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heathen sunday

Recipe: fondue

One of the joys of my heathen ways is that Christmas and Easter are typically empty slope days for a ski whore like me. Jeremy and I had a nice morning of fast corduroy, sunny skies, and the mountain practically to ourselves. I would have posted a picture, except Jeremy’s POS point-and-shoot craps out when the temperature is below 20F. All you need to know is that it was good and I skied it.

The other day when I met Beth for happy hour in Boulder, Jeremy couldn’t join us because he had a meeting with one of his graduate students. When he saw the fondue on the blog, he made a barely audible whimper at having missed out. So while we were running through the grocery store on Friday to pick up some raspberries, I whipped out the iphone and looked up a quick recipe for gruyère fondue: gruyère (of course), a baguette, some sausage, apples, and then some white wine. This being Colorado with antiquated liquor laws, we had to find a liquor barn to purchase wine. This being Colorado with antiquated liquor laws, we had only to walk next door as every grocery store in the state literally has a liquor store within 200 feet of its doors.

let’s have fondue

It was the perfect excuse to use my new saucier pan too. I had a fondue set that was gifted to me by someone I don’t even speak to anymore (aka Bridezilla, if that tells you anything). The bowl broke from the heat of a candle – wtf?!? Sort of indicative of the relationship which had its fair share of wtf moments.

toss the shredded cheese with flour

add lemon juice to the heated white wine

This is a fast recipe. Each handful of cheese melts quickly and smoothly while you stir it in. The flour helps to prevent separation of the cheese (as does the acidity of the lemon juice and wine).

season with pepper and nutmeg

Taking a cue from happy hour, I cut up some apple (fuji), crusty baguette, and chicken sausages. The chicken sausages were 1) chicken and apple and 2) chicken, spinach, and garlic. I have to say I liked the punchier of the two (the spinach-garlic), but would prefer a spicier sausage to both of these. Just saying…

for dipping

bite size

Fondue was the perfect après ski this afternoon. Love that heady wine and gruyère combination! Kaweah helped me finish the apple chunks :)

fun do!

worth every calorie

Traditional Fondue
[print recipe]
modified from

1 lb. shredded Gruyère (it says 1/2 lb. Gruyère and 1/2 lb. Emmental, but I got lazy)
1 clove garlic
1 1/2 cups dry white wine
1 tbsp lemon juice
3 tbsps flour
pepper and nutmeg to taste

for dipping:
1 baguette, cut into cubes
1 apple (granny smith or some tart/sweet thing), cut into chunks
1 lb. cooked sausages, sliced thick

Toss cheese and flour together; set aside. Rub the inside of the pot with the cut side of the garlic clove. Pour wine into the pot and heat until warm, not boiling. Add the lemon juice. Add cheese by the handful to the wine, stirring constantly until melted and creamy. Add pepper and nutmeg to taste. Let the mixture come to a boil once and remove from heat. Set over flame so the fondue bubbles lightly. Spear the bread, apple, or sausage and dip in the fondue.

29 nibbles at “heathen sunday”

  1. manggy says:

    Excellent! We have a fondue set too but I don’t know what to do with it, except chocolate fondue, and I’m not a fan of that (uh… it’s ganache! Too simple!). Thanks for the recipe– it looks like a fun night, heh :)
    I LOLed at your comment about your ex-friend… WTF indeed, haha :)

  2. amanda says:

    I have yet to do an actual cheese fondue, although I have done a chocolate one and it was pretty delicious. Although you really can’t mess up dipping anything in chocolate. This might be too veggielicious, but I like dipping carrots and broccoli into melted cheese. Lots and lots of cheese :)

  3. Jesse says:

    “Sort of indicative of the relationship which had its fair share of wtf moments.”

    O snap! That line kinda stole the show for me. D=

  4. Susan at StickyGooeyCreamyChewy says:

    Oh boy, have I had friends like that!

    That fondue looks great! I haven’t made it in years. I just never think of it, but it’s a great quick meal. Never tried sausage, but it sound like a perfect addition to the mix.

    I’m glad you had a great day doing what you love! :)

  5. Bridget says:

    Oh man, you don’t know from antiquated liquor laws. In Pennsylvania, the state government controls all of the liquor imported into the state. You can only buy wine from Wine and Liquor stores, and the selection is lousy. For beer you have two options: buying six-packs from bars, but the selection is dismal and the prices are about twice what they would be otherwise. Or buy cases from beer distributors. Like I really need to store 24 bottles of beer in my tiny apartment.

    My family used to move Thanksgiving to Friday, and go skiing on Thursday.

    Oh, and yum! I love fondue!

  6. Patricia Scarpin says:

    Cheese fondue is a must at our house on winter Friday nights. This looks wonderful!

  7. soopling says:

    I made fondue for the first time about a month ago, with apples and bread and chicken sausages also (and some other stuff). I loved it…it really is a quick, easy, meal. And so, so delicious!

  8. deb says:

    I can’t believe I never realized cheese fondue had wine in it. This is a crying shame, as is our never-once-used fondue set that I insisted we register for. I believe you’ve inspired me to finally unpack it!

  9. Taylor says:

    great recipe! Think I’ll try it soon. I made your sour cream coffee cake and it was delish!

  10. peabody says:

    Mmm, I am a fondue lover! This looks fabulous. I am a heathen like you. I took the opportunity to go to the gym(me and three other people) since it was open.

  11. Graeme says:

    Bread; Sausage; Apple; I want that anyway, but I want to dip them in cheese even more.
    You’ve never steered me wrong, Jen. Thanks.

  12. Randi says:

    Is there a person on earth who doesn’t love fondue? If so, they’re definitely no friend of mine. Looks super tasty…. I think the grocery store is calling my name :)

  13. White On Rice Couple says:

    Believe it or not, we’re actually looking forward to seeing another ski picture of you guys. It’s been a few posts back since we’ve seen some fresh snow, so we’re craving it now.
    We haven’t eaten cheese fondue in a while. We’re so happy you add nutmeg to your fondue too! The nutmeg really adds a nice element to the cheese. It’s time go get going on some fondue!

  14. Kevin says:

    That fondue looks good. Sausage dipped in cheese…mmm…

  15. cindy says:

    So glad you caught those corderoys! I had one of those dumb fondue pots that broke over a candle too.

    Fondue is one of our ski house staples, instituted when several of us were desperate to get kids to eat vegetables. And after a hard day of skiing, who can’t rationalize those calories??

    I’m an All-Clad gal too. A fine reason (along with the KitchenAid mixer) to get married in my mind.

  16. Christine says:

    Jen – I am coveting that saucier, girlfriend! Your fondue would make any francophile bridezilla proud. oh, oops.
    I love the combination of apples and sausage; simple but so dang good and indeed worth every calorie :)

  17. Sarah says:

    I love fondue and that looks awesome!

  18. jenyu says:

    Mark – yeah, I can’t get too excited over chocolate fondue, but gruyere is a whole ‘nuther story!! :) don’t we all have stories like that about former friends? what what I thinking?!? ;)

    Amanda – oh, I think you might dig on this recipe if you like dipping veggies in cheese!

    Jesse – “snap”? I love that! :)

    Susan – I know why I don’t make fondue all that often… fondue = straight to my ass! Thanks hon, and I loved seeing all of the wonderful goodies you and your mom made for Easter. You rock. xxoo

    Bridget – when my sister was alive, she had trouble ordering wine from out of state (she lived in Georgia) which pissed her off greatly. And in CO our grocery stores sell this abomination called 3/2 beer which is seriously watered down to have lower alcohol content. I don’t drink beer, but I’m still outraged ;) I remember my friend complaining about PA’s liquor laws…

    Patricia – right on, lady!

    Soopling – whoa, we’re on the same wavelength! Next you’re gonna tell me that you tele with K2 Dawn Patrols! :)

    Deb – yay! I hope you registered for a better fondue set than I got ;) and yes, the white wine with the cheese is such a freaking brilliant combo – I find it frighteningly addictive…

    Taylor – sweet! I’m glad it worked for you.

    Peabody – you’re such a good kid to workout while everyone else is stuffing their faces! What did the Mister do? And who was taking care of puppy?!? Or maybe puppy was working hard at her full time job (the sleeping thing)? :)

    Graeme – you’re back from It-lee!! Never steered you wrong? You’re so very sweet. Please remember that when my treatment is over and I start eating sushi every day for a month straight ;) xxoo

    Randi – ah ha ha! You crack me up!

    WoRC – oh hon, it’s been shit windy this whole week and my next treatment is Thursday. By the time I come to I don’t know how much snow will be left. I mean, there will be snow, but snow to ski on :( Yes, I think the nutmeg rocks the fondue (as does a nice Chardonnay)!!

    Kevin – yeah, I never thought I’d dig on sausage in cheese so much, but it’s fan-freaking-tastic ;)

    Cindy – After a day of skiing I can’t really rationalize anything so whatever food is put before goes straight down the gullet ;) You know, we are retards. When we got married (in my advisor’s living room with a dozen family and close friends) we told everyone not to send us gifts. *smacks self squarely in head* What the hell was I *thinking*?!?! ;)

    Christine – you are such a riot! bridezilla indeed… if you’re ever bored off your rocker I have stories for you!

    Sarah – thanks!

  19. Rosa says:

    Your Fondue looks fabulous! Very tempting indeed! I’d love to dip some of that beautiful bread in it… I’ve never tried it with sausages, but I bet it taste gorgeous!


    Rosa from the land of Fondue (Switzerland)

  20. jenyu says:

    Rosa – thanks love! Switzerland, eh? Mmmm – fondue land :)

  21. J.P. says:

    This was a big hit at my boyfriend’s birthday party last night. I made a double batch and used a pound of Gruyère and a pound of Swiss. I have to say, the combination of the Fuji Apples, bread and chicken sausage was perfect! We used two kinds of smoked chicken sausage, one with apples in it and one that was “andouille” style and deliciously spicy.

  22. jenyu says:

    JP – that sounds like an awesome party :)

  23. Ruth says:

    Love the recipe and can’t wait to hit “value village” to get a fondue set… you always see, like, 9 of them on the shelves…old “retro” looking ones – cool! and, as for heathen ways… it’s the heathens who celebrate Christmas – the 25th was a pagan Roman sun-worshiping holiday – nothing to do with JC. Same goes for Easter – also a Roman fertility god – so hit the slopes with no regrets! Enjoy!

  24. jenyu says:

    Ruth – Nice!

  25. linda says:

    Just did this with roasted asparagus, roasted cauliflower, green apples and wheat french bread… soooo good.

  26. jenyu says:

    Linda – nice! Roasted veggies sound delightful!

  27. Keeley says:

    Wow! You are h i l a r i o u s with the Bridezilla comment. Don’t we all know people just like that? Your fondue looks delightful. I would like to make this for a fun dinner with my hubby. I just found your blog and I think it rocks!

  28. Souzie says:

    Hi Jen,

    I’m rom Geneva, Switzerland and I have to tell you that the BEST fondue is the Fondue Fribourgeouise moitie/moitie which uses 1/2 gruyere and 1/2 vacherin fribourgeois. Simply the best! If you can ind vacherin anywhere in the USA please let me know because I’m longing for my fondue fribourgeoise!


  29. Espresso Cheese Fondue says:

    […] Recipe adapted from Use Real Butter […]

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