baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

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juicy fruity

I whipped up some crabcakes, hashbrowns, and stir-fried zucchini for dinner tonight. Jeremy loves fresh hashbrowns on the skillet and I had some extra yukon golds to finish off.

I got the biggest pomegranate I have ever seen the other night, for Jeremy. He loves pomegranates. These were all behemoths grown by POM, the makers of the pomegranate juice and juice blends. He told me he was fearful that POM might be some evil company (he hasn’t looked into it and I’m too tired to do so now). I told him since it wasn’t labelled organic, it already had one strike against it. Which got me to thinking that there really are very few companies that I feel I can support guilt-free. Then again, I imagine it is like choosing the lesser of two evils (sort of like elections). Tonight, anyway, the pomegranate seeds were bursting with juicy flavor.

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