baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

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archive for appetizers

going from hot to cold

Sunday, April 26th, 2009

Recipe: fried shrimp wontons

I’ve been hearing/reading about the broiler weekend everyone has been having on the East coast. Something to be said for the ridge-trough-ridge systems that march through. Our mild and sunny days in the mountains this week gave way to a thick fog this morning followed by drizzle and then… snow. I know some of you will grimace at the mention of snow as we’re almost into May, but if I didn’t like snow, I’d be (even more of) an idiot to live here, don’t you think? I like my snow and drizzle and frizzle and grauple and hail and t-storms and rain and sun. I love the weather. Makes me feel alive. Okay wait, I am not a fan of the winds here. THAT I could easily do without and since our wind season is over, it’s time to sand and oil the patio furniture again!

I must plug a new site that Chuck [of SND, of foodgawker, of many talents] has recently launched. It’s beautiful! It’s craftgawker! Go check it out – nice craft porn.

Speaking of crafts… I had a little gathering of my betties for another stitch-n-bitch, but this time only one knitter. Everyone else – well, we all worked on different projects: bee keeping, drawing, beading, and sewing. Here’s what came of my distracted efforts (there was a visiting puppy running around that needed to be played with, you know):

bright and little

handy wallet

**Jump for more butter**

what a kick!

Friday, April 17th, 2009

Recipe: herbed popovers

I thought I was done with winter. I should have known better. It’s a good thing I only put my skis away mentally, because we have a foot of snow on the ground outside this morning and there is at least another foot coming today and tomorrow. The ski whore season is alive and she is kicking!

this would have been better back in march, but i’ll take it!

Luckily the snow held off until most of my appointments and engagements were done Thursday. I met up with Nichole and Manisha at noon to get some education at the Indian grocery store. I love Indian food, but I know very little about preparing it or even what the ingredients are. Time to remedy that, don’t you think? I especially like when I ask Manisha her opinion on such-and-such Indian (or Nepalese) restaurant in Boulder and she gives me her trademark “how do I say this politely?” look. I’m on it, girlfriend. I will study and learn :)

indian bitter melon – beautiful and *more* bitter than chinese bitter melon!

**Jump for more butter**

bee there or be square

Saturday, April 11th, 2009

Recipe: chinese eggrolls

I had to wake up at 4 am yesterday because I needed to drink four more glasses of stuff before a medical procedure at 8 am. Okay, but here is the upside to rising that early…

moonset over the continental divide

We had a dusting of snow overnight and the whole world was awash with the glow of the full moon as she descended behind the mountains. Now you know why pre-dawn is my favorite time of day!

use real butter is in maintenance mode this morning, which should be completely transparent to you. If you don’t run normal backups, it might be a good time to start!

Today, I’m guest blogging over at Rasa Malaysia, which is one of my main sources for seriously ass-kicking Chinese and other Asian recipes. Bee has mouth-watering recipes and gorgeous photos to match them. To say it is an honor to guest post for her is an understatement. If you have never visited Rasa Malaysia before, you are in for a serious treat. Please hop on over, say hi, and get hungry! I made some egg rolls for ya.

chinese egg rolls (wrapped in spring roll wrappers)

sweet eggrolls with sweet red bean paste