baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

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crazy beautiful

Recipe: mango lassi

Volatile. We go from dark, brooding skies to clear and sunny ones to snow squalls to gentle breezes and run that cycle fifty times over. Spring is volatile around here. The clouds are practically roiling over the Continental Divide in a battle between moisture, thermal expansion, and pressure gradients. The tips of aspen branches have turned fuzzy and glow brilliantly in the sun. They will be a fresh green in a matter of months. I love my snow, but I doubt there are many who don’t feel a little giddy at the approach of spring. We are certainly enjoying it.

snow hangs like bunting on the bridge (iphone)

metal flowers at peak 8 in breckenridge (iphone)

looking out on imperial chair – the highest ski lift in north america (iphone)

aprés ski – start with tempura

…and hamachi sashimi

brushing the dog (kaweah doesn’t enjoy this one bit)

April is a stone’s throw away. We finished our taxes. It feels great to get that out the way. I’m fighting the urge to go into full spring cleaning mode because I basically blow up the house and spend a few days sorting it all out. I think that stresses the hell out of Jeremy, so I’ll try to do that on the sly when he isn’t around to witness the mayhem. Oh, and the other day I saw deep red organic strawberries at the market and bought a pint. Guess what? They’re not ready. I knew better, but late winter/early spring can play tricks on your mind. Sour, cottony, hard strawberries – blegh! The person at Whole Foods who wrote the “juicy and sweet!” sign ought to be kicked in the shins. But the point is that I am ready for fruit other than apples, pears, and citrus (which have done a swell job these many months).

my favorite: the champagne (or ataulfo) mango

The delightful little mango that I love most is the Ataulfo and it is in season now. The flesh is smooth and silky compared to the stringy meat of the more common Tommy Atkins variety (large, greenish-red skin, mild flavor). Ataulfo mangoes are sweeter too. Jeremy doesn’t like mangoes (nor any stone fruit), so I happily buy them all for my own consumption. Most of the time I just peel the skin off with a knife and eat it like an apple. It makes a glorious mess. I also love a mango lassi, but cringe at the price in restaurants because I know how easy it is to make at home. I shot this recipe two years ago, but I still use it and I still love it.

dice them up

into the blender to purée

add yogurt (and water, sugar, and cardamom)

It takes little time to whip a mango lassi together. Cut up some mango, add the rest of the ingredients, then blitz that sucker. I tend to prefer cold beverages, perhaps because I grew up in the south? I add ice to everything in the dead of winter, so I really enjoy my mango lassi chilled. If you start with chilled ingredients, then you’re already there. If not, pop it into the refrigerator until it reaches the desired temperature.

chill the lassi before serving

i like a little fresh cardamom for garnish too

and shaved pistachios

A nice cool glass of mango lassi is both refreshing and satisfying. Even on the cloudiest of days, it looks like sunshine in a glass. With Ataulfos popping up in stores, I’m ready to get my fill of the fruity!

here ya go

Mango Lassi
[print recipe]
from Kalyn’s Kitchen

1 1/2 cups fresh mango, peeled and diced
1 1/2 cups plain non-fat yogurt
1/2 cup chilled water
1 tbsp sugar
pinch ground cardamom (optional)

Purée the diced mango in a blender or food processor until smooth. Add the yogurt, water, sugar, and ground cardamom (optional). Pulse until blended. Serve chilled.

more goodness from use real butter

vietnamese pickled green mangoes matcha tea slushie with boba cucumber spritzer chicken tikka masala

14 nibbles at “crazy beautiful”

  1. Kristin says:

    Is that AVOCADO tempurai?! Yum. My grandpa, who died when I was in 6th grade, was a prof who’d spent some semesters teaching in Japan. He used to cook us great Japanese food (before I liked veggies…stupid kid) and made wonderful tempura. Would love to have him back, for many reasons. The lassi looks wonderful, and the addition of pistachio & cardamom just makes it look better.

  2. Katrina @ Warm Vanilla Sugar says:

    This looks absolutely perfect! Yum!

  3. Abbe@This is How I Cook says:

    Never tried those mangoes and I just saw them at the store. I love mangoes! Right now i am feeling very thirsty!

  4. jill says:

    No stone fruits? Peaches so juicy they drip down your arm? Plums? Cherrrrriiiiieeeeesss??? MMMmmmmm, more for me. xo

  5. Theresa says:

    Ataulfo mangoes are my favorite too! It took me a few years to realize that I love mangoes, just not the icky red and green ones. I’m going to send this recipe to my husband. He had his first mango lassi a few weeks ago and has been talking about making them at home ever since. I told him they should be pretty easy to make, and this recipe just proves it! Maybe we’ll make some this weekend :)

  6. Rocky Mountain Woman says:

    now i am seriously craving mango…

  7. Anna says:

    Yummy! I had this in a restaurant before and now I can make it myself, thank you! I always look forward to visiting your website to see what new recipe I can put together next :) I love the pictures especially kaweah.

  8. SandraM says:

    I love mango lassi’s!! But I never think of making them myself. It is always a treat at my favourite indian restaurant. Thanks for sharing! I am definitely going to try this!

  9. farmerpam says:

    I just bought some of those mangos yesterday, it was the first time I’d ever seen them. I was doubtful at first, creature of habit and all. Lovin those mangos, I’m gonna have a lassi for breakfast, thanks for the idea. (No stone fruits? Really? Is that even legal?…….lol.

  10. Kalyn says:

    I love mango as well! So glad you enjoyed it.

  11. megan says:

    this is probably the only time i’ve seen kaweah look sad!! :(

    yummy lassi!!

  12. Jess says:

    Hi Jen,

    I just discovered your blog, you have so many recipes that I want to make! I didn’t even think it was possible to make savory soymilk soup at home?!?! I love the stories about your folks, they absolutely remind me of my in-laws (husband is ABC). Like, oh, here’s some time-sensitive official government mail they received, let’s save a stamp and have the post office “forward” it – no matter that it takes two months. Ahem.

    Anyway, just wanted to say thanks for the recipes for so many Chinese dishes I’ve come to know and love. (Red bean rice balls? Love!!)

  13. jenyu says:

    Kristin – oh, no. It’s shrimp tempura with kabocha squash (which is nice and sweet and almost buttery). So good!

    Katrina – thanks :)

    Abbe – you should pick one up next time. They’re sooo good (better than the others in my opinion)!

    Jill – I know, right?

    Theresa – wow, a convert I hope! Hee hee.

    Rocky Mountain Woman – yep :)

    Anna – aww, you’re so sweet xo

    SandraM – I used to be the same way!

    farmerpam – I can’t say I understand why he doesn’t like stone fruits, but I’m too busy eating them myself to notice ;)

    Kalyn – thanks, sweetheart!

    megan – ha ha, Kaweah looks sad when she gets a bath or gets brushed or has her nails clipped and filed. Poor thing ;)

    Jess – thanks and you’re so welcome!

  14. angelitacarmelita says:

    Just back from vacation, which I completely unplugged during, and am catching up on my “URB” When I returned from vacation I went to my local Asian market to re-stock my pantry w/veggies and such and ended up buying a CASE of these beauties! I’m with you, apples, pears and citrus has done me righteous this winter, but I’m so ready for soft and sweet fruit now… I’m printing this out and making some! (complete disclosure – I stand over my sink and eat these like a crazy person, alone of course so no one can see the carnage…. love these mangoes)

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