baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

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kitchen is functional

For dinner I made gi pien guo ba tang (chicken sizzling rice soup) and chinese stir fried rice. Now, I want to point out that I don’t like the typical stir fried rice that has ham, celery, peas (peas! the horror), and other crap that white people like in their fried rice. My chinese stir fried rice is good stuff. I dice lean pork loin and mix it with cornstarch, soy sauce, and sesame oil. I sauté diced onion (for the love of god, don’t use sweet onion), scramble some eggs, and julienne chinese preserved mustard green. [Note: Chinese preserved mustard green is like this magical salty, crunchy ingredient that makes a number of authentic chinese dishes – only in asian grocery stores]. Steam short grained white rice and stir fry these babies together:

For the chicken sizzling rice soup (it’s quite good with fresh sliced fish instead of chicken), bring chicken broth to a boil over high heat. Add slices of chicken breast cut against the grain until cooked. Toss in snow peas and cook for 1 minute. Remove from heat. Take sizzling rice (can be bought from asian grocer) and crush the cakes into bowl. Spoon hot soup over bowl, garnish with white pepper, serve hot.

Domestic Diva, baby. My kitchen is so damn functional, I could pee my pants.

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