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new tricks

I heard winds roaring about outside the house this morning. I rolled over on my side and thought nothing much of it since winds are not uncommon for our part of Colorado… until I remembered that I was in a different part of Colorado, in my ILs’ house. I muttered to Jeremy that we must have brought the winds with us from Ned.


We had rain and hail and winds all day, but there was a lot going on. Jeremy installed and set up a wireless network for his folks. Mom and I worked on a quilt together. Dan made mochacchinos. Jeremy, Dan, and Dad took turns beating each other up in Wii Boxing. The dogs ran around like crazy animals having a blast.

all eyes on the treats

When I say Mom and I worked on a quilt together, what really happened is Mom taught me to quilt and now I have one almost completed. Actually, she taught me to make flannel rag quilts years ago, but I never got around to the real quilts until this visit. She is a master quilter. The woman has an uncanny eye for colors and patterns – she’s brilliant. And you should see her quilting room and fabric stash. Wow.

the professional makes mochaccinos

Everyone hopped into the car and went to town for a terrific dinner at the Alley House. Jeremy’s brother is a hoot and it was sweet of him to come up and visit the same weekend.

Well, my time is up and I need to post before the blog turns into a pumpkin. I haven’t had much time for writing as I’ve been busy Doing Stuff. That’s good.

13 nibbles at “new tricks”

  1. Kitt says:

    Under the wire! Looks like fun. You’ll have to show off some of the quilts sometime.

  2. Maja says:

    WOW, busy october! :) Enjoy your time with the ILs. :) Oh, and: are Kaweah and Bumpy related? :)

  3. Mrs Ergül says:

    Sounds like you are having a great time there! Kaweah too! Have a great time!!!!

  4. Mollie says:

    I want quilt pictures….

    doing stuff is good!

  5. Lezel Safi says:

    THat is one impressive capp machine…what kind is it pretell!?!?

  6. Judy (Judy's Gross Eats) says:

    The whole scenario sounds wonderful — quilting, cooking, dogs, coffee. Sign me up. My quilt stash is about as large as my pantry stash. I’d love to see a photo of your quilt sometime, finished or not.

  7. Margie says:

    I am envious, first for the coffee, second for the quilting. Oh, wait! I need to regroup. First…the puppy dogs, second, the coffee and third, the quilting. :)

  8. Susy says:

    MMMMMM, there’s nothing better than delicious coffee. Mr Chiots is a pretty accomplished barista (yes, he times the brewing length of the espresso). I’m so spoiled, lattes in the morning, cappucinos in the afternoon (I’m actually drinking a delicious latte right now).

  9. Fiona says:

    Aha! The old stack-n-whack technique. Very effective, esp. for making a quilt in, like, one day.

    Mochachino…..yum. Especially if it’s cold. Here, we have a very autumnal 85 degrees F. And that’s not F for Farenheit, it’s F for Failing Grade. As in, we’re flunking “having seasons.”

    Can you tell I’m bitter? When you start blogging your ski excitement, it’ll be growling from here.

  10. Manggy says:

    Hey, stuff is good ;) If ever you had to be unable to blog, I would NOT want it to be due to the other reasons they’ve been in the past! I’m so happy you had a great week, Jen!! :)

  11. jenyu says:

    Kitt – I’ll post a pic when it’s done.

    Maja – thanks! yup, Bumpy and Kaweah are related :)

    Mrs. E – thank you, dear!

    Mollie – you got it, lady! I’ll post tomorrow evening. Doing stuff ROCKS!

    Lezel – I honestly don’t know (I’m not a coffee person). MIL got it from Williams-Sonoma.

    Judy – I’ll get it up tomorrow for ya!

    Margie – it was a great weekend :)

    Susy – actually, Dan used to be a professional (he ran a coffeehouse in a collegetown), but now he’s getting his MFA. A very talented fellow!

    Fiona – you guys need to move!

    Manggy – oh, you are such a sweetheart. I haven’t had much time to visit blogs lately. I’ll drop by in a day or two – or maybe just send you an email. I hope all went well. Missed you!!

  12. dan says:

    nice pictures !

  13. jenyu says:

    Dan – thanks!

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