baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

copyright jennifer yu © 2004-2023 all rights reserved: no photos or content may be reproduced without prior written consent

to you and yours

happiest of holidays to all of you

10 nibbles at “to you and yours”

  1. Bing Chou says:

    It’s a Christmas Miracle! I’m the first to leave a comment…never thought I’d beat out all of your early riser readers.

    Happy holidays y’all.

  2. Kristin says:

    And to you as well!

  3. Bri says:

    Happy Holidays to you, Jeremy and kaweah. All the best!

  4. Y says:

    Much love to you and your family! x

  5. Montserrat says:

    The same to you!!!
    Thanks for all!

  6. wanG says:

    this blog is so yummy…great blog.. keep up the great work..
    may you have a wonderful and prosperous new year 2012..
    do u mind if i add your blog in my favourite blog list?

  7. Mrs Ergül says:

    Wishing you, Jeremy and Kaweah the same!

  8. Margie says:

    ….right back at ‘cha ;)

  9. Cicada88 says:

    Jen, I truly enjoy your posts–the thoughtful and spirited writing, the gorgeous photog, the very nice mix of recipes, and appreciative and interesting comments on restaurants, friends, science, fabric creations etc. Your voice is one I’d gladly have if I did any of the things you do half as well (like you I’m an inveterate Trader Joes fan, love photography, have too many degrees, etc.) My biggest compliment tho is that I used two of your recipes tonight – the salt and pepper pork and the shrimp with honey walnuts, for my (original) Chinese-American family (southern Californian). I don’t cook much and my Hong Kong mom is a terrific cook, so cooking Chinese is a bit fraught. But–they loved it. I BBQ and cook western stuff for them when i go home but this was a first. Thanks so much for enabling me – it feels nothing less than a wonderful gift. T

  10. jenyu says:

    You are all so very sweet. Thank you and I am wishing each of you a wonderful, healthy, and joyous 2012. xo

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