baked oats green chile chicken enchiladas chow mein bakery-style butter cookies

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archive for chinese

barely conscious

Tuesday, October 14th, 2008

Recipe: chinese stir-fried beef noodles

Can’t think. I’m tired and there were so many pictures and observations from today that I wouldn’t know where to begin. So I won’t just yet.

But there is a recipe…. because it is my dad’s birthday today. I think most people associate birthdays with cake, but I associate birthdays with noodles per the Chinese tradition.

My dad is the CEO of the house and my mom is the CFO. Dad likes management speak, because he was a manager as well as an engineer. When I was in college, they sent me a check for my birthday one year. My father told me, “I have authorized Mommy to release some funds for your birthday present.” What a hoot.

goofing off with dad at kris’ wedding

at my college graduation

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she’s gonna blow!

Monday, October 6th, 2008

Recipe: lime meltaways

It’s a good thing we didn’t end up settling in the Bay Area, because I would have died a long time ago from eating way too much of the incredible food here – and I’m only talking about the Chinese food. If I lived here, I’d get to sample all of the OTHER food too, just that when we’re visiting Grandma, we eat what she likes, and that would be Chinese food.

passion fruit bubble milk tea, green tea slushy, passion fruit slushy

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what i learned

Tuesday, September 23rd, 2008

Recipe: chinese pork rib soup

Today is a special day. It’s my birthday. But that’s not why the day is special. It’s because two of my good friends share the same birthday with me… and Amy’s twin brother – so make that three!

colorful understory

I received in my email yesterday the best birthday message ever:

Greetings from the future, where it’s already your birthday. The dawning of your birthday in the antipodes was ushered in with the beating of drums, ceremonial dance and breakfast sashimi. Australia has been given a public holiday to mark the occasion, but it is strongly suggested that we either take to the grassy slopes of a nearby park for some mock telemark skiing, or join with other groups at the harbour foreshore for the Grand Crab Boil. At dusk, many Australians will gather with friends, lay down mats facing towards Nederland, Colorado and chant JEN, JEN, JEN…whilst prostrating themselves.

Then we will probably watch some TV.

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