baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

copyright jennifer yu © 2004-2023 all rights reserved: no photos or content may be reproduced without prior written consent

hostess at play

This morning we woke up to moderate winds and figured we’d head for the hills for a little swooshing on the slopes. We were rewarded with some fine spring conditions with temps topping as high as 45 and calm winds! We played mostly on the backside as the snow was pretty good and there were no lines! Until… around 10:30 am it started to get a little crowded. So we squoze in a few more runs until it was really time to mosey into Ned for wine and milk. In front of the liquor store was a 3 month old chocolate lab puppy. She was so damn cute, I played with her twice:

Jeremy had observing this afternoon for 5 hours, but in between data takes, he cleaned the house, washed dishes, and tidied up for our guests while I cooked and cooked and snipped the rag ends of my ginormous quilt. We had so much fun and our guests talked long into the night well after the last bite of chocolate cake and the last sip of port. The company was great and they really enjoyed the food, the conversation, and Kaweah. The menu started with babaganoush, homemade hummus, assorted olives, and pita. Then for dinner we had boursin and spinach stuffed chicken, spanikopita, potatoes au gratin, orange/jicama salad, and lots of wine. The flourless chocolate cake turned out just fine – Bondy even had a bite and she doesn’t EAT dessert! This is a fun crew.

everyone brought a lot of wine – excellent pinot and sauv blanc

despite serving spanikopita expressly for the vegetarian, everyone partook

the cake was good, but i’m still in search of the perfect flourless chocolate cake recipe

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