baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

copyright jennifer yu © 2004-2023 all rights reserved: no photos or content may be reproduced without prior written consent

something chocolaty

We were a pathetic bunch of sots this afternoon at work. We were all feeling tired. We were all feeling hungry. Jeff came by and offered us caffeinated mints which didn’t do much but give us tired fresh breath. I worked out which totally woke me up for the duration of the workout, but I felt tired again when I got back to my desk.

“I’m going to make something chocolaty to bring into work tomorrow!” I announced to my cube farm.
“Mmmmm, chocolaty…” was the response from over the wall.

I got excited thinking about baking something chocolaty because I like working with chocolate. But wait, I have ingredients for key lime cheesecake in my fridge as well. A miscalculation on my part with far too many dinners to keep track of left me with an extra dessert.

“Key lime cheesecake or brownies?!” I shouted.
“I like cheesecake.”
“Brownies are easier to share with several people.”
“Please stop talking about this, you are killing me.”

So when I got home tonight I was set to make brownies when I passed out on the futon with the dog. Tired I was. Why so tired? Going to bed after midnight doesn’t help. But I hate to disappoint when I sort of promised I’d bring in goodies. I made a triple batch (split between two 9×13 pans).

swirly pretty batter

baked swirly

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