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archive for cake

last day of summer

Friday, September 22nd, 2006

And look what it’s doing on the last day of summer!!!


[EDIT] as of 10:15 pm

Actually, there are a couple of inches of snow accumulation on our deck as I type. That’s a spankin’ sweet birthday gift and introduction to autumn (for tomorrow)!

**Jump for more butter**

cake disasters

Tuesday, February 21st, 2006

Lately a lot of folks have been experiencing dessert fiascos (Carrie’s neoclassic buttercream, Nicole’s lemon tart, and Elena’s I don’t know what). Not to be left out, I have one of my own tonight in progress. I was enticed by Julia’s (Child, of course) recipe for Boca Negra – an almost flourless chocolate cake. I even went to the liquor store to buy bourbon for this recipe.

it starts with sugar and bourbon

everything goes as expected up to and including pouring the batter

**Jump for more butter**