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Recipe: watermelon sorbet

Hoo boy, it’s hawt out again today! Yesterday in Boulder I was all like “ouch, my black steering wheel is burning my handsies” and had I had destructo death ray eye beams, I would have shot them at the sun and blowed it up, yo. Actually, I wouldn’t have. Because I only had eyes for one man yesterday.

Not Jeremy.

Another man.

he makes my heart go pitter patter

Henry is my little bud. He’s an Aussie (love the accent), a Sydneysider to be exact. His mum is my dear dear friend and we had a few wonderful hours together yesterday. The timing couldn’t have been better. Well, on second thought, not getting sick at all would have been ideal, but at least I was able to walk again in time for their visit!

Oppressive heat quashes my appetite. There haven’t been too many elaborate meals here so far this summer and that has more to do with heat than with my kaleidoscope of ailments. I’d happily nosh away on a bowl of watermelon or grapes or cherries or heirloom tomatoes or popsicles for dinner in this weather. It just feels right.

this time of year, i seek out fruit with high water content

a nice lookin’ dinner

Watermelon is so super juicy and sweet in the markets now. What I love about the grainy flesh is how nicely it lends itself to a frozen texture. If you like to eat watermelon on a hot day, you’ll love watermelon sorbet.


lime adds some zing

This is my lazy version of The Lebovitz’ watermelon sorbetto. I don’t do the chocolate chips because I don’t really want chocolate anywhere near me in hot weather. Don’t want to work with it, don’t want to eat it – just take it away from me! The booze is optional and next time I shall opt in because boozy fruity frozen treats in summer are a great way to liven up the morning day.

make a sugary syrup

mixing everything together

So after churning in the ice cream machine for 30 minutes and then chucking the contents into the freezer – the stuff froze solid. Instead of a scoopable sorbet, I wound up with a smooth-textured granita. Does that make sense? Does it matter? It was cool and sweet. It tamed the beast.

Hey thanks all for your concern over my (yet another) illness. Let’s hope that’s all for now. I’ll reply to comments this evening when we reach our destination. My first vacay away from home since my diagnosis. w00t! It’s just a weekend trip, but the potential for eye-popping gorgeousness is High. Wish me good hunting and have a great weekend.

hard to not eat it out of the ice cream maker

cool your passions here

Watermelon Sorbet
[print recipe]
adapted from The Perfect Scoop by David Lebovitz

3 cups watermelon juice (purée about 3 pounds of watermelon flesh with seeds removed)
1/2 cup sugar
pinch of salt
1 tbsp lime juice, fresh squozen
1-2 tbsps vodka (optional)

Heat 1/2 cup of the watermelon juice with sugar and salt, stirring until sugar is dissolved. Remove from heat and stir it into the remaining watermelon juice. Mix in the lime juice and the vodka (if using). Chill thoroughly, then freeze the mixture in the ice cream maker according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

29 nibbles at “watermeloning”

  1. Rosa says:

    Very cute! I work with Aussies and love their unique accent…

    That sorbet is terribly tempting!



  2. Mia says:

    I had the same problem with my watermelon sorbet (Lebovitz, of course). It was perfect straight from the ice cream maker (not that I eat my ice cream straight from the ice cream maker!), but was pretty much a rock a few hours later. Still yummy, but definitely more granita-like in the end. I wonder if there is a trick to avoiding this problem? It happened with my lime sorbet, too…

  3. Fiona says:

    Could the texture problem be caused by the lack of alcohol? Since likker inhibits freezing, perhaps the sorbet texture relies on it for the smoothness/scoop-ability?

  4. Laura @ HungryAndFrozen says:

    That sorbet-granita looks utterly gorgeous, I love the bright reddy-pink of it…I can’t wait to make it when it’s summer :) And I hate it when bits of the car’s interior burn me in summer! I can never seem to avoid it lol.

  5. bee says:

    i don’t have an ice cream maker and adding booze prevents the sorbet from crystallising. so yeah, booze is good. and your little buddy is so handsome.

  6. Gina says:

    mmm, looks wonderful and refreshing. I think I’ll buy a melon at the market tomorrow and make this for the weekend!

  7. Mrs Ergül says:

    The photo of Henry and his mum warms my heart. He looks like a good boy! You know what, I can actually imagine myself having some of that sorbet!

    Seems like many in the States are going for a vacation at this time. Is it a popular cuz of Summer? All the best to your good hunting and enjoy your vacation!

  8. manggy says:

    You know what’s even better than a bowl of grapes or popsicles? A bowl of frozen grapes. It’s like having dozens of little popsicles, yay! Unfortunately I’m not a fan of watermelon, but the sorbetto does look nice :) (Maybe I should try his grape sorbet instead.) The chocolate chips was an eye-opener too. “Isn’t that counter-intuitive? Or kind of… Doesn’t go? A little gross?” Hahaha. Perhaps the vodka would’ve contributed to the sorbetto’s scoopability– increasing the sugar would also help. But these are just minor things– the end result no matter which direction you take will still be refreshing :)

  9. peabody says:

    So refreshing looking. I have yet to make anything with watermelon on my blog…which is ironic considering the fact that there is a giant watermelon on my banner.

  10. karina says:

    Yes please. I’ll take the vodka version.

  11. Sharona May says:

    That is so funny! I read your blog all the time and I JUST sat down after making WATERMELON SORBET to view a similar recipe on your blog. It must be the thing to make this time of the year. LOVE IT!

  12. Kristen says:

    Delicious and refreshing. Definitely a heat beater.

  13. Kevin says:

    That watermelon sorbet looks amazing!

  14. Tony says:

    the sorbet looks so refreshing! I just made my first homemade ice cream this weekend with my new ice cream maker. I’m addicted now! Have fun on your weekend getaway : )

  15. Melinda B says:

    Aussies are awesome, I should know, I am one. Humble to boot. I love his little Bonds singlet, just as good for outerwear as underwear. I’m glad to hear you are on the mend, and I’m also glad that you like Aussies. When Summer returns I think I’ll give this watermelon recipe a go.

  16. Maya says:

    Where is my ice cream maker? The other man looks adorable!

  17. Cheryl says:

    I hope you dont mind but I have nominiated you for the Artypico Award, you can pick it up at my place. I love your blog!

  18. Tartelette says:

    I have been eating watermelon for lunch lately also. I agree about the chocolate..I have not touched it in two weeks…there will be plenty of time for that later on. The sorbet looks wonderful and refreshing but that kid…I am in love!

  19. Ellie @ Kitchen Wench says:

    That is beautiful!! Oohhh, how I’ve got a hankering for watermelon now…but being in the dead of winter, I’ve still got many months to wait :(

  20. diana banana says:

    i whizzed up some watermelon a few weeks ago, strained out the fiber (the ratio was really about 1 to 15) and whizzed it again with a bit of milk, which i’ve only seen in taiwan in beverage form. i also took the extra juice and made ice cubes with it, so i can have watermelon juice whenever i feel like it. (1/2 juice whizzed with 1/2 ice-melon juice makes a nice individual serving slush and has been my go-to snack the minute i get through the door in the evenings!)

  21. jenyu says:

    Rosa – they are a charming lot, aren’t they? :)

    Mia – yes, I would definitely like a smoother/softer version of the sorbet too.

    Fiona – I am wondering that too. I guess I’ll just have to try making more sorbet with booze :)

    Laura – it will be summer there soon enough dear, and winter here!

    Bee – yes, I am thinking this is the next step to try. Thanks – the little guy is a sweetheart.

    Gina – I hope it kills the heat for ya!

    Mrs. E – he really is a Good Boy :) Nary a complaint or fuss, just so sweet and happy. Yes, vacation “season” is generally thought of as between Memorial Day (late May) and Labor Day (early September) when most kids are on summer break from school. Thanks!

    Mark – that is a brilliant idea. I really ought to give it a try. So you don’t like watermelon, you don’t eat raw fish, and… there was something else you also don’t dig on that surprised me. Mark… I don’t know if we can be friends… ;) lol.

    Peabody – ha ha, true true. There are two ways to remedy that ;)

    Karina – hee hee.

    Sharona – no way! Too cool. It must be that we’re brilliant and have this mental wave connection!

    Kristen – yiha!

    Kevin – tell ya what, we can trade some of my sorbet for your fish and chips!

    Tony – ooh, I hope you’ll post your ice cream adventures :) thanks!

    Melinda – I love Aussies! They are so charming and fun with a great sense of humor.

    Maya – cute, isn’t he?

    Cheryl – oh, thank you! That’s very very sweet of you. xxoo

    Tartelette – funny how watermelon for a meal doesn’t sound strange at all this time of year. When the heat flips on, I just want to eat cold and juicy fruits – nothing else!

    Ellie – we’ve got to do something about this offset seasonal torture that goes on. Northern Hemis post their summer yummies and all of the Southern Hemis groan, then vice versa. Too bad there isn’t a virtual kitchen where we can all hunker down and share our seasonal yummies :(

    Diana – I’ve never tried watermelon with milk (and prolly won’t since I am lactose intolerant). The ice cubes sound like a great idea though!! Mmmmm.

  22. Mrs Ergul says:

    You can tell it all from his face. His mummy is so lucky! A sweet boy is hard to come by! I have summer here all year round but no summer vacation! It’s sad ;)

  23. joanne at frutto della passione says:

    Watermelon is perfect this time of year and that sorbet looks heavenly. I’ve been eating so much of it my son thinks I’m going to turn into one!

  24. jenyu says:

    Mrs. E – surely you guys must get SOME vacay? :(

    Joanne – I too love eating H2Omelon this time of year. It’s sooooo satisfying in the heat. It’s good for you too :)

  25. Patricia Scarpin says:

    Can I take him away to my house?

  26. jenyu says:

    Patricia – isn’t he adorable? Such a sweetheart too :)

  27. A Boy And Girl » Blog Archive » the sweet life says:

    […] but in the meantime I hunted down a few recipes while I wait. Watermelon Sorbet, adapted from use real butter 3 cups pureed watermelon 1/2 cup sugar (taste as you add, I will definitely add less next time!) […]

  28. Seth says:

    If the sorbet you leave in the freezer overnight is hard as a rock try nuking it for about 45 seconds in your microwave, give or take, works best for running it for 2 minutes at power level 3 or so, and it will be spoon scoopable, and will have a beautiful texture.
    I made Cranberry/Pomegranite (using Ocean Spray) then adding a bit of sugar and some lime juice,, very refreshing!

  29. Watermelon with Chocolate Nutty Banana Pops says:

    […] Watermelon Sorbet by Use Real Butter. […]

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