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cute as

Seeing as I will be posting my Daring Bakers Challenge in a few short hours, I’m tossing out another puppy pic (I don’t have many of Kaweah when she was a wee pup) to tide folks over – and to fulfill my NaBloWriMo obligation.

learning to love the snow

41 nibbles at “cute as”

  1. Rosa says:

    Really cute! I love Kaweah’s sad looks ;-P…



  2. Bridget says:

    She’s so pretty, then and now. I imagine she’s hard to photograph too, being so dark. I thought your interest in photography was more recent than these puppy pictures, but what do I know.

  3. Fiona says:

    Seriously? That is – as they say on Cute Overload – redonkulous.

  4. Mrs Ergül says:

    So little and so cute!

  5. Lezel Safi says:

    THat is the saddest thing I have ever seen…..he looks like a stuffed animal!

  6. Manggy says:

    Hah! She has that exact same look till now! I like to think of it as the “What gives?” look :P Sooo precious!

  7. Jen C says:

    Stop with the puppy p0rn!

  8. Whitney says:

    so damn adorable! I love your pictures of her :)

  9. Dragana says:

    What a sorry face! She looks like she’s been banished from the house for good! How long did it take her to get used to the snow and chilly weather?

  10. Manisha says:

    Stop! I’m beginning to like puppies because of you. I can’t afford to do that as it’s my last defense against mournful eyes – not unlike Kaweah’s in this pic – that beg for a puppy almost every day!

  11. Margie says:

    I think this baby has been up to something experimental or at least, questionable. :O I’ve seen this look on Miss Hannah before. hmmmm…I wonder what it was? Miss K, how long were you in the ‘dog house’?

  12. Laura says:

    I think Kaweah likes the snow about as much as I do. I guess if she can get used to it, so can I. *sigh* Too cute!!!

  13. Mary Coleman says:

    She is a heartbreaker now and then!

  14. Cate says:

    That dog is so insanely cute I don’t know what to do with myself!

  15. Aran says:

    oh my! i am melting!

  16. Thip says:

    OMg, Kaweah is so cute–especially the eyes (I’m in love).

  17. grace says:

    the noise i made upon seeing this picture can only be described as unearthly. it’s quite possibly the most adorable thing i’ve ever seen–great capture and thanks for sharing! :)

  18. peabody says:

    So cute. You can post those anytime!

  19. Tartelette says:

    Did K. chewed and scratched 3 holes in the wall…ever so quietly while mommy was working? Ever?!!
    You know what I will be doing this coming weekend…rats!

    She is a beauty!!

  20. Maja says:

    Ahahahahaha, what a look!!!!!!! :)))))))))))))

  21. Ronine says:

    Oooohhhh, she is gorgeous as a grown pup but this photo…. too gorgeous! Now I REALLY want a dog!

  22. barbara says:

    OMG that is precious.

  23. Woolly says:

    That is a great pic! reminds me of my dog when I first brought him home

  24. Lori says:

    Blow me away. If that doesnt melt a persons heart than they are made of stone!

  25. Y says:


  26. claudia says:

    great eyes! they shine like snow and really touch the heart! ciao

  27. sharon says:

    I just want to give her a big hug! So cute :)

  28. Stephanie says:

    Aaaaah! Sad Puppy Eyes! Be still my heart!

    I do not want a puppy, I do not want a puppy, I do not want a puppy…. REALLY!

    That was mean.

  29. Mollie says:

    oh my god!!!! You’re killing me! I’m having puppy fever here lately and you’re not helping at all!!!!

  30. Kari says:

    Oh, I love her so much. I wish my black lab was that little again! Instead he’s getting gray face….it makes me sad to think he’s getting old. Thanks for making me smile.

  31. KatieC says:

    You know what she’s saying? She’s saying, “Boy, this Colorado snowpack sure is dense. I’d love to go to Utah, where the show is so much lighter and fluffier!”

    Arnie, on the other hand, prefers the CO snowpack, because it sets up faster for scooting.

  32. maris says:

    OMG she is so cute! I want one just like her!

  33. rose says:

    omg, the contrast between snow and jet black coat… kaweah… you never get enough of her cute face; ready to drop what you’re doing to lift her and cuddle her in your arm!

  34. Sarah says:

    So cute. Almost makes me wish we had ended up with a black lab…oh, wait, I didn’t just say that! :)

  35. Angela says:

    so adorable, i wish he has a twin.
    i love looking at your blog for the awesome pictures. keep it up! it’s really a trick to read your new postings daily. Thanks!

  36. jenn k says:

    awwwwwwww…look at those eyes!

  37. dawn says:

    Oh I love the contrast here.
    Oh that face! That face!

  38. gina says:

    so adorable (:

  39. jenyu says:

    Thanks for all of the sweet comments about Kaweah :) Luckily things like this don’t go to her head because she’s not all that bright ;)

    Bridget – I’ve noodled with photography since I was in 7th grade, but didn’t start digital until 2000 and not a dSLR until 2004.

    Dragana – she got used to the snow in about 1 day :)

    Manisha – uh oh!! :)

    Tartelette – um, no. She only ate a book and a pair of soccer shorts as a puppy, then nothing else aside from her doomed toys. I still can’t believe that little Bailey boy! oh dear, I am sorry about the holes in the closet :(

    KatieC – oh, she was actually saying “Why the heck am I in Ithaca, NY?! Why didn’t I stay in New Mexico?!” But now she’s saying, “Hey yo, when is Katie, my home girl, comin’ to rip it up?”

  40. White On Rice Couple says:

    Screaming with cuteness over joy right now….
    OVERLOADED on Kaweah love right now…..wait….not overloaded, NEVER!!!!

  41. jenyu says:

    WoRC – she had to be uber cute as a puppy because she was soooo bad!

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