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the only waffling in this house…

Recipe: waffles

It was not my intention to let February go like that. It shouldn’t surprise me, but it always does. I forget that February is a short month and find myself face-planting into March. BLAM! March is going to be good. March is going to be fun. March is jam-packed with mucho mas mejor! I will have the photography workshop site up and running for registration sometime mid-month, so please do keep your pants on!

It’s our anniversary today. Thirteen years of wedded bliss. Make that 17.5 years of effortless bliss. Jeremy and I aren’t so big on the wedded bit, except for that free driver you get to add when you rent a car (woohoo!). I’ll not go mooning on and on about him. I will just say this: Jeremy is good people, he is the absolute best.

jeremy and our juvenile delinquent

I have had a minor obsession with waffles ever since I left home. It’s not that I wanted to eat them, I just wanted to make them. I never ate waffles growing up. I’m a savory breakfast type – I like the eggs, hash browned potatoes, bacon (oh the bacon), sausages, country ham, corned beef hash, biscuits… not so much the sweet stuff. But waffles intrigued me because they required a specific tool to make them – a waffle iron. On the rare occasion when I ventured to try a waffle, I determined I preferred them much more to their pancake cousins.

it’s what you do with the eggs that makes the difference

oil, milk, and egg yolks

Pancakes are too cakey for me, too mushy and soft. Waffles are crispy on the outside and fluffy on the inside. I am all about the crispy. I actually prefer to eat them straight, like toast, but they are also terrific with some fruit and syrup or powdered sugar. I suspect half the motivation for the syrup is to let the bacon and syrup mingle. Right, Mark?

mix the wet and dry

fold in the whipped egg whites

A year ago, I finally purchased a waffle iron. At last! Only last week did I get around to making my inaugural waffles. I know… lame. There are a gazillion waffle recipes out there, but I was drawn to this one that whips the egg whites and folds them into the batter. I will likely begin to experiment because the best waffles I’ve ever had were at… Roscoe’s House of Chicken and Waffles. Anyone have a recipe that comes close to it? Do share. Please.

brushing a little oil onto the iron

spoon some batter

The recipe produced eight waffles. I froze the remaining waffles with wax paper between each one in a large ziploc bag. It’s very simple to take them out of the freezer and pop them in the toaster. They crisp up nicely too.

pour on real maple syrup

[print recipe]
via Serious Eats from the BHG Cookbook

1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
2 egg yolks
1 3/4 cups milk
1/2 cup canola oil
2 egg whites

Mix the flour, baking powder, and salt together in a medium bowl, making a well in the center. In a separate medium bowl, beat the egg yolks while stirring in the milk and the oil. Stir the wet mixture into the dry mix until just moistened. In a small bowl, beat the egg whites to stiff peaks. Fold the egg whites into the batter until just combined. Spoon the batter onto the hot waffle iron (don’t overfill). Serve hot. The recipe says it makes three 9-inch square waffles. I made eight 7.5-inch round waffles.

54 nibbles at “the only waffling in this house…”

  1. lorane says:

    I know that you have mentioned a love of country ham. I so totally bought a waffle iron just so that I could cut country ham into teeny tiny pieces and mix them into the batter and then make waffles. Give it a shot I think you would like it.

  2. Dana says:

    LOL. I was shocked your recipe used canola oil instead of real butter! I’ll look forward to the results as you play around with your recipe. I enjoy waffles, especially with fruit on top. You’ve whetted my appetite and now I’m thinking about orangey waffles–maybe you’ve inspired me to play around with my recipe, too!

  3. Pam says:

    I love a savory breakfast also but, go for waffles now and then. This post has inspired me to get the waffle iron out again. I have an ancient one that my mom used and a new one and always go back to the old tried and true one. The raspberries and bacon look so good with your wonderful waffles! Nice hubby and a cute JD! Happy Anniversary!!!

  4. Megan says:

    LOVE Roscoe’s! But my favorite thing on their menu is the chicken & cheese omelette (despite how wrong that sounds — eating the chicken AND the egg in the same dish?!). But SOOOO delicious. :)

  5. Caitlin says:

    A waffle iron is the one uni-tasker that the fiance insisted be on the registry – he loves waffles :) Yay for the blissful togetherness, wedded or no it’s a very good thing :)

  6. Kathy says:

    Happy wedded bliss to you and Jeremy! And those waffles w/the bacon and raspberries look delicious. Will you be my neighbor?

  7. Laura says:

    I too love Roscoe’s waffles. Having moved away from Southern California a year ago, I have been trying to replicate the recipe. I definitely think there is cinnamon and nutmeg, but my waffles are still lacking something. I’m hoping someone here will have the answer!

  8. Tamar@StarvingofftheLand says:

    The world divides into two types of people — the kind who wants to try something because it requires a new tool, and the kind who doesn’t want to try something because it requires a new tool.

    I’m an appliance minimalist, which puts me squarely in the latter camp, which means that I’ve never owned a waffle iron. Which is borderline tragic, as I absolutely love waffles. The only way I can sample yours is to visit you.

    But all that’s trivia, compared to wedded bliss. My very best congratulations.

  9. Lisa@ The Cutting Edge of Ordinary says:

    I’m a savory breakfast person also, but like you, I like waffles better than pancakes. They mush factor gets to me too. The best recipe that I’ve come across so far were these Blueberry Sour Cream Waffles. OMG so good! My waffle iron shit the bed, I’m getting a new one soon. I can’t wait.

  10. Roberta says:

    Mazel tov on the wedded bliss and the scrumptious waffles! One is not necessarily easier than another. My life was changed by my Flip ‘n Fluff Belgian Waffle Maker, and now I make waffles at least once a week. I’ve read about whipping the egg whites separately, but have never tried it (too lazy). Mine include buttermilk and ground flax seed, which adds a little oil and a little protein, and a spiced sugar from The Spice House (dot com). But I doubt they’re any better than yours!

  11. Debbie says:

    Happy Anniversary to you and Jeremy! Like all the recipes you post, these waffles look delicious. I have a waffle iron also that I rarely use and I do love waffles. Maybe this will be the inspiration I need to use the waffle iron again. My last batch didn’t turn out that great….

  12. jacquie says:

    “good people – in my book that is about the highest compliment someone can pay another. especially when it is from one good person to another.

    Happy Anniversary to you and Jeremy. and wishes for many more.

  13. Justine says:

    Congrats on your anniversary! I normally like a savory breakfast too, but my favorite waffle memory was when I was visiting Joshua Tree here is California a while back. They have this adorable cafe called ‘Ricochet’, where they have all kinds of lovely healthy home made things all ‘made with love’, without an official menu- what they have is different every day. I was wanting something breakfasty one time and they whipped me up a batch of waffles with fresh peaches in the batter, in a small heart shaped waffle iron, served with agave syrup. Yummy!

  14. Fiona says:

    Ack! This post pushes two buttons at once. First: Roscoe’s. Yum. Second: I got a waffle-maker for Christmas and have been making waffles once a week ever since. Not for me, you understand. For the 36″ high Waffle King. Every morning I ask “What do you want for brekkie?” “WAFFLES!!!” Okey, dokey, then.

    But my recipe does not whip the egg whites. I must try yours.

  15. Dawn (KitchenTravels) says:

    Happy anniversary! Although I’ve never heard of Roscoe’s, any place that serves fried chicken and waffles is all right by me. The Belgian waffle recipe I tried recently relies solely on whipped egg whites for its “lift” – no baking powder or soda. Having never tried Roscoe’s waffles, I can’t tell you if these come close. But I can tell you that they were delicious. :) Here’s the link.

  16. amy says:

    Congratulations on your annivarsary! I prefer waffles over pancakes myself! I have yet to have Roscoes….

  17. Tawnia says:

    Oh yes, waffles—I know them well. I make waffles whenever my boys have a bunch of friends over to spend the night–so–about 4-5 times a year I make waffles for 7-10 teenage boys. There are NEVER any left to freeze and I make a triple batch. I like to try new recipes, but I think this one will have to be tried out when I am not going at a marathon pace. They certainly look wonderful!
    Congrats on your anniversary–love the pic of Jeremy and the furry kid!

  18. barbara says:

    This is the method I make our waffles with. Haven’t made them in ages, must look for my waffle maker, suspect one of the boys may have taken it when my back was turned.

    I’m happy you and Jeremy have been happily together so long. We chose 29th Feb as we had lived together for 7 years and celebrating a wedding anniversary seemed a bit silly. Now we do something special every 4 years. Spain being our last big celebration, we let 2008 merge into the year, so hoping we can do something in 2012.

  19. Nancy says:

    happy anniversary! :) thank you so much for your website, you have really inspired me to not just cook, but to love cooking.

  20. Astrid says:

    Given the quality of your blog, you have full license to rebel against the injunction in your blog’s name. After all, you make the rules here, and you can break them too. But may I suggest you also test a recipe for waffles with butter, and more importantly with yeast (rising overnight, such as the Cooks Illustrated recipe)? Definitely crispy on the outside, and so moist on the inside. You can even cut the amount of butter significantly, they’re still incredible (in my version you add eggs the next day, but I’m sure it’s similar in taste).

  21. keiko says:

    This post made me happy, Jen – your waffles look absolutely gorgeous and I love the photo of Jeremy and kaweah, so beautiful. Happy anniversary!

  22. Donna says:

    Happy anniversary! March is my anniversary month, too. I make a multi-grain waffle that my husband loves. There is something about that crispy exterior that just screams comfort food.

  23. TheKitchenWitch says:

    Happy Anniversary! I am the girl who eats leftover hot and sour soup for brekkie, so I understand your savory sensibilities!

    My grandmother made incredible waffles, and I think I do have the recipe somewhere! I’ll go digging and send it your way!

  24. Janet says:

    I love waffles, and we often have them on Sunday mornings. My favorite recipe is from the incomparable Rose Levy Berenbaum. I think I got it from her cookbook, The Cake Bible. Anyway, the recipe uses butter and sour cream, and she also separates the eggs. It really makes a rich yet light and crispy waffle. I recommend you try that one, too.

    And Happy Anniversary! My honey and I are married now almost 12 years and still so very very happy. I think people should talk about their happy marriages and relationships more, honestly. Why is it that people are shy to talk about them when things are going well, and eager to complain loudly about their mates when things are going south?

  25. Bethany says:

    I know! where did February go?? Happy anniversary…. we’ve only been married almost four months… I can’t begin to imagine 13 years!

    My dad made waffles every Saturday morning growing up, and he used a recipe that involved sour cream. I remember hating the batter and loving the waffles! Thanks for sharing your waffling adventures :-)

  26. Kristin says:

    Happy anniversary! Your waffle recipe is the very recipe we’ve used for most of our…holy cow…almost 22 years of marriage, except ours is straight from the book itself (it’s written very poorly with the salt not listed in the ingredients. We’ve only left it out once – not a mistake you want to repeat). Anyway, you definitely have to separate the eggs & beat those whites. Waffles made without that step are merely nasty pancakey things with square depressions!

  27. Tara says:

    Happy anniversary, Jen! Thought I would finally get off my duff and post – I’ve really been enjoying your blog since I discovered it.

    There is a place down the street from where I work that serves savory waffles, as well as sweet. The savory ones are served on the side with soups or salads (you haven’t lived until you eat a waffle soaked in tomato coriander soup), and also make tasty bread for sandwiches. I’m afraid i don’t have a recipe, though – my two boys (Doug and my 5-year old, Liam) are definitely more on the side of sweet breakfasts, so that’s what we make at home.

  28. Tartelette says:

    Happy Anniversary guys! I am so happy that you have each other. How could you not have the best when you are the bestest ?! :)


  29. JMc says:

    I love waffles…for dessert especially. Which is what this post has prompted me to do…make some dessert waffles. Right now. Hmmm….

    Happy Anniversary too!

  30. Kath says:

    I <3 how you & Jeremy celebrate every day together…not just the Hallmark days. Wishing you thousands & thousands more happy days together.


  31. Memoria says:

    HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! ¡FELIZ ANIVERSARIO! I am sure this month will be mucho mejor!! Take care!

  32. amy says:

    this is the same recipe i use — and the one my mom used nearly every weekend growing up. it was always a triple batch [5 kids] and we called them “oh boy waffles” because they are so good.

  33. Karen B says:

    Happy Anniversary! It’s a good day to celebrate love…along with pretty much every other day of the year!

    Have you tried sourdough waffles? I remember loving them as a kid, and I recently discovered I love them even more as an adult! It’s getting close to berry season, which is my favorite time to enjoy waffles – with berries and whipped cream. Mmmm. I also love them camping, we have a stovetop waffle iron that works great on a camp stove. Pretty much can’t go wrong with waffles in my book! Hope you find the recipe you’re looking for, I’m always up for trying a new waffle recipe!

  34. Ruth Ann says:

    Happy Anniversary! Wedded bliss is lovely.
    Your waffle photos are making me drool and I feel the need to make this recipe soon. Thanks for sharing.

  35. Mrs Ergül says:

    Waffle has been something I have been wanting to make too! But no waffle iron yet. I love mine a little browner and “airing” it for a minute before diving into it! That makes it real crispy!

  36. Diana Merrell says:

    I love waffles. Breakfast, lunch or dinner! I too need the hashbrowns, eggs and bacon. Happy anniversary!

  37. Carrie says:

    I never thought to oil the waffle iron which is why I never make waffles. I always end up with batter overflowing the sides and the waffles stuck to the iron. I think I’ll try these today as my son loves waffles (it is his waffle iron even).

  38. ally says:

    mmm havent whipped out the waffle maker in a long while. my fave are liege waffles.. the belgium kind that are already sweet and extra crunchy. all u need is powdered sugar!

  39. DrMeglet says:

    This is close to my Mom’s waffle recipe (originally from Joy of Cooking). Except she makes it with 3/4 cups whole wheat flour and 1 cup white flour, and maybe less milk. It’s fabulous. I’ve never tried another recipe, although I’m now intrigued by the suggestion of the one with yeast and butter.

  40. Daiming Zhu says:

    Wow… waffles…
    I’ve never really eaten waffles for breakfast, only as a snack in the form of those packaged ones. Much prefer bacon and eggs for brekkie too. But you make these look stunning! Great job!

  41. farmerpam says:

    Use real syrup. Our trees are tapped and we boiled today for the first time, earliest ever! Real butter, real maple syrup. I was already planning on sending the kids to school tomorrow with a belly full of waffles, will try your recipe. May you have many more happy years together!

  42. Diane and Todd says:

    Almost 18 years of effortless bliss! Please share your secrets!! It’s probably all the skiing that makes it so wonderful. And of course, the love from Kaweah and all that great food coming from your kitchen. Look at them waffles! need some now.
    You both are such giving, talented and amazing people, you have so many more years to come! Happy special day to you both.

  43. Dharm says:

    These waffles look fantastic! Both my kids love waffles so please make up a batch this weekend and we’ll pop over! LOL!! Happy Anniversary too!

  44. Melissa says:

    Happy Anniversary to you guys. xo

  45. dan says:

    Keep the waffle iron someplace you can see it and you’ll use it more. Also, definitely try overnight, yeast-risen waffles. By far my favorite.

  46. jenyu says:

    Thanks everyone for the anniversary wishes! You’re all so sweet :)

    Lorane – wow!! What a concept. I love it!

    Caitlin – yeah, I think unitaskers are justified if you plan to use them often – so make them waffles!!!

    Laura – yes, definitely cinnamon! I’ve only had them once, but I loved those waffles.

    Tamar – my dear, you should absolutely come and visit me. I’ll make waffles and Chinese food and all manner of goodies for you :) Thank you, my friend. Thank you xoxo

    Lisa – thanks for the link!

    Justine – thanks for the rec, that’s good to know as we travel through So Cal from time to time on road trips :)

    Dawn – thanks!

    Barbara – I hope you two go someplace wonderful in 2012 xo

    Nancy – awww, thank you :)

    Astrid – perhaps I’ll give it a go? Thanks for the suggestion!

    Keiko – oh!! you’re a sweetheart. Thanks for the kind wishes. Kaweah sends you wags and hugs xoxo

    TKW – thanks hon! I’d love to try it!

    Janet – I have her book – I didn’t even realize she had a waffle recipe in there. Will definitely check it out :)

    Bethany – the time flies when it’s good :)

    Tara – that sounds terrific, waffles with a side of soup?!?! I’m there.

    Tartelette – xoxo

    Kath – you’re such a love. Thanks!!

    Karen B – no, I haven’t, but I think I have to now :)

    Diane and Todd – ha ha, we’re lucky to have friends as wonderful and generous as you guys. Very very lucky.

  47. Dani says:

    When I was a kid, my mom used to pour half the batter into the waffle iron, lay down some strips of bacon, and then pour the rest of the batter. Bacon in the waffles! Man, that was good with some butter and syrup on top.

  48. rita says:

    perfect waffle recipe. thanks for posting.

  49. Amber says:

    Wondering what type of dog you have?

    I have been a silent admirer of your work for a while now :)
    My mother and I (I’m 20 she’s 38 and about to be married) were thinking of asking you about catering a wedding?

  50. jenyu says:

    Amber – Kaweah is a black lab. Sorry, I don’t cater and I definitely do not cater weddings :)

  51. Susan says:

    I, too am a waffle lover….Pecan waffles are my personal choice….unless i could return to Belgium and get hot waffles from a street vendor again….Man! THose were great waffles….I make them like you do as well….’cept not since waffle iron died. I want to get a Belgian one…they wouldn’t be the same, but still good I think.

  52. Weekend Special: breakfast in bed | Firstpost says:

    […] View recipe on Use Real Butter. […]

  53. SMÜRKO says:


  54. Waffle | Come on in, I hope you are hungry! says:

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