baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

copyright jennifer yu © 2004-2023 all rights reserved: no photos or content may be reproduced without prior written consent

blogger fodder

The first time I tried to arrange to meet with Manisha and Kitt for lunch, I asked for suggestions or preferences. Manisha immediately ruled out most of the Indian restaurants in Boulder. I chuckled to myself over that because I would have done the same regarding any of the Chinese restaurants in Boulder. I never doubted for a second that the woman knows her Indian food and today was proof of exactly that.

when i walked in, shalan was heating up malaysian parathas

Manisha graciously invited me and several others over to her house for a lunch of phenomenal food today. While I love to eat Indian food, I know almost nothing about it. I heard so many unfamiliar words (all foods!) that I begged Manisha to please email me the menu – which she did this evening. What a sweetheart.

butter chicken (chicken makhani or murg makhani)

gosht (lamb) banjara

Her friends were a lively and fascinating bunch. I didn’t feel so bad pigging out on the amazing spread of food because everyone else did too – it was SO GOOD. Bummer that Kitt had to babysit a tree cutting or else she would have joined us.

sitting down to our first helpings

completely decadent coconut burfi

I tried my best to sample some of everything, but I really think I missed out on the pickled green mangoes! Dang… Would you like to know what all was on the menu?

butter chicken (chicken makhani or murg makhani)
gosht (lamb) banjara
beet raita
mushrooms and peas
pulao (spiced rice with veggies)
Malaysian parathas
roti or chapati
pickled limes
tomato and chili chutney (from shalan)
coconut burfi
pumpkin cake and ice cream

Oh man, that was a lot of food. That was a lot of fantastic Indian food! But I had to be off to run errands and make more medical appointments. In the evening, Jeremy and I met up on Pearl Street because we got a call from two dear friends who were in town from Seattle. We took them to one of our favorite places in Boulder for dinner.

jax seafood

It also happens to be First Bite Boulder this week. It is an event to highlight the great dining establishments around town. Several restaurants participate and offer a prix fixe menu: 3 courses for $26. Great deal. It’s getting late, so I’ll just show you the rundown of some of the dishes…

clam chowder

jeremy ordered the seared tombo

my blackened catfish which i barely put a dent in (manisha’s fault!)

key lime pie surrounded by bonny doon framboise, port, and muscat

30 nibbles at “blogger fodder”

  1. Manggy says:

    Yahrrr! Wouldn’t I love to swim in the butter chicken and the lamb… Maybe floating on a paratha :) I can’t believe you barely touched the catfish, it looks fantastic! (Hee, here I go again, wishing that unfinished dishes would magically appear in times of hunger…)
    I’m a fan of key lime pie but no one else in the family appreciates the too-sweet condensed milk lime custard (or was it Cook’s Illustrated’s fault? Hmm!). I still yearn for it, though :)

  2. Rosa says:

    Wow, all that gorgeous food is making me drool! Everything looks so flavorful and fantastic!

    Cheers and have a wondeful weekend,


  3. Kitt says:

    Dammit dammit dammit! Now I’m REALLY bummed. And hungry.

  4. megan says:

    it all looks so good.
    I love food!

  5. Amy says:

    Oh yuuuuuuuuuum. All that food looks and sounds beautiful and amazing! Parathas are one of my favorite foods, period. Like a buttery, flaky version of naan….mmmm. Love the quote in the jax pic. :) Happy weekend, Jen!

  6. Margie says:

    My tummy is full. ;)
    I hope you conspire with Manisha to give us the recipes.

  7. Christina says:

    It would almost have been lunacy not to try as much as you could! I’ve heard of butter chicken before and I’ve been wanting to try it.

  8. Susy says:

    I’m a HUGE fan on Indian food. It all looks fantstic!

  9. breadchick says:

    There is nothing like Indian food that is cooked at home. Your tasting menu at Manisha’s house looks spectacular.

  10. Leitha Heine says:

    I’m sure we’re all hoping for a good recipe out of these drooling inspiring indian favorites! Well, at least I am.

  11. Nate says:

    Beautiful meals, all! That seared tombo looks especially inviting.

  12. Manisha says:

    You made it look so good!! I forgot all about garnish with cilantro :-D Next time!

    Someone looking in through the window would have seen Boulder County’s fabulous five! I loved having all of you over. Next time, we’ll make it Denver metro area’s sizzling six. Kitt won’t be allowed to miss it.

    I have a gift card for Jax. I hope they still have reservations for next week cos the food looks yummy!

  13. Melissa says:

    Wow Manisha, you make unbelievably tasty looking Indian food. It’s not a cuisine I typically jump to eat, but your food is making me rethink that right now!

    Jen, thanks for the total food porn post. :P Also, I love the fish proverb on your dinner menu. What a delightful thought.

  14. cybergabi says:

    Wow. This is what MY Manisha made? It looks like something served in a 5 star top notch restaurant! Fantastic photos, and how I would have loved to taste the mushrooms and peas as well as the roti. Oh, I’m hungry now…

  15. Jessica says:

    Wow, Jax seafood looks awesome. The executive chef there is Hosea from Top Chef!

  16. cindy says:

    Butter chicken?? Well, really, butter anything, but that’s a new one on me. It looks fantastic.

    How is it you don’t weigh 300 pounds? Wait, I know the answer to that. . . .

  17. Teri says:

    I was at this lunch with everyone. I really enjoyed meeting you! Your photos are amazing, it took me right back to that delicious plate of food. Did you get a photo of the gorgeous, ruby colored beet dish? I think I am still full from that lunch. Manisha has a real gift with her cooking. I’m so honored to often be a recipient of her gift! However, after eating her food, it makes it hard to pay top-dollar for mediocre food at Boulder Indian restaurants!

  18. Teri says:

    One other comment. I took home a couple of pieces of the coconut burfi and have been eating small bites of it along with Dove milk chocolate! It is an AMAZING flavor combination. Have I invented something?

  19. KatieC says:

    Damn you! Why do you make me hungry all the time?

    Now my leftover turkey chili with overcooked basmati seems paltry. Paltry poultry.

  20. Asianmommy says:

    I love Indian food. That meal looks fabulous.

  21. Mrs Ergül says:

    what a great pig out! I miss having delicious Indian food though I just made some cauliflower with curry a couple of days ago!

    3 courses for $26 isn’t a bad deal! the food looks fine :)

  22. Reeni says:

    The food looks out of this world delicious! Butter Chicken, yummy!

  23. Mollie says:

    Wow – what a day of food…. that all looks fantastic! Jealous…

  24. Shoshanna says:

    Hey Jen, Anyway you can have Manisha post her Butter Chicken recipe? Great pics as usual!

  25. White On Rice Couple says:

    Wow, you got to taste Manisha’s cooking! So lucky! then you go and eat some more great food…
    How you do it all I don’t know….
    i’m really drooling over the stuff, especially all that great homecooked Indian!

  26. Ginny says:

    I have just discovered your blog and love it. Can’t wait to try the recipes and those photographs are amazing.

  27. jenyu says:

    Thanks all! I will beg and plead with Manisha for her delicious recipe(s). I still dream of that awesome food… Thanks to Manisha (xxoo)!

  28. bee says:

    manisha is the queen. did she do the little jig where she shakes the jar with cream for a few minutes and makes butter? that’s worth paying for. i still remember the meal i had at her place. that gal has probably one of the oldest food blogs, dating to 2003 or even earlier.

  29. manisha says:

    I hope to post recipes soon. Hopefully within the next couple of weeks.

    Jen, we went to Jax tonight and, like a good girl, I asked if it would be OK to take pics. I was asked “for what purpose” and when I mentioned that I write a food blog, I was told it would be better not to because the chef is a “Bravo chef” and “everything has to be approved” – whatever the heck that means. So I put my camera away and enjoyed my meal instead. The fish was excellent!

  30. jenyu says:

    Bee – no jig, but I would have loved to see it :)

    Manisha – thanks love, that would be fantastic. I can’t believe they didn’t let you take pics!? Everytime I’ve been I have taken pics and they never had a problem with it – NEVER. :( I’m sorry, hon. I’m glad you liked your food though.

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