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sandwich chronicles: the pinyon

As any long-time reader of use real butter knows, the sandwich is one of my favorite categories of food. It happens to be perfect for my favorite meal of the day – lunch. Whenever I’m in Boulder around lunchtime, I begin to think of all my sandwich options. It’s hard to keep track and my brain tends to bias toward the ones that float to the surface the most. I realize there are probably several places I’ve never been to that serve up a great sandwich and that this would require some research on my part. I’m chronicling my sandwich research in Boulder to explore and uncover the hidden and not-so-hidden sandwich gems of this town. Mostly, it’s a compilation of my favorites.

My guidelines:

1) Only restaurants in Boulder.

2) One sandwich from the menu even if they offer a gazillion sandwiches (basically, the one that appeals to me at that moment).

3) No burgers. This was discussed at length with Jason as we drove the 4.5 hours back from the sandhill crane shoot. “If you allow burgers, then that busts the whole thing wide open.” True that. But barbecue sandwiches are allowed (yes!).

Let’s kick off the research with a stop at The Pinyon. There are a lot of items to love on their lunch menu, which might explain why I hadn’t tried the fried chicken sandwich yet. I was working my way to it, you see. Several of my friends had told me, “The fried chicken sandwich is the best thing on the menu.”

you can find the pinyon on pearl street just east of the pedestrian mall

the pinyon’s sleeper hit: the fried chicken sandwich

Chef Theo explains, “It’s my riff on the Chick-Fil-A sandwich.” Please… the Pinyon’s fried chicken sandwich is ten times better than any Chick-Fil-A sandwich. Just look at that beaut: buttermilk fried chicken, pickles, lettuce, tomato, onions, and special sauce on a milk bun. You can choose fries (these are duck fat fries – no foolin’) or salad with that delectable sandwich for $12. If you’re feeling especially naughty, top it with tender bacon belly, American cheese, Grafton 2-year cheddar, or Gruyère for $2 each. Chick-Fil-Who? I thought so.

To the sandwich: The chicken is juicy and tender, fried to perfection. The outside is crisp and well-seasoned. There is a mild sweetness in the soft milk bun that works perfectly with the tang of their special sauce and all of the fresh vegetable toppings. You’ll be full by the time you clean your plate, but I guarantee within 24 hours, you will be craving that sandwich again.

Where: The Pinyon on 1710 Pearl Street in Boulder, Colorado.

When: The fried chicken sandwich is offered at lunch M-F 11:30 am – 2:30 pm and at brunch on Saturdays and Sundays from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.

Contact: Call The Pinyon at 720.306.8248. Follow them on Twitter @thepinyon. Visit their Facebook page.

Full Disclosure: The opinions expressed here are my own (duh). The Pinyon comped the fried chicken sandwich on the bill, but I added the cost of the sandwich to the tip.

9 nibbles at “sandwich chronicles: the pinyon”

  1. Bing Chou says:

    I’ve had the fried chicken sandwich and duck fat fries with a cane sugar Coke. I’ve also had the Chick-Fil-A equivalent. I like one and love the other. I’ll let you guess which is which.

  2. Jenny says:

    I am so glad that we’re moving to Colorado — I wish it were this weekend.

  3. Mike Mallory says:

    Love that fried chicken. It’s gluten free for the wheatards too!

  4. vanillasugarblog says:

    did mike just say “wheatards”? I do like him.
    good luck finding a sammich joint on cape caaad. we have zip and still a boatload of tourists

  5. Ellen says:

    Ode on a sandwich. Love it. And you. And the fried chicken sandwich.

  6. Ellen says:

    recipe??? :)

  7. jenyu says:

    Bing – seriously!

    Jenny – where in Colorado??

    Mike – ha ha ha!!

    vanillasugarblog – that’s so sad :(

    Ellen – I know it, girl. Let’s meet up for some chicken sandwiches soon!

    Ellen – no recipe, sorry. This is just a sandwich review.

  8. Jenn says:

    Love this series on great sandwiches in Boulder, can’t wait to see where else you end up. This one looks like a gem. While I am certain that you know Boulder food 10x better than I, my favorite sandwich in Boulder for a quick lunch comes from The Dish, either their Chook or the Mapleton. Curious to see where else you end up!

  9. jenyu says:

    Jenn – thanks for the recs! I’m always interested in finding the best sandwiches in town :)

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