baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

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archive for February 2009

february is feeling fine

Saturday, February 7th, 2009

Recipe: pomegranate, orange, and jicama salad

We just got tickets for a performance I cannot wait to see. I am giddy. Giddy. And I just rearranged my pantry closets. More giddy.

Thanks to those of you who have commented on the Kyocera ceramic knife giveaway so far. I do read each one and have cooed more than one “awwwww” or chuckled out loud at several answers. These are great and I’m really pleased that so many of you can be in a Good Place. A couple of commenters were caught up in my spam filter which is set to *paranoid*, but not to worry as I do retrieve legitimate comments. For those of you who have commented multiple times, you will be counted once (that PhD is good for something… I can actually count).

Now that my pal has received this package in the mail, I can post a picture of what I made for her. It’s a relatively simple pattern, but I think it is especially gorgeous with any Manos del Uruguay wool (especially the multis).

i could only part ways with it because i can’t wear wool… and because she’s awesome

**Jump for more butter**

blowing sunshine

Thursday, February 5th, 2009

Recipe: fried lemon slices with aioli

I am feeling particularly energized lately! So many things are converging to put me in a great frame of mind these days. My cold is kicked, the longer daylight hours are fantastic, I am making some professional inroads, tons of interactions with friends – old and new, and feeling like I can tackle just about anything. That’s huge. Lots of opportunities in motion and I’m stepping ahead into new territory. Even our unbelievably warm, sunshiny days have put an extra spring in my step as I rush around keeping busy (which I love) and out of trouble.

untouched corduroy

**Jump for more butter**

phil grants a reprieve

Monday, February 2nd, 2009

Recipe: pistachio ice cream

The groundhog has spoken, so to speak. Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow and according to lore, we shall have six more weeks of winter! Just six?! I’m calling it a reprieve because I have blown (literally, figuratively) the past week of potential skiing due to my cold. Six more weeks merely takes us into mid-March, and March is when we in the beautiful state of Colorado (at least the western half – I know, I’m a mountain snob) get some of the best big dump snowfalls. Where I live, winter can start as early as September and ends sometime in May. All of the other seasons get crammed into the remaining months.

a local cousin of phil’s: a marmot

**Jump for more butter**