baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

copyright jennifer yu © 2004-2023 all rights reserved: no photos or content may be reproduced without prior written consent

jam-packed busy with no end in sight

Thursday and Friday slipped away from me. Saturday is on the slippy slide too.

You know that hamster running furiously in the little hamster wheel? I’m that hamster. At least I’m keeping off the streets. I’ve got a few minutes to share some of photos from the last few days: learning to cook (freaking amazing!!!) Indian food from my dear Manisha and an early morning engagement shoot for one of my favorite buds in Boulder. More to come. It’s good that way, right? Right!?

the fabulous spices


ivy gourd (my favorite!)

chicken makhani (butter chicken)

batata vada

the feast (which manisha said was “simplified” – oh my!)

I got up at 4 in the morning Friday – but this time it was for friends rather than my usual nature shoot. Luckily, I know Jason is as insane as I am and willing to get up that early to work. He met me in the parking lot at 5:30 and helped me photograph my friend, Jeremy, and his lovely fiancée as the sun rose on the Flatirons at Chautauqua. Beautiful. Enjoy your weekend and I’ll be back with a recipe!

yay, there were still wildflowers!

amazing golden light

at the ranger cottage



15 nibbles at “jam-packed busy with no end in sight”

  1. Paula says:

    what a beautiful pics!

    have a nice time!

  2. Veronica says:

    What a lovely couple! Amazing lights!! Beautifull!

    I am busy as a beaver my self, as we speak I am remaking my to-do-list for the 300th time this summer I think. Un-employd doesn’t mean rest! I’ve got a house to tidy, we’ve got too much stuff… (and we all know why HE won’t help me, don’t we? Men!! Arh!). Try to get a job, send applications everywhere. Figure out where to send them, too… Manage two blogs. Breathe. (That is actually on my to-do-list!) Phew.

    I would go mad without to-do-list. I constantly move things around to have the important stuff FIRST, then just note down “needs to be done, some day” further down. But suddenly “some day” hits me, and I need to make room for something further up, moving something else away. No need to stress for stuff that can wait a day, a week, a month?

    You have an amazing job, but remember to put BREATHE on your list as well. We all need to!

  3. Elizabeth B says:

    Aw. They look so happy! :D Great photos.

  4. Y says:

    The food looks mouth watering! Love the engagement shots as well, especially the cottage one.

  5. Wei-Wei says:

    What a gorgeous couple. I can’t believe you’re learning to cook all that amazing stuff! Hoping you’ll share ;)


  6. Fiona says:

    I saw the engagement shots on FB, and they’re lovely. Even better here, with the white background to make the colors pop. They look so serene.

    In other news: OMFG that butter chicken. Excuse me while I go wipe off my chin.

  7. Gali says:

    Oh yes, that light in the photos is definitely worth getting up early for!

  8. Dgrub says:

    I always hated ivy gourd. Now looking at your photo, it seems that I need to give it a serious second try.

  9. Pei Lin says:

    We LOVE papadums!!! Everything in the Indian feast looks great! And the engagement photos are so sweet and warm!

  10. Stefan says:

    Hey Jen… ever plan on making the Chicken Makhani? It’s always been one of my favorites!

  11. Caitlin says:

    I adore Indian food – wish I knew how to cook it well though! And the engagement shoot looks adorable – I’m still thinking of ideas since ours will be this coming weekend (eek!).

  12. fotografiafoodie says:

    Beautiful photos. Well done. The food looks great as well ;)

  13. jenyu says:

    Stefan – yes, I do! When I have more time (probably in October) I’m going to make it the way Manisha taught me. But you can go to her site for her awesome recipe (it’s linked in the post).

    Caitlin – same here, which is why I love learning from Manisha because she’s the best! :)

  14. Kath says:

    Awww….Penguin & Soon-To-Be-Mrs.-Penguin!

    Awesome pix, Jen ;-)

  15. jopace says:

    A lovely couple! Some people just look like they belong together, and they have that look. Bless you in your relationship!!

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