baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

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my first diwali

NaBloWriMo day 23.

I’ll be leaving on a jet plane soon…

In the meantime, I had a lovely afternoon spent with friends at Manisha’s house. She wanted to treat us to a Diwali feast. What a treat it was! Happy Diwali and enjoy the pics.

kitt taking pics

kitt and mom

manisha, master hostess and cook extraordinaire

teri mixed some pomegranate champagne fizzies for us

kitt made chivda

shankarpali (mmm!)

chakli (mmm!)

pohe (mmm!)

khaman dhokla (mmm!)

nichole’s aloo ki subzi (mmm!)

chavde (mmm!)

oh wait, this is orange burfi – decadent

17 nibbles at “my first diwali”

  1. Kitt says:

    How fun and delicious that was! And what a nice pic of me and Mom! She was delighted to join us. Many many thanks to Manisha for bringing us all together.

  2. emhuze says:

    Sublime feast.

    I almost got lost in the exquisite photo of the pomegranate champagne fizzie… wow!

  3. Manisha says:

    *love* that pic of Mom and Kitt! And I could drown in that pom mimosa!

    Diwali is about family and friends and sharing it with you made it all the more special! I am so glad you were all able to come over and celebrate with me!

    Names of the dishes: shankarpali, chakli, pohe, khaman dhokla, Nichole’s aloo ki subzi, chavde. :-D

  4. Srivalli says:

    Beautiful I am going back to manisha to check on that orange burfi!..Good to know you guys enjoyed the Diwali!

  5. Rosa says:

    Lucky you ;-P! That must have been wonderful!



  6. Lisa@The Cutting Edge of Ordinary says:

    I just got to experience some of that great food. My mom’s neighbors who were celebrating brought us some goodies. She made a date like roll, it was amazing! I also recognize a lot of the dishes here. Delicious!

  7. A&N says:

    Beautiful pics, Jen, as usual :) I hope you enjoyed all the Diwali spread. They sure do look great!

  8. April in CT says:

    It looks like such a good time! Gorgeous food, gorgeous pictures and such happy, beautiful faces!

  9. Fiona says:

    Those dishes look amazing. I was reading about Diwali online – looking at some very beautiful pictures of the lights and flowers at temples. Thanks, Manisha!

  10. haya says:

    what a beautiful evening with friends!

    also, kitt + mom are adorable. i love how the glasses match.

  11. Asianmommy says:

    How fun! I love trying out new foods.

  12. Chaitali says:

    Wow! What a spread!
    Kinda reminds me of diwali back home..lots of great food and friends.
    Jen, your pics are stunning!

  13. heather says:

    fabulous! i was able to taste some Diwali treats through a friend in college — how i longed to be Indian after that! such treats.



  14. Pam J. says:

    Everything about this post is beautiful (but that shot of Kitt and her mom almost makes me weepy).

  15. Lori says:

    Oh how I wish I could taste that fabulous line up.

  16. Mrs Ergül says:

    Kitt surely takes after her mom’s looks! They look like a great pair! It must be an eye-opening feast for you!

  17. jenyu says:

    Thanks everyone! Manisha is a marvelous hostess and even better friend. I had such a nice time with everyone and especially meeting Kitt’s mom. The two of them (Kitt and her mom) interact so well together. Very touching.

    Kitt – your mom was so cute. I’ll get those pics to you after I get back from New Mexico. xxoo

    Manisha – thanks for the all of the names and also for that fabulous feast. I *will* learn it all one day. One day :) xxoo

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