baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

copyright jennifer yu © 2004-2023 all rights reserved: no photos or content may be reproduced without prior written consent

denver: hideaway steakhouse

Raffle winners: Thank you to everyone who donated to A Fund for Jennie and a special thanks to Maggy, Erika, and Aimée of Bloggers Without Borders for coordinating the raffle and donations on such a huge scale across the food blogosphere. We had 41 legitimate entries and Kaweah chose the numbers (or rather, ate the corresponding dog biscuits for): 48 and 66. Mod 41, that gives us #7 (Jenn) and #25 (Kaela). Congratulations to our winners! I’ll contact you shortly to arrange for your choice of photo!


I keep a long list of things to do. It’s not the normal list of errands, house maintenance, work, etc. It’s a special list for things that I will eventually get around to in either a few weeks or a few years – but I’m gonna do them. Things like the dozen or so baby quilts for which I have already collected the fabric, a care package to send around the globe, cookies to give to people who least expect them, or dinner with friends at another friend’s restaurant. Coordinating among multiple busy schedules means we have been attempting to get together for months, but we finally made it earlier this week. It was the first of many foreseeable dinners with this fine crew: Ellen, Manisha, and Kathya. We went around on email to figure out where to meet for dinner. There are so many choices, but I had been promising to visit my friend (and chef) Chris at his new restaurant since before it opened in Westminster, Colorado nearly six months ago. We’re all friends on Twitter and everyone agreed that Hideaway Steakhouse was the top of our list.

our own private dining room

I met Chris at my Food and Light workshop in Boulder in 2010 – one of our best students, a true sweetheart of a guy, and an incredibly talented chef and photographer. He told us Monday nights are generally quiet so he reserved the backroom just for us so we could dine, gab, and shoot photos to our hearts’ content. Such a great fella. The owners and manager came by to say hi and introduce themselves too. Hideaway Steakhouse is located in a predominantly residential area that is a bit of a food culture wasteland. The menu at Hideaway has the traditional steaks that you’d find at a steakhouse on one half, but the other half is where Chris gets to play and show off his culinary mastery.

chris offers so much more than just a steakhouse menu

manisha starts with a mojito

ellen soon learns that she’s fallen in with a camera-toting crowd

What I love about having dinner with my foodistas is that “they get it”. We all order something different so we can get a good sampling of the dishes. We share everything. No one dives into the food as soon as it arrives because we’re all getting our cameras ready (except for Ellen, who kept repeating “That’s a damn big camera!”). Oh, and they are absolutely hilarious, wonderful, amazing women. We had so much to tell one another that it took an hour before we finally figured out our order. But Chris took great care of us – he spoiled the hell out of us! We started with plates of his “lamb three ways” dish: braised lamb shank and goat cheese ravioli, lamb bacon (he cured it himself) sweet potato hash, and lamb tenderloin. Then we shared a couple of appetizers off the menu because everything was just too tempting to not sample a few.

lamb three ways: heavenly!

click click click

heirloom tomato carpaccio

ellen tries an escargot

Like I said, we each ordered something different so that we could share around. The entrées were off the hook and their accompaniments were equally sublime. Of all the dishes, I liked Manisha’s wild salmon the most. Really though, it was tough to pick a favorite because everything was so well prepared. My ribs were probably a tad drier than this southern Virginian prefers, but the mac and Manchego that came with it nearly had me slipping under the table in bliss. The two beef dishes were melt-in-your-mouth juicy tender awesome. Animals are delicious.

my berkshire pork st. louis ribs with haricot vert, mac and manchego

manisha’s wild salmon on pancetta, lobster-corn chowder with pesto

ellen’s tournedos of beef on roasted fingerling potatoes with braised swiss chard

kathya’s grilled roasted petit tender with gorgonzola polenta cake, eggplant salsa, basil pesto

At this point, I was about to go blind and asked to have the rest of my plate boxed to go. Then there was the nagging question, “Shouldn’t we try some dessert?” I normally don’t feel the need to eat dessert. But when you’re trying a place out and you know that the pastry chef is European and married to the chef, it’s sacrilege not to have some dessert. That’s what we told ourselves… We couldn’t decide, being blind and all, so Chris said he’d take care of it. And he did.

fresh and hot apple fritters with vanilla sauce

oreo mousse cake

giant chocolate chunk cookies with milk

I think he may have been trying to kill us. How can you possibly resist a fresh, hot apple fritter doused in vanilla sauce? Really people. I began to wonder if I’d fit in my car to go home. Contrary to the claims that we were about to pop, we each scarfed down a fritter because IT WAS THAT PHENOMENAL. What I (we) loved about the desserts was that none of them were overly sweet which allowed us to appreciate the flavors more. We failed in our mission to finish the desserts (I think the cookies were bigger than my face), but it was either that or drive into a ditch due to food coma.

chris came out to chat with us after the meal

I’m not much of a steakhouse kind of girl, but Hideaway Steakhouse is something else… something MORE. If you dine there, you will be in the most excellent hands of Chris Cina – a fine chef and delightful man. If you’re the meathead type, they’ve got you covered. If you prefer something more refined, Chris is your man. And don’t forget to save some room for the fabulous pastries. Hideaway Steakhouse brings classy eats to Westminster.

Hideaway Steakhouse
2345 W 112th Ave.
Westminister, CO 80234
Ph: (303) 404 9939
Twitter: @HideAwaySH
Facebook: Hideaway Steakhouse Facebook Page

Full Disclosure: Complimentary appetizers and desserts. All thoughts expressed are my own (duh!).

13 nibbles at “denver: hideaway steakhouse”

  1. Heather @CritterChronicles says:

    My husband and I went to Hideaway for our 10th anniversary in July and it was fabulous. I had the filet mignon with grilled sweet potatoes and roasted glazed baby carrots (all delish) and my hubby had the Colorado lamb chops – the most tender lamb we’ve had. It’s probably a good thing we live a couple hours south because this is too rich for our blood for regular occasions… but we already have plans to go back for next year’s anniversary, too.

  2. JelliDonut says:

    Adding the Hideaway Steakhouse to my list of “must try” places. Looks fabulous!

  3. Margie says:

    Kudos to Bloggers without Borders, and congratulations to Kaela and Jenn. (Special hugs to Miss K., too)

    The food looks delicious and amazing. I don’t know why I am viewing this at suppertime, especially since nothing in this cave looks inviting after romping through this eye-candy. ;)

  4. barbara says:

    Well done on the BWOB effort jen. Brilliant to have the dining room to yourselves and not be restricted to taking your photos from your chair. I like the idea of mac and cheese made with Machengo. Ima gunna try it. Hugs.xo

  5. Rumpy Drummond says:

    I am drooling! If I ever make it to Denver……

  6. kaela says:

    Thanks so much, Jen, for hosting the auction and helping to raise so much money for the Perillo Girls. BEYOND excited to have won! Congrats to my fellow winner, Jenn, and to all of us really: we’ve done a great thing together.

  7. Carol says:

    I never heard of the restaurant until now. Thanks so much for all the details! I can’t wait to try it out.

  8. myFudo says:

    Love your blog, Very nice pictures… so mouth watering. Your new reader :)

  9. amy says:

    i was there right after it opened….sooooo yummy! Didn’t get to meet Chris (bummer) but loved it. Must get back soon!

  10. Ruth Ann says:

    Very cool- both the auction and the blog post.

  11. Janet says:

    Did you go really early? If not, why were there no other diners? I’m about ready to jump on a plane and go for dinner tonight:))

  12. Christopher Cina says:

    Thanks for coming out Jen, was good to see you and catch up, the photos are beautiful. I hope you guys ate well :-) Look forward to seeing you again soon.

  13. jenyu says:

    barbara – the mac and manchego was lovely – tangy and creamy. So good!

    kaela – so true, so true!!

    Janet – as I mentioned in the post, Chris reserved the private room just for us.

    Chris – xxoo

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