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it’s pretty out here

One more day of shooting and then I’m coming home late tonight. I’ll answer emails/questions after I return. For now, enjoy the flowers.

my favorite wildflower: california poppy

goldfields and owl’s clover

17 nibbles at “it’s pretty out here”

  1. Holly @ Unintended ByProducts says:

    O yeah it is. I live in an office with no windows. this shall be my background picture and it will *almost* be like being outside.

  2. Phoo-D says:

    Ah, sigh, so beautiful. There’s nothing prettier than a field of California poppies. I needed that. Thanks!

  3. gertrude says:

    The poppies are beautiful! We went there twice but didn’t get to see much of it. Once we went a bit too early and the 2nd time because of the lack of rain it all dries up. Hopefully we get to see it again one day.

  4. Memoria says:


  5. lily ng says:

    this is breathtaking

  6. Caitlin says:

    I can’t wait to actually see more flowers around where I am. Right now, all we have are daffodils. Lots and lots of daffodils.

  7. Collette says:

    Those poppies are gorgeous. Orange-red goodness.

  8. Ronine says:

    OMG – I love poppy fields!

  9. Nan @ tastingoutloud says:


  10. Lori says:

    Poppies, poppies, poppies…. theres no place like home, theres no place like home

  11. Patricia Scarpin says:

    You are so, so talented, Jen. :)

    I wish I lived nearby and could take part in that wonderful workshop. *sigh*

  12. Mark Scarbrough says:

    I can’t even speak.

  13. Mrs Ergül says:

    It sure is!!!!

  14. jenyu says:

    thanks, all! It was gorgeous out there :)

  15. Mollie says:

    your colors are amazing…

  16. Avanika (Yumsilicious Bakes) says:

    It sure is!!!

  17. Tokyo Terrace says:

    Breathtakingly beautiful photos. I love the first one especially- it makes me feel peaceful and serene. Thanks for sharing these!

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