mom and dad in colonial williamsburg – a beautiful day

Jeremy started to feel pretty lousy this evening. I think all of his crazy work and travel (in addition to helping me with my freak out period of the past few weeks) has finally taken its toll. Jeremy hasn’t been sick in a couple of years, so I feel bad knowing that it was probably my fault. While he napped, I prepared dinner. Dad hovered over me because he (like me) has a tendency to think that I (he) doesn’t know what I’m (he’s) doing. It turned out just fine though! I made filet mignon with a port reduction sauce over parsnip purée with sautéed asparagus. I was worried they wouldn’t like the parsnip because you never know with my folks. They totally didn’t go for Thai food when I first introduced them to it, and my dad dislikes Mexican food… but they loved the parsnip and even want to use it for entertaining. Success! Dad served a fabulous 1990 Stags Leap cab with the meal.
the dinner i made for my folks

It’s kind of neat to trade entertaining recipes and techniques with my parents. They are such avid cooks and love to feed people. I am pretty sure this is at least 50% responsible for why I enjoy the same thing. Kris wasn’t an avid cook, but she had impeccable taste and knew how to throw a Good Party. Aside from being psychotic, hyper, loud, and garrulous, I suppose this is another thing that ties us together – food.