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it’s like i’m on steriods

Recipe: raspberry buttermilk pancakes

Today was one of those non-stop days from the moment I woke at 5:30 am up to now. I am feeling great in large part due to my dosage of steroids (long story, but it’s to treat the side effects of a side effect from one of my chemo drugs). It’s good that I started the steroids now because I have so much to get done this week and… I’m getting most of it done!

This morning we ventured up to Lake Isabelle – a short hike under normal circumstances except the road to the trailhead is partially closed and the trail is 60% under snow still. A great time to see the lake which takes on a different personality every few weeks when the seasonal conditions change so quickly. She’s beautiful any time of year. Here are some of the favorites, but you can always hop over to the photo blog for the rest.

on the way to the lake

just over the rise

still snowy lake isabelle at 10,868 feet

bred for swimming in icy waters

I felt so strong and completely energized. In my current state of health, I know not to let these moments go to waste. It’s a frenzy of activity because we have house guests this weekend, are hosting a barbecue as well, and the timing of all of the local wildflowers and snow pack in the high country will not wait until next week for photo shoots. I’m also training for a few goals I have this summer – so everything is *now* and I am loving it.

visitor in our yard

A few weeks ago, I had an excess of raspberries and looked about one morning for a nice way to use them up. I am not a huge fan of breakfast foods, particularly the sweet kind. [Oh, but I’ll eat bacon any time, any place.] About once a year I get a hankering for pancakes and whip up a batch to remind myself why I only make them once a year. Jeremy is decidedly indifferent to pancakes.

start with eggs and buttermilk

I wandered into the kitchen and began a search for pancake recipes on the laptop. I immediately honed in on a recipe from a familiar blog: Elise’s Simply Recipes’ Blueberry Buttermilk Pancakes. I love Elise and I trust her recipes. The woman has never failed me. So instead of blueberry buttermilk pancakes, I made raspberry buttermilk pancakes.

stirring in the dry ingredients

Jeremy *loved* these pancakes. I can’t tell you how surprised I was because he was a picky eater when I met him over 15 years ago. While he has accepted and embraced several foods in that time, he has rarely turned 180 on a food like this before. Good on ya, Elise.

fold in the pretty raspberries

My batter wound up a little thick and the pancakes were puffy and taller than most pancakes. It could be an elevation issue. Admittedly, I’ve never been a pancake expert.

frying in the pan

The second time around (yeah, I started getting requests for this on weekends) I added more milk and reduced the leavenings. Less puffy, more spread – but they still tasted the same. And when I say they tasted the same, I mean they still tasted fan-freaking-tastic.

top with fresh berries and your choice of sugar delivery

Raspberry Buttermilk Pancakes
[print recipe]
modified from Blueberry Buttermilk Pancakes at Simply Recipes

2 cups flour
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking powder [1/4 tsp at 8500 feet]
1/2 tsp baking soda [1/4 tsp at 8500 feet]
2 eggs
1/2 cup buttermilk
1 cup milk [1 1/3 cups at 8500]
3 tbsps butter, melted
1 cup raspberries

Combine flour, salt, baking powder, and baking soda in a bowl and mix well. Mix eggs, buttermilk, and milk in another bowl. Combine the wet and dry mixes until just lumpy. Pour in butter and stir well. Fold in raspberries. Heat a little oil or butter in a frying pan over medium-high heat. Pour a scoop of batter onto the pan when the oil is hot. Spread to desired size (I like mine smallish – around 4 inches in diameter, but do what you want). When bubbles appear on the top of the pancake, flip to cook the other side (this takes Elise about 2-3 minutes, but took me upwards of 4 minutes). Remove the pancake from the pan when the bottom is golden. Serve hot or let the pancakes cool and refrigerate them to be toasted later.

32 nibbles at “it’s like i’m on steriods”

  1. Rosa says:

    Such beautiful landscapes! I’d love to be there now…

    Your pancakes look extremely good! One of my favorite breakfast treats…



  2. Susan says:

    I so need to figure out where that is and get myself (and my friend and her dog, need a dog fix) hiking! And possibly make pancakes.

  3. Kitt says:

    Yum! Those look GREAT.

    Lake Isabelle is such a beautiful hike. I like it for out-of-towners because it’s super-spectacular but not too difficult, at least after the snow is gone!

  4. manggy says:

    Wouldn’t it be funny if all this time Kaweah’s thinking, “Stop throwing it into the icy waters!!!” and she just retrieves the stick ’cause she can’t help herself? Ha ha ha. She is such a queen, I love her. If I didn’t know you already I’d say something like, “Remember to take a breather!” but now I know that’s not your style. So I’ll just put that out there ;) I hope the chemo issues go away soon for good.

    Were you already a great cook 15 years ago? I think after all my experiences now, if I were to spend the rest of my life with someone who won’t try different kinds of food, I’ll lose all my hair. You’ll be surprised how many people my age still don’t like plain old silly vegetables! It’s great that Jeremy’s tastes have broadened. But I certainly don’t know who would be crazy enough to reject your yummy pancakes (well, I’m biased for the berries, I guess…). I actually like them thick and slightly underdone in the middle, I’m weird like that :) I love that you gave us our choice of sugar delivery, heh.

  5. Steph says:

    I don’t really like pancakes, but oh, these are beautiful! They look light and fluffy, unlike most pancakes which have a “brick in the stomach” effect on me for some reason.

    That snow looks so soothing, especially considering the 105+ degree heat in Los Angeles these days!

  6. Wendy says:

    Totally agree about Elise. She’s like the Jamie Oliver of food blogs: her recipes never fail.
    Gorgeous day.

  7. peabody says:

    I too will eat bacon anytime. Those pancakes do look devine though.
    I go off my roids next month, I live in fear as to where my energy will come from. Sigh. Oh well, I will just carry on…though perhaps a little slower. :)
    Great shot of the butterfly.

  8. Woolly says:

    Glad to see your out and about enjoying yourself!
    I am not to fond of pancakes… never have been, and I’m not sure why?
    I can say that after reading your past posts I have been on the lookout for an icecream maker! so excited about making my own… I’m dreaming of what different types I can make.

    Get out there and enjoy as much of the summer as you can… in fact please enjoy it for me, cause I am stuck in my lab all day looking out the window wishing I was outside.

  9. Helen says:

    What absolutely stunning phosotgraphs. Your walk looks beautiful and your dig must have some serious tolerance for cold! Personally, I like my pancakes a bit thicker, a bit of a stodge factor – so they would suit me just fine.

  10. Mollie says:

    mmmmmmmm bacon…

    Oh, and yummy looking pancakes too!

  11. Patricia Scarpin says:

    I was hoping you’d send me the ones hubby did not want to eat. But now that he’s a convert, I’m toast. :)
    I love pancakes and will be trying them with raspberries, Jen!

    It’s also great to know you are feeling better, dear.

  12. Mikah says:

    yum pancakes … that’s all i ate in college breakfast, lunch, and dinner but mine came from a box. will definitely give this recipe a try =) and i agree with you wholeheartedly about bacon

    lovely outdoors pics too, lake isabelle is beautiful!

  13. Graeme says:

    Roid rage!

    Great pancakes, and so nice to see raspberries. I can never work out wehther or not I like ’em fresh though. They’re a little too hairy and I’m not mad keen on the amount of tannins they have.

  14. courtney says:

    Beautiful shots. Glad to see things are going well and you have energy.

  15. Aran says:

    gorgeous, gorgeous photos!!

  16. Christine says:

    Jen – the snowy lake is incredible. I love the photo of the columbine too. I’m also not a pancake nut but I do very much enjoy them on occasion. I can’t believe I never thought of making raspberry pancakes – brilliant idea! They sound and look absolutely delish. I’m looking forward to picking raspberries in a couple of months – I’ll definitely make these with my first batch of berries.

    I can’t look at lovely photos of butterflies like yours because they remind of of the time I spotted a beautiful one in the grass and without hesitations, Pierre completely pushed/shoved me out of his way to take a photo of it. Can you believe that? ;)

  17. Laura @ HungryAndFrozen says:

    That blue sky! So blue! And those raspberries look fabulous too. Buttermilk does seem to have a good effect on pancakes. Incredible photos :)

  18. Mrs Ergul says:

    Pancakes haven’t been quite my thing, but raspberries are! Love the photos you took of Mother Nature, they are all very lovely! And take lots of care Jen. I truly hope the side effects stop bothering you, you don’t deserve that :-)

  19. zoe / puku says:

    oh noes! <<>> now setting in…. I can’t believe how snowy it still is for you – in your summer! I admit, it looks really beautiful, but still I’m so glad it doesn’t snow in Sydney! Also Jen, your blogging frequency is really a joy, I’m always surprised (even after so many months reading) and happy to see another new title in the RSS feed! I always know there’ll be something good there… :)

  20. Chris says:

    Oh, these look positively wonderful! I haven’t had pancakes in ages, and this recipe has whetted my appetite. Thanks for the inspiration!

  21. Lore says:

    You made those pancakes look so delicate! Lovely!

  22. Sheena says:

    Those Pancakes look absolutely delicious. I just started reading your blog and all your food looks amazing. Your pictures are also amazing.

  23. Review Lady says:

    Wow! So glad I stumbled on your blog via foodgawker. Your photography pages are amazing. Thanks for sharing such a great pancake recipe too!

  24. Kevin says:

    Nice looking pancakes!

  25. jenyu says:

    Rosa – thank you :) I find I have to be in a certain mood to enjoy pancakes, but I love them with fresh fruit!

    Susan – Brainard Lake trailheads.

    Kitt – wow, that’s a long drive for you! Pawnee pass is one of my favorites :)

    Mark – oh, Kaweah is only a part-time retriever. Usually at the end of a “swim” session there will be about 3 or 4 sticks floating in the lake because she left them there. Lazy! She’s not terribly smart, but she’s pretty fun. I was not nearly so “educated” as a cook 15 years ago, of course not :) Part of Jeremy’s broadening of culinary tastes is due to my own expansion of my cooking repertoire. I make a lot more stuff I never would have tried before, and I think he benefits from the exposure. Would you hurry up and get a residency here so we can cook together?!? :)

    Steph – that’s it! You’ve nailed what I typically don’t like about pancakes – the “brick in the stomach” feeling. They’re always so heavy to me.

    Wendy – Elise is a gem!

    Peabody – that’s one of the many reasons I love ya: because you understand the significance of BACON in the universe :) If you’re low on energy after you go off the ‘roids, we’ll just have to introduce more bacon into your diet.

    Woolly – why are you stuck inside all day? The daylight hours are so long right now, you’ve GOT to have some fun, right? I wonder what flavor ice cream you’ll make *first*??

    Helen – I suppose I always thought the “right” way to serve pancakes was flat (hence the name), but I too like them to be thicker and taller and fluffier :)

    Mollie – ha ha ha! I am a sucker for bacon. Say the word and I lose my train of thought!

    Patricia – thank you, you are so sweet! Had I known you were hoping for some pancakes, I would have saved some out for you ;)

    Mikah – thank you. I used to make pancakes from a box too, then one day I realized it was almost the same amount of effort as making from scratch – and scratch was better! Hope you like these.

    Graeme – you are such a sophisticate, my dear! Tannins in raspberries – I never think of such things. Your puns crack me up.

    Courtney – thanks!

    Aran – you’re very kind.

    Christine – during this time of year, I think I start putting berries in almost any food I make ;) I just love berries! Please don’t tell me that Pierre actually DID THAT? You’re going to ruin my image of him as the *perfect gentleman*!! :) So I have to know if the picture turned out and was worth shoving his sweetheart aside? xxoo

    Laura – thanks, dear!

    Mrs. E – you’re so sweet to always ask after my health. It’s one of those up and down things… At least I can cook and taste what I’m eating though – so things are really much much better than they were a few months ago :) Hope you’re keeping cool! xxoo

    Zoe/puku – don’t be scared by the snow! :) It’s nowhere near our house… we have to hike up to see it, but we really love the snow and the pup loves to play in it. If I were a summer girl – I’d want to be in Sydney for sure, it’s sooooo beautiful there!

    Chris – you’re so welcome! :)

    Lore – aww, you’re very sweet – thanks!

    Sheena – thank you!

    Review Lady – you’re welcome and thanks for dropping by!

    Kevin – hey thanks :)

  26. Woolly says:

    I am not sure what flavour I will try first but I think I will be including booze in it. Is that wrong??? LOL

  27. Mrs Ergül says:

    Nah, really just want you to be well :)

  28. Barbara says:

    Wow, what beautiful pictures! And the pancakes look delish! My hubby is a pancake-aholic. I may just try out this recipe on him this weekend.

  29. White On Rice Couple says:

    Kaweah, I get the shivers just looking at you! You look like you’re having so much fun, we’re jealous of your trips! I’m certain Sierra could never brave those cold waters. Being a Cali girl, I once watched my friends crazy CO friends brave the icy cold cold waters, butt naked! . I got hypothermia just watching them ! Yup, all my CO, WI, MT, and WY girls swam along the WA Elwah river while, I (the CA girl) followed them along the banks, holding their clothes for them! I’ll hold your toys for any day Kaweah, while you swim!
    Mamma, you do amazing things with raspberries! The pancakes are beautiful !

  30. jenyu says:

    Woolly – nothing wrong at all, but for some reason I seem to recall that booze makes it harder for things to freeze? I could be wrong :)

    Mrs. Ergul – thanks, you are really kind.

    Barbara – terrifc! I hope he likes them :)

    WoRC – ha ha, Kaweah’s mama is afraid of cold water too!!

  31. Buds, Buttermilk, Brunch, Berries, Butter « Kat in the Kitch says:

    […] Raspberry-Blueberry Buttermilk Pancakes from Simply Recipes via Use Real Butter […]

  32. the training cure « Whitney in Chicago says:

    […] Buttermilk Pancakes (printable recipe) Recipe adapted from Use Real Butter who modified from Simply Recipes {this recipe gets […]

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