baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

copyright jennifer yu © 2004-2023 all rights reserved: no photos or content may be reproduced without prior written consent

the beth day

I spent most of yesterday in Boulder starting with an 8 am brekkie at the Walnut Cafe. I met up with Beth, the nice woman from the sushi bar the other day. My order was the Ranch Eggs. Now that I look at the picture and the online menu, I realize that I got drove – instead of bacon, my eggs had ham. Bummer.

ranch eggs, different oink

After brekkie, we went shooting in Boulder. [Okay, so by now I hope you all know that when I refer to shooting, I mean with a camera and not Cheney-style.] I don’t often shoot in Boulder because I tend to prefer the wild places up where we live… which is why we live where we live. But there is plenty to photograph wherever I go and sometimes you just go, shoot, and see what you come up with.


along a creek

One of the aspects I love about Boulder is how there is a lot of green space set aside for people to enjoy. Biking and walking paths crisscross and wind about town, along Boulder Creek and through a lot of the green spaces. For the first time since we moved here, I had a camera in hand to finally get me some prairie dogs.


Some of these little guys carry the Black Death (bubonic plague). Nice. We watched the prairie dogs from afar since walking within 10 feet of them sent every furry body scrambling underground, chirping wildly at us for invading their space. Of course, they are so used to bikes zooming past on the path, they don’t even flinch when a bike rides within 6 inches of them. It was incredibly entertaining to observe their spastic behaviors. They like to run up and chest bump and then tear off in opposite directions. They crawl on top of one another, jump up as if to say “hallelujah!” when they chirp (little paws raised to the sky), and sit unceremoniously on their haunches while munching on grasses. It’s like watching a colony of small, furry idiots. I love them.

all of my friends accept that they will eventually wind up on my blog

You can see the rest on the photo blog. The reason yesterday was Beth Day is because I met with my other friend, Beth (henceforth BethBeth), for lunch at Treppeda’s. I don’t generally eat out one meal after another, so I opted for something a little lighter: the salad. It was good, but it’s no Chief Niwot sandwich, that’s for sure.

bethbeth got the lasagna plate

smoked salmon salad

After lunch I went to procure our final ski pass for the coming season and managed to catch a nicely priced deal that was supposed to have ended a couple of days ago. Sweetness. Colorado residency has its benefits. We’ll have access to *seven* mountains this winter: Eldora (my beloved local hill), Winter Park, A-basin, Keystone, Breckenridge, Vail, and Beaver Creek. Yip!!

Rocktober is nearly half over and I’ve managed a post a day for NaBloWriMo. Is anyone sick of my blathering yet? For suffering my mindless drivel this far, we’ll have to have some sort of giveaway. Details to come!

22 nibbles at “the beth day”

  1. Rosa says:

    You must have had a great time together! The food looks yummy!



  2. barbara says:

    hey that’s my salad;) I add feta to mine. Lovely nature shots Jen.

  3. Laura @ Hungry and Frozen says:

    Not sick of the blabbering at all :) especially when those little furry critters make an appearance! Sounds like a lovely day out :)

  4. peabody says:

    I love the marmot pictures they always make me so happy!

  5. Steph says:

    Oh that lasagna looks so damn good. I may have to make some soon.

  6. Lisa says:

    OMG – I actually laughed out loud while reading about the colony of “small furry idiots”. Reminds me of guys I knew in college…

    I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your blogging each day! Something so nice about knowing that someone will be posting each night and I can – without a doubt – read your fun[ny] thoughts and peek at the beauty you shoot. It’s been a nice little way to finish up my nighttime surfing.

    BTW – thanks for the info on the flashes and Mr. Fong goods. I have a long list of lenses, flash-paraphernalia on my Xmas list this year (still a total self proclaimed beginner). I have so much more research/learning to do. Maybe the next time Nikon is in town doing their classes I’ll take them again. Last time I took it I was such a virgin I was [stupidly] attempting to take pictures in M mode and wondering why they were all white.

    Anyway… I should save the babbling for my own blog. Looking forward to reading more each night Jen!


  7. Kitt says:

    I’m hungry now. And wondering if I missed a ski deal window. (Though really, I’m just going to get a four-pack for A-Basin most likely. I am so not hard-core anymore. If I ever was.)

    Keep posting!

  8. Astrid says:

    Absolutely not sick of your blathering. Or of your marvelous photos. You are truly gifted to be able to produce such entertaining and beautiful posts day after day after day!

  9. Maja says:

    Furry idiots! :D :D :D My new favourite expression. So no, not sick of daily postings at all. October has 61 days, right, and then it’s 11 days of november, december and so on and then it’s October again? :) Enjoy your day! :)

  10. Aran says:

    your photos are always so vibrant jen. gorgeous. and lucky to be in boulder. i miss the walnut cafe!

  11. Manggy says:

    Are you kidding?! I will never get tired of your posts. It’s the only way I can get my fill of beautiful Colorado, which I probably won’t be able to physically for a while. (Stupid restrictive hospitals!) The chamisa pic I especially love, it’s so ethereal. And that is one priceless shot of the prairie dogs :) (let’s let that be the last, hmmkay… Don’t wanna tempt the plague!) :P
    I’m so excited to read about your giveaway!!!

  12. Margie says:

    Food, fun, friends. Ain’t life good!!!! :)

    I’ve got to remember, ‘Cheney-style’…that’s a winner! I’m still laughing. :)))))

    Take the camera to, The Hill, down to Pearl and around Maple, one of these days, Jenzie. I will send you cookies for your efforts. (Major sucking up, but ‘hey’, I’m homesick!) ;)

    As always, I love meeting your friends. Off I go to read NaBloWriMo.

    Cheers & hugs!

  13. Nate says:

    That salmon salad looks so good.

    I am amazed that you can actually do a post a day. That takes a lot of dedication. Someone should give *you* a prize!

  14. Kathy says:

    Are we sick of you blogging every day? No way! Keep it up! Awesome pictures as always. You are so inspiring.

  15. Susan at Sticky,Gooey,Creamy,Chewy says:

    I’m always interested in what you have to show and tell! I am in perennial awe of your gorgeous photographs. I could never be bored.

    My best friend since the 8th grade is also named Susan. When we were wild and carefree socialites around town, everyone just started referring to us as “The Susans”. Thirty years later, we’re still “The Susans”!

  16. Big Boys Oven says:

    your photos are awesomely striking! so gorgeous!

  17. Susan says:

    I’m so hooked and love checking in daily!
    You have a way of bringing forth a smile and giving us much joy.
    THANKS and blather on :)

  18. Katie says:

    It’s nice to come across another Colorado blogger! My husband and I frequent Boulder a lot, we love it!

  19. Mrs Ergül says:

    Nah nah nah! We totally enjoy your daily post, at least I do! Wow seven mountains to ski, that’s gonna keep u occupied all winter! you take care and I’m awaiting the giveaway!

  20. tokyoastrogirl says:

    I look forward to reading your “mindless drivel” each day so blather on my friend, blather on.

  21. Mollie says:

    I LOVE the “along the creek” picture. Fab!

    Want diner brekkie now…

  22. jenyu says:

    Rosa – yup, it was great fun!

    Barbara – you’re right! I didn’t even realize until you mentioned it, but it would have been *perfect* with some feta :)

    Laura – should be warming up over there in kiwiland, no? :)

    Peabody – well, these are prairie dogs, not marmots, but they’re all rodents! :)

    Steph – Bethbeth said it was awesome.

    Lisa – thanks dear! feel free to email me about flash stuff. it’s a pain in the butt and i don’t want to bore everyone here to tears (but you, i get the feeling you’ll geek out on it, so it’ll be cool!)

    Kitt – it was for 4-packs to copper or winter park or both. But if you want to ski together, i can get you discounted tix at Breck, etc.

    Astrid – you’re too sweet!

    Maja – ha ha, if you could watch them for 10 minutes, you’d conclude the same thing. you’re so funny. I’ll be glad when Rocktober is done!

    Aran – ahh, that means a lot to me coming from you. Thank you. Let me know when you visit Boulder again.

    Mark – yeah, the plague thing seems freaky at first, but you just need to exercise common sense around the dudes. I’m still thinking about giveaway material!

    Margie – I don’t hang on the Hill ever, but I do poke about Pearl sometimes. It basically boils down to whatever fits around my medical schedule.

    Nate – ha ha, I’m amazed I can do a post a day! No, not really. I just don’t want to post junk, but then I’m not sure what I’m posting can be classified otherwise ;)

    Kathy – oh, thanks, that is really nice of you to say.

    Susan – hello my friend! Well, if you were the only person willing to read my blog, I would still blog just for you :) xxoo

    BBO – thank you!

    Susan – aww, thanks! Folks will be pretty disappointed when I revert back to my non-daily posting in November :(

    Katie – awesome! Boulder is not too bad at all :)

    Mrs. E – we’ll see how much skiing I get to do this year. I’m so happy I won’t be on chemo (I hope!).

    Tokyoastrogirl – thanks :)

    Mollie – thank you, hon. I would still would have preferred dinner for brekkie!

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