baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

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fun times

Sunday, March 29th, 2009

Recipe: goat cheese croquettes

[We’ve got puppies, ski porn, movies, and food today. Does it get better than this?]

Do you ever find that time does strange things when you are really busy? I do. I like to pack things into each day and when I have several days or weeks like that lined up, time seems to slow down. Sort of the opposite of Einstein’s theory of Special Relativity. We left this past Thursday morning for Winter Park/Mary Jane and it feels like it was over a week ago. The whole region got a good bit of snow – something we desperately need for the health of our forests, wildlife, and our water supply. It doesn’t hurt the skiing either.

Jeremy and I spent all of our time in the glades (super soft powder), on the bumps, and in the bowls. Amazing. We usually head home after a day of tele, but this time we spent the evening with my friend who lives near Winter Park. He drives dog sleds. Actually, he doesn’t just drive dog sleds, he runs the business. We got to meet his sweet and beautiful wife, baby girl, and their 80+ gorgeous Huskies. I spent a little time with the sled pups in the morning before we hit the slopes on Friday.

mesmerizing eyes


**Jump for more butter**

twinkie or an egg

Friday, March 13th, 2009

Recipe: soy sauce eggs

I have always had this thing for the number 13 – I like it (in part because it is a prime number). And Friday the 13th is even better because I love Fridays. But the best thing about Friday the 13th? I always get an email from my friend, Jack. He usually tells me he misses me and Jeremy or that he hopes to see us next time we’re in So Cal. And then he ends with JASON JASON JASON KILL KILL KILL! This has been going on for over 16 years. I got one of his emails this morning right before we left the house. A great start to a fantastic day.

powder + bumps + breckenridge = sweetness

It really feels like spring skiing, which I’m not all that thrilled about because it gets so darn hot. However, the fresh powder overnight and the bluebird conditions today are pretty hard to beat. Breck was surprisingly unbusy and we hit freshies all morning. By afternoon, the powder became heavy, the runs were getting tracked up, I was sweating like a pig, and my quads were on fire.

totally worth the pain

jeremy hunts for pockets of powder

**Jump for more butter**

an even dozen

Monday, March 2nd, 2009

Recipe: grilled prosciutto-wrapped shrimp

Jeremy turned to me yesterday and said in a surprised tone, “We’re married!” He still can’t get believe we are married, but we are. Twelve years as of yesterday (Sunday). I think I finally got used to it about two years ago, but I don’t think of us as married so much as a really good team. We didn’t do anything special to celebrate. We didn’t need to. Every day is a good day.

enjoying the little things in life

Last Thursday night we went into Denver to see Andrew Bird at the Ogden Theater. Andrew Bird… Andrew Bird… He makes me swoon. Heck, he makes Jeremy swoon. One of our favorite artists and it is quite the experience to see him perform live – 20 feet from us! What a treat. Then we went to Breckenridge on Saturday to ski up the bumps.

and it was good

**Jump for more butter**