc dessert. Oh boy. Amazing!

    What a fabulous event!

  5. Michelle says:

    Cookies look tasty! I am always on the look for a new recipe. This one seems tried and true.

  6. Jill says:

    You do amazing work! Love the tablecloth with the cookies. FUN.

  7. Shu-Huei Henrickson says:

    Jen, your food photos are so so fine as usual. i want that capress salad on a stick right now. roe on egg.. what a concept. wishing i could dash off to mitsuwa to buy some roe right now. (but it’s an hour away, and i have to work.)

  8. Bing Chou says:

    Plog goes the egg. Love it.

  9. Sara says:

    Oh snap! I have been craving peanut butter/chocolate cookies like CRAZY the last 24 hours. I might give these a whirl, but I might have to invest in some creamy peanut butter (I’m a strictly chunky gal)…. Thanks for posting!

    (And that bean/mushroom salad looks DELICIOUS!)

  10. Ananda Rajashekar says:

    Everything looks so good I want to try all, but my heart goes for chocolate cake with gelato inside and those cookies heavenly with glass of milk!

  11. Meg says:

    Those cookies look A-mazing!!

  12. Valerie says:

    I tried out the Nintendo 3DS last week, and was indeed impressed with it. I can’t wait for more games to come out!

    I happen to love peanut butter AND chocolate, so I’ll have a double ration of these cookies, please!

  13. Sweets by Vicky says:

    Is it lame that I’ve never played a DS even though I;m pretty much the ‘target’ age for this gidgety gadget?

    On the other hand, I am a keen lover of all things peanut butter and have eaten enough cookies to know that this is going to make my heart melt like Reese’s pieces. :)

  14. Margie says:

    Peanut butter + chocolate = true love.

    You are one busy girl! Sounds as if you are living life to the fullest, bravo & kudos.


  15. Joy says:

    I love your work. The recipe looks wonderful.

  16. Libbi says:

    my mother is infamous for her peanut butter chocolate chip cookies in my family (though my husband says my version is better — but i can’t make them anymore because peanut butter gives him heartburn)

    A trick i’ve found with choc chip cookies in general is to use mini and regular sized. the distribution is perfect.

  17. Marisa says:

    Your pictures of the food from Friday night’s dinner look incredible, particularly considering how dark it was!

  18. Sade says:

    I am making these this week, hands down. How did you know I LOVED peanut butter?!?


  19. Stimey says:

    I am so blown away at the amazing photos you got in that dark, dark restaurant. I am so happy to have met you and gotten to know you a little bit!

    Also, now I want cookies.

  20. welovefur says:

    I’m so greedy and your blog is delicious.
    I’m a blogger but fashion fur blogger.
    Gnammy gnammy
    With love and chocolate :=)

  21. jenyu says:

    Sherry – the roe vs. egg was brilliant and sooo good!

    Barbara – that’s awesome that Chris got one! They only released recently :)

    Sara – that bean/mushroom salad was AMAZING.

    Sweets by Vicky – not at all. There are heaps of toys I haven’t touched and without this event, I wouldn’t have known much about the Nintendo 3DS :)

    Libbi – that’s a great tip! Thank you.

    Marisa – I wouldn’t have attempted this without the D700 – it has such great low light performance!

    Stimey – it was a really really fun dinner and I love that you and Maggie tasted mint and the rest of us didn’t!! :)

  22. Peanut Butter Cookie Towers | food enthusiast, urban explorer says:

    […] recipe from Use Real Butter. GA_googleAddAttr("AdOpt", "1"); GA_googleAddAttr("Origin", "other"); […]

  23. Eileen says:

    Hi I just recently discovered your wonderful site and was wondering if the recipe would be good for 9,000ft altitude. If not could you tell me how I might adjust the measurements to increase the chances of my cookies looking like yours?? Most of the times my cookies end up looking like frakencookies!! Thanks!

  24. jenyu says:

    Eileen – you can probably get away w similar adjustments to mine for 8500 ft. But it really is a trial and error with altitude adjustments. I never assume any baked good will work the first time I try the recipe :\ Good luck.

  25. Traffic Rider says:

    Good & Nice Blog!

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