stealthy at 8 am
Happy New Year everyone. I started my year off by eating something sweet (so sweet things come out of your mouth all year). Some people might wonder that I actually do this, but yes, I try anyway. Then I heard the roar of fighter jets in the sky, so I ran outside in my jammies and slippers to see this:

Well, I didn’t exactly see THAT, because I ran back into the house and grabbed my camera. It was not yet 8 am, so I knew the jets would be back around for at least another pass to start off the Rose Parade in Pasadena. When I ran back outside, Kaweah heard me (she was still sleeping in the bedroom with Jeremy) and ran outside with me. I waited and nothing happened. We went inside and I started baking a cake when I heard the jets again and ran outside to get a snappie. Sooooo cool.
We had a small gathering of friends over to celebrate the new year. Some of these people I don’t see often enough. People are busy with their kids, their physical ailments, their lives… I am always torn between the sit-down dinner and the small gathering and the big bash. Well, I don’t live in a house large enough to accomodate the big bash and I don’t really care for them. You tend to lose quality time with people if you know everyone, and as the host, I usually know everyone. Small gatherings are good, except I prefer to invite close friends and of course, you have something to say to all of them and it feels like you only got 15 minutes with each person, if that. Sit-down dinners are more intimate and to my liking. But there isn’t enough time and I don’t have the energy to get to everyone. I told Jeremy that if we had the parties catered, I could play hostess and chill with friends more. But on the flip side, if _I_ were a caterer, I could concentrate on the prep and not have to worry about hosting… I like both.